the dissident frogman

20 years and 11 months ago

Pop Goes the Karma ♠ C'est l'Karma Que V'la

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Article copy

In a former life, I must have been a Communist.

Surely I deceived, starved, repressed, oppressed, imprisoned, tortured, terrorized, exploited, despoiled and murdered my human brothers and sisters as only the Communists can do.

For there can be nothing else but a karmic explanation to the fact that I'm ending up in this life as a citizen of a country afflicted with a malignant tumor such as the Galouzeau [de Villepin (Patent pending)] at the Exogenous Malpractices Foreign Affairs.

You see, pertaining to the situation in Iraq, Shiraq's powdered monkeys is at it, again :
Dominique de Villepin said a UN representative should be appointed to work alongside Mr Bremer, with the aim of handing power a representative assembly of Iraqis by the end of 2003. "The international community cannot wait any longer," he said.
Me so very sorry Massa, but are we talking about the same international community that was lethally patient towards the former "assembly" of Iraqis, just before the Coalition put and end to the expansion of uncultivable lands caused par mass inhumations and terminated the abject regime that was benefiting from its unshakable and complacent patience?
Me so very sorry again Massa, but are we talking about the same UN that appointed the aforementioned abject regime at the chairmanship of its Commission for the - I'm still vomiting out of indignation and shame about it - Disarmament?

If these are the ones, then I think I'm going to not care about them a bit more, thank you.
How many deaths does it take to understand that it is essential to change the approach?
Well that, I dunno.

Saddam was up to 2 millions and, God strike my adult male attributes at this very instant, you were, Sire Galouzeau [de Villepinٙ (Patent pending)] the most resolute and resonant organ to be heard in order to precisely change nothing in the approach and let him carry on.

Consequently, I'd say the answer to this villepinnian question is: depends.

Depends of the context, depends who's asking and who's asked. That's Zeropean (yes, me too) subtlety at work. Nothing is either black or white they say.

Everything is "Well that, I dunno. Depends on our best interest."

Our hand is held out to our American friends...
"All around the cobbler's bench, The monkey chased the weasel....»
... because the challenge affects us all...
"... The monkey thought't was all in fun, Pop! goes the weasel....»
...The security of the world...
"...A penny for a spool of thread, (C'mon! Everybody brothers-and-sisters clap your hands!) A penny for a needle....» at stake."
"... That's the way the money goes, Pop! goes the weasel.»

Damn, sorry, I wasn't paying attention. You were saying? What? Nothing else but the usual ambassador refrain and diplomat chorus?

Now that's a relief. I was afraid I missed something essential.

Having said that, I scarcely heard Tumor Dominique vouchsafing prepared answers to authorized questions from the broadcasted made-up stories this morning, and my desperate efforts to fall back to sleep in order to investigate further on a vague memory of oneiric wantonness with various complaisant feminine entities were totally ruined by the infatuated echoes of the powdered monkey (that became my new scale for the estimation of the conceit of "nightmare" actually : cling to fragments of dreams filled with long silky hair and superbly feminine soft curves just to find yourself expelled by the intonations of the French Minister of Exogenous Malpractices. Nameless horror.)
However, the beast found a mean to put his brand new "our American friends" leitmotiv twice in hardly two sentences.

That's alarming.

If you consider that France cast herself vigorously as the champion of morality in words just to hang out with the worst scum of humanity in facts, when her progeny starts calling you a "friend" with the same insistence, it can only mean one thing.

There's another stab in the back coming soon.

Say, do you know this one Dominique?
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me,
Guess I'll go eat worms,
Long, thin, slimy ones; Short, fat, juicy ones,
Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy wuzzy worms.

Down goes the first one, down goes the second one,
Oh how they wiggle and squirm.
Up comes the first one, up comes the second one,
Oh how they wiggle and squirm.
C'mon. Everybody clap your hands.
Mitch just sent me a link to the Worms lyrics that includes the tune.

All right who's in for a karaoke?
Mitch, you wouldn't be wisecracking on me would you? Would you?

Then please explain that.

Mine eyes have seen the horror of the coming of the frogs? on the Battle Hymn of the Republic?

Ribbit Mitch, ribbit.

Article copy (alternate language)

Dans une vie antérieure, je devais être un communiste.

J'ai certainement abusé, affamé, réprimé, oppressé, incarcéré, torturé, terrorisé, exploité, spolié et assassiné mes frères et soeurs humains comme seuls les communistes peuvent le faire.

Car je ne peux trouver qu'une explication karmique au fait que je me retrouve, dans cette vie, citoyen d'un pays affligé d'une tumeur maligne telle que le Galouzeau [de Villepin (En cours d'homologation)] aux Malversations Exogènes Affaires Etrangères.

Voyez vous, concernant la situation irakienne, le singe poudré de Shirak remet ça :
Dominique de Villepin a déclaré qu'un représentant de l'ONU devait être nommé aux côtés de M. Bremer, dans le but de transmettre le pouvoir à une assemblée représentative d'irakiens avant la fin 2003.
"La communauté internationale ne peut pas attendre plus longtemps," a-t-il dit.
Faites excuse ah not' bon Monsieur, mais parlons nous bien de la même communauté internationale que celle qui était mortellement patiente à l'égard de la précédente "assemblée" irakienne, juste avant que la Coalition ne mette un terme à l'expansion des terres incultivables pour raisons d'inhumations de masse et n'en finisse avec le régime immonde bénéficiant de sa patience inébranlable et complaisante ?
Faites encore excuses ah not' bon Maître, mais parlons nous bien de la même ONU que celle qui avait chargé ledit régime immonde de la présidence de sa Commission du - j'en vomis encore d'indignation et de honte - Désarmement ?

S'il s'agit bien de celles là, alors je crois que je vais encore m'en foutre un petit peu. Merci.
Combien de morts faut-il pour comprendre qu'il est essentiel de changer d'approche ?
Ben ça, chaipas.

Saddam en était à 2 millions et, Dieu frappe mes attributs de mâle adulte à l'instant même, vous fûtes, Messire Galouzeau [de Villepinٙ (En cours d'homologation)], le plus ferme et sonore organe à se faire entendre pour précisément ne pas changer d'approche et le laisser continuer.

J'imagine en conséquence que la réponse à cette villepinienne question est : ça dépend.

Ca dépend du contexte, de qui pose la question et à qui elle est posée. C'est la subtilité Zeropéenne (oui, moi aussi je m'y mets) à l'oeuvre. Rien n'est ni blanc ni noir parait-il.

Tout est "Ben, ça chaipas. Ça dépend de ce qui est dans notre interêt."

Notre main est tendue vers nos amis Américains...
"Pan, pan, qui c'est qu'est là ?...»
... car ce challenge nous affecte tous...
"... C'est Polichinelle Mam'zelle...»
...La sécurité du monde...
"...Pan, pan, (Allez! Tout le monde frères-et-soeurs tape dans ses mains!) qui c'est qu'est là ? ...»
...est en jeu."
"... C'est Polichinelle que v'là.»

Mince, désolé, je ne faisais pas attention. Vous disiez ? Rien d'autre que les rengaines d'ambassadeur et les ritournelles de diplomate?

C'est un soulagement. J'avais peur d'avoir manqué quelque chose d'essentiel.

Cela dit, j'ai vaguement entendu Dominique la Tumeur condescendre à fournir des réponses préparées aux questions autorisées des affabulations radiodiffusées ce matin, et mes effort désespérés pour replonger dans le sommeil en vue d'investiguer plus avant sur un vague souvenir de promiscuité onirique avec de diverses et complaisantes entités féminines ont été totalement ruinés par les échos infatués du singe poudré (ce qui est devenu ma nouvelle échelle d'estimation du concept de "cauchemar" d'ailleurs : s'agripper à des bribes de rêves emplis de longues chevelures soyeuses et de courbes charnelles superbement féminines et s'en voir expulsé aux intonations du Ministre français des Malversations Exogènes. Horreur sans nom.)
Quoi qu'il en soit, l'animal a trouvé le moyen de placer à deux reprises son nouveau leitmotiv "nos amis américains " en tout juste deux phrases.

C'est assez alarmant.

Si l'on considère que la France se pose vigoureusement comme champion de la moralité en paroles pour s'acoquiner avec la lie de l'humanité dans les actes, lorsqu'elle se met à vous traiter "d'ami" avec la même insistance, cela ne peut signifier qu'une chose.

Il y a un autre coup de couteau dans le dos pour bientôt.

Sinon, tu la connais celle là Dominique?
Un roi tombe en asticot
La cause n'est pas entendue
L'asticot devient le roi
Et la danse continue

La charogne est bon fumier
Elle devient vite moissons
Et elle nourrit la nation
Les hommes, les veaux, les poissons
Allez. Tout le monde tape dans ses mains.
Mitch vient juste de m'envoyer un lien vers les paroles de Worms qui inclue la ritournelle.

Qui est partant pour un karaoke?
Mitch, vous n'seriez pas en train de vous payer ma tronche n'est-ce pas ? N'est-ce pas ?

Alors veuillez expliquer ceci.

Mes yeux ont vu l'horreur de l'arrivée des grenouilles? sur l'Hymne de Bataille de la République ?

Croac Mitch, croac.



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the dissident frogman

I own, built and run this place. In a previous life I was not French but sadly, I died.


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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (19)

1010 - Mitch

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Where did you hear that wonderful song? I remember it from my childhood, but I thought suicidal gestures for the elementary school set had gone completely out of fashion.

1011 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Never had the pleasure to hear it I'm afraid. But this is where our collective transnational electronic memory, blankly called "the Internet" comes in handy. I guess I just Googled my way to your childhood and found that little gem. Pop goes the weasel. Perfect match. I just couldn't believe my eyes.
Time to take sides

1012 - Brett

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To Dominique de Villepin: Votre mère était un porc, et votre père était perverti.

1013 - Valerie. the other

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  • Valerie. the other

There was a time when France thought freedom worth fighting for. She sent 10,000 of her sons to fight in the American Revolution. Thousands of them died in that struggle to be free. That was then, this is now. Unless you are extending that hand to wipe Chirac's spittle off the face of Lady Liberty, suggest you keep your hads to yourself de Villepin.

1014 - Ms. Andi

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Has anyone here read De Villepin's poetry? Personally, I rather listen to Stone Phillips read "The Story Of O" than put myself through that horror.

1015 - John

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A most excellent and inspired posting, Great FoW...a classic really, one of your best. I sincerely hope that you and the like-minded citizens of your once-great republic will be able to reclaim your land and send those who would deter you packing off to, oh, I dunno, Belgium or something. (not to imply that you would forcibly send them there, but rather anticipating that they would flee on their own accord, the bureaucracy being so convivial.) Or they could come to the states and register as democrats. No, I'd rather not even kid about that. You are courageous, gifted, and astute, and if it were in my power I'd make you an honorary U.S. citizen. (Actually, I know a senator so let me get back to you on that one. You and Winston Churchill sharing the same honor...I may be a little ahead of the curve on this matter but not, I trust, by much.) Anyway, I'll be back to click on paypal unless I discover you're independently wealthy.

1016 - Lothar

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Nice to see a fellow European taking a stand for America.

1017 - Dan

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Yet more Americans dying for nothing, I don't care about Iraqis I care about Americans - bring our boys home. If you think Iraq will ever be a democracy you need a lesson in Middle East politics.

1018 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Dan: >> "If you think Iraq will ever be a democracy you need a lesson in Middle East politics." I therefore assume you induce that the Iraqis are a people of natural born slaves. You probably need a lesson in behavioral science and moral philosophy. >> "Yet more Americans dying for nothing," Die for nothing really? Allow me to disagree. Unlike you, they were masters of their fate in the army of free men of the longest lasting democracy, under attack by a terrorism that is but the vanguard of an insidious tyranny. Unlike you, they chose to fight back, at all cost. Unlike you, they understood that freedom shall never be taken for granted and they decided to take the burden of defending it. Unlike you, they understood that at the turn of this century, the same kind of totalitarianism that their elders crushed repeatedly is on the rise again, and determined to destroy America and the fundamental values of civilization she stands for. Unlike you, they gave everything to ensure that their parents and grand-parents' sacrifice wasn't vain. Who the hell are you to call that "nothing" and to criticize their commitment? If you think America will ever be safe if her boys stop hunting her enemies down, you also need a lesson in history. That includes recent history. Like two years back from now for instance. But then, maybe that's precisely what you wish for? That said, in my book you have the right to disagree. Voice your opposition to the politicians, to the diplomats, to the government at your heart's content. You will be morally wrong as far as I'm concerned (And that's to say the least. You don't want to hear what I would really think about you), since I have no consideration whatsoever for people who spend more energy to oppose democracies and democrats than they do for dictatorships and terrorists. But nobody should take that right away from you. Yet when it comes to the brave men and women who put their lives in the balance to defend that right, the very least you can do is disagree silently and pay some respect to them. Yes, I do mean "Shut up and salute." One last thing: since you called them "our" boys, I take it you're an American expat in the French speaking part of Canada right? Because your IP shows that you're posting from Montreal. No big surprise that you're so keen on bringing Americans home. Must be awful down there.
Time to take sides

1019 - Dan

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>Unlike you, they were masters of their fate in the army of free men >of the longest lasting democracy, under attack by a terrorism that is >but the vanguard of an insidious tyranny. Unlike you, they chose to >fight back, at all cost. Yawn. I was an Officer in the Armed forces; I served in the first Gulf War (with the 2nd ACR) and we were the first in Bosnia in 1995 (1/4 Cav) while you French had your thumbs up your asses - so save the lecture and patronizing, been there, done that. I don't need a lesson in modern warfighting least of all from you. I know about sacrifice and I know BS when I see it. The current mission has merde all over it. We will win the "war on terror" just like we won the "war on drugs", the "war on poverty" etc As Sun Tzu succintly put it; "know thy enemy" - if the enemy is terror then you better dig in 'cause terror is a strategy in itself as old as combat. >One last thing: since you called them "our" boys, I take it you're an >American expat in the French speaking part of Canada right? >Because your IP shows that you're posting from Montreal. >No big surprise that you're so keen on bringing Americans home. >Must be awful down there. LOL actually i'm a tax compliance attorney, do you know what that is DF? If you do it would come as no surprise that I work on both sides of the border. In case you didn't know it business is brisk between the US and our largest trading partner - Canada, and I have to take care of all my clients - both American and Canadian. Like every free market capitalist I appreciate free trade and I hate wasting my time. Bon chance! Dan - who lives in the real world