I wish I could say that I am surprised. As I write this President Bush is speaking at a re-enlistment celebration on the 30th anniversity of the volunteer military. That's right our country, its citizens and its Constitution are defended by volunteers and most of those who liberated France were volunteers. Can we rightly ask volunteers to once again liberate France if needed? No, that would be a crime against honor of every soldier who fought and who died for the principles held by those brave souls that see a higher purpose for their lives. I saw this coming during the late 60's and it is spreading like a virus. Today the same attitude is metastisizing in Canada. This must be confronted with a disciplined adherence to the time-honored moral values. The sickness of post-modern anti-values cannot live in the light of reason and the world will need guidepost for the day they recognize they are lost. Americans, true Americans and their rational allies around the world will lead them back from the edge of moral armageddon they seem hell-bent on achieving.
Intergalactic Capitalist