the dissident frogman

20 years and 6 months ago

Donkey Does the Dance ♠ Les Anes Dansent la Danse

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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I'm not American and I'm not familiar with American institutions such as the Senate Intelligence Committee.

But this does sound quite un-American to me.

As for Mr. Rockfeller's concerns:
"This is not a game," he said. "This is a question of how did we get into this war."
This is not a game indeed, and this is how you got into this war.

At the very least, this is why.

Article copy (alternate language)

Je ne suis pas américain et je ne suis pas au fait des institutions américaines tel que le Senate Intelligence Committee.

Mais ceci me semble contraire aux principes américains.

Concernant les inquiétudes de M. Rockfeller :
"Ce n'est pas un jeu," a-t-il déclaré. "C'est la question de savoir comment nous nous sommes retrouvé dans cette guerre."
Ce n'est pas un jeu en effet, et voici comment vous vous êtes retrouvé dans cette guerre.

Ou pour le moins, voilà pourquoi.



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (8)

984 - Valerie. the other

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  • Valerie. the other

Do not try to sue the frogman. He will turn your lawyers into a big pot of chili. Without beans. ....

985 - Valerie. the other

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  • Valerie. the other

Sorry good readrs, commented under the wrong post. Howver do wish one could make chili out of certain members of the Senate (Un) Intelligence Committee. If ever there was an augst body of fools it is they.

986 - Damian Bennett

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M. DF, The Senate Intelligence Committee is an august sub-assembly of senators who convene for the purposes of posturing as in-the-know while chasing down spent information. Its recent achievements include: a) smiling on the Torricelli rule, wherein the CIA forbade the hiring of anyone but altar boys, girl scouts, and just nice people as operatives in places like Saddam-Iraq and Taliban-Afghanistan; b) overlooking Mr. bin Laden detailing his terrorist program year-in and year-out in mainstream media prior to 09.11. They had a devil of a time figuring out what the 1993 attack on the WTC was all about. And just who blew up those embassies in Kenya? Senators who sit on this venerable committee can be recognized by the handsome armor-plate protecting the seat of their intelligence. DGB

987 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Most esteemed Damian, AKA Frogman's first signatory and provider of death cards (those are right in front of me as I write, actually) among other merits. Thanks for the detailed information. I believe we have some of these venerables down are as well. Or, should I say, lots of these. In fact, I even believe we invented them at some point.
Time to take sides

988 - Boogs

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DF, i wouldn't worry about the politicizing too much. It's making many Americans like myself sick and it showed in yesterdays elections, where Democrats lost the 2 governerships that were up for re-election. Maybe they will wise up soon...

989 - Nightfly

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DF - You have to understand, politics is all they have left. They have entirely forgotten WHY the Founders formed this country and its government, and are left only with the means, which they do because they do because they must do. To which end? They haven't the foggiest idea. My home state (New Jersey) went rather poorly in yesterday's elections. We've gone majority Democrat in the state assembly and state senate. Then again, this is a state which allowed its Republican party to succesfully sue to force ITS OWN VOTER-CHOSEN CANDIDATE into a primary before the gubernatorial election two years ago, and allowed its Democrat party to successfully sue to allow a new US Senatorial candidate onto the ballot five weeks before election day last year. (The law forbids any such entries within 50 days.) Why should 2003 be any different? I also regret to say that Bob "the Torch" Toricelli is a home-grown product of ours. We apologize.

990 - OL

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Yes very concerning indeed... this is very sad (and common) drift of "political game". The part about the lack of cooperation from the White House is also concerning.

991 - Papertiger the Californian

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  • Papertiger the Californian

We are seeing a new age of Politic. Blogs are the Democrats worst nightmare. Computers are shaping elections in America. We can instantly look up asshatted politicals and their underhanded shenanigans right at the polling booth. The only thing that is really lacking is a designated Ubergeek to take the democratic demigods of our collective State houses by the hand and show them directly, firsthand what a palm pilot can do and how, We the People, will not put up with traitors in office anymore. Any Ubergeeks want to break the news to the Senate Intelligence Committee?