the dissident frogman

19 years and 9 months ago

Le Blog of La Résistance

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Jack says "Let The People Talk" and although I know by experience that all it really means is that Jack will listen to what The People say if, and only if, The People say exactly what Jack wants to hear, this is nonetheless an excellent occasion to say, as the smallest unit constituting The People:

hear hear Jack-O, here goes a big fat "No".

For this is indeed the only occasions you could see me queuing at the ballot - the rest of the time, it's simply pointless and worthless. As it happens, your choice in any French poll is pretty much between "alleged Socialist #1", "determined Socialist #2", "unrepentant Socialist #3" and "hypocritical Socialist #4, the one who calls himself Right wing".

Or you can vote Communist, since the party of the 100 million murders is regrettably not illegal yet.

Anyway, as Jack announced on Bloodbath Bastille Day 'So The People shall talk, so shall it be done', now is a good time to trigger the necessary countermeasures to the French EUrocrats' propaganda. It just so happen (today) that la Resistance is back, and as usual when you need to save France's ass or/and put some sense back in those misguided and deluded French, it's coming from London.

And before you ask, yes, I know the guy, and no, it's not me.

The thing is in French, but Gustave Le Resistant exposes his purposes in English right here.

Let's not forget what it's all about.

Article copy (alternate language)

Jacques a dit "Que Le Peuple Parle" et bien que je sache d'expérience que tout ce que cela signifie, c'est que Jacques écoutera ce que Le Peuple dit si, et seulement si, Le Peuple dit exactement ce que Jacques veut entendre, c'est néanmoins une excellente occasion de dire, en tant que plus petite unité constituante dudit Peuple :

Ecoutez Jacques mon bon, voici un bon gros "Non".

C'est d'ailleurs la seule occasion où vous me verrez faire la queue aux urnes - le reste du temps, ça n'a tout simplement ni sens ni interêt. De fait, votre choix à n'importe quel scrutin français se définit entre "Socialiste prétendu n°1", "Socialiste déterminé n°2", "Socialiste impénitent n°3" et "Socialiste hypocrite n°4, celui qui se dit de droite".

Sinon, vous pouvez toujours voter Communiste, puisque le parti des 100 millions de meurtres n'est malheureusement toujours pas illégal.

Bref, considérant que Jaques a annoncé pour le Quatorz-Euh Juillet 'Ainsi, Le Peuple doit Parler, Ainsi le Peuple Parlera', c'est donc le bon moment pour activer les contre-mesures nécéssaires à la propagande des EUrocrates français. Il se trouve justement (aujourd'hui) que la Résistance est de retour, et comme il est de coutume lorsqu'il faut sauver le cul de la France et/ou remettre un peu de plomb dans la cervelle de ces français mal conseillés ou simplement dupés, ça vient de Londres.

Et avant que vous ne posiez la question, oui, je connais le gars, et non, c'est pas moi.

La chose est en français, mais Gustave Le Résistant expose ses intentions en anglais ici.

N'oublions pas de quoi il retourne.



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (3)

1522 - Guillaume

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Born in 1981, I've always been taught at school that Europe was the greatest thing ever, that all the people that were once fighting each other will unite from now on under the blue flag with twelve stars, no wait, 15, no wait... I just voiced two questions, thanks to you: 1) Do we need politics when free trade can achieve the same thing faster and cheaper? 2) The flag being blue, I'm afraid of what that means? Won't it be like a big France, where looters of useless talkers will decide for us what's good and what's not? For having me overcome more than twenty years of brainwashing, I really thank you, DF.

1523 - Gary Gunnels

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As I'm a libertarian, its hard for me to understand why you would want to outlaw a political party. BTW, the storming of the Bastille was hardly a "bloodbath." Indeed, the event was a rather bloodless affair driven largely by middle-class merchants and artisans; hardly the rabble that is generally portrayed in the more romantic and mythologized tales.

1524 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

As I'm a libertarian, its hard for me to understand why you would want to outlaw a political party. Oh, yeah. I heard about those libertarians. BTW, the storming of the Bastille was hardly a "bloodbath." Indeed, the event was a rather bloodless affair driven largely by middle-class merchants and artisans; hardly the rabble that is generally portrayed in the more romantic and mythologized tales. My, my, my... You're beyond ignorance here, up to the point where it gets simply outrageous. A mob parading in the streets of Paris with chopped heads, hands and torsos of the Bastille's guards on pikes is what you call "a rather bloodless affair driven largely by middle-class merchants". Right. I would expect this kind of gullible conception of the French revolution from somebody who, like me, was taught the Socialist myth in the school of La République, and who never had the curiosity to do his own work afterward. I mean, even Lenin and Pol Pot where very aware that the "liberty equality fraternity" thing was just for the show. Looks like you, on the other hand, really believe the bullshit. Outstanding. You must be one of those "naive Americans" they keep telling us about down here.