the dissident frogman

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A comment by Valerie, the other on Pop Goes the Karma ♠ C'est l'Karma Que V'la

Dan, Did you think the men and women who died in Desert Storm did so for nothing? Though I disagreed with President Clonton's dicision to bomb the Serbs and send troops to the historic mess that is the Balkans, I supported, and still do, the Americans serving there. Never would I say they are doing so for nothing. You state that you do not care about Iraqis (and thus also the Kurds). Why are they any less deserving of the chance to live in peace and freedom than the Kuwaitis and the Bosnians? They are not. Should our troops be pulled before the job is done, that would most certainly reduce their sacrifice to "nothing". Again, to all verterans and active service personnel, thank you for safeguarding our coutnry and for defending our freedoms. But that service does not entitle one to shut down discussion with one who is in opposition to your point of view by weilding that experience as a trump card. For if experience is the only criteria to be able to express an opinion, than all those braying in the streets of London should be told that their opinion is of no validity as well.

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