the dissident frogman

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A comment by the dissident frogman on Le Blog of La Résistance

As I'm a libertarian, its hard for me to understand why you would want to outlaw a political party. Oh, yeah. I heard about those libertarians. BTW, the storming of the Bastille was hardly a "bloodbath." Indeed, the event was a rather bloodless affair driven largely by middle-class merchants and artisans; hardly the rabble that is generally portrayed in the more romantic and mythologized tales. My, my, my... You're beyond ignorance here, up to the point where it gets simply outrageous. A mob parading in the streets of Paris with chopped heads, hands and torsos of the Bastille's guards on pikes is what you call "a rather bloodless affair driven largely by middle-class merchants". Right. I would expect this kind of gullible conception of the French revolution from somebody who, like me, was taught the Socialist myth in the school of La République, and who never had the curiosity to do his own work afterward. I mean, even Lenin and Pol Pot where very aware that the "liberty equality fraternity" thing was just for the show. Looks like you, on the other hand, really believe the bullshit. Outstanding. You must be one of those "naive Americans" they keep telling us about down here.

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