the dissident frogman

Reader comment

A comment by the dissident frogman on Read my lips

Well, let's keep our heads cool people, we're not headed for the Oscar ceremony (Yet? Imagine a French terrorist mime among the Beverly Hillbillies...) - even though I'm very happy with the, er, fallout.

So, here's a bit of would-be Oscar speech:

Thanks to all of you for the compliments - and for spreading my clowneries around, as the only currency I'm being paid with is feedback (that usually comes straight from the Linkage Bank).

Thanks to those of you who didn't give up on me during the past year's long hiatus - while I was busy following misleading and treacherous career trails. I won't start naming names, you know who you are.

Of course, I suspect there is a slight contradiction in terms between a "mime" and an Oscar "speech", but what the hell.


That's decided already: the black balaclaved French terrorist will return.

People seem to like him, and as a good Capitalist, I always cater for the demand...

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