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Poll "à la Saddam"The French
Consequently, in his desperate attempt to finalise the (more than a decade) old project for a French council of the Muslim cult before the end of this year, our new strong man for Law & Order, Nicolas Sarkozy has no other option left but to "tweak" the concept of "free poll" and its modality.
Just like one of France's most appreciated oriental commercial (only?) partner, Saddam "Oh fuck! I'm fucked!" Hussein.
Every former tenants of his office, from Charles Pasqua to Jean-Pierre Chevenement and Daniel Vaillant failed to achieve what should be, after all, a quite simple and straightforward task: the election of representatives of Islam in France, by the Muslim believers themselves.
Notwithstanding my doubts on the legitimacy of this intervention of a State supposedly separated from the Church (any Church) I still wonder why did it repeatedly failed over the past ten years? Why did this poll had to be postponed twice since last May?
Well, very officially because, as Mr. Sarkozy put it:
The divergences are too deep to go on with the election process in its current form.Thanks for this... well... Hum... "Answer" Sir.
Still very officially, although a bit more precisely, the same Mr. Sarkozy admitted that it's most likely the election would benefit to the extremists and that:
(...) we will never invite (Islamic) fundamentalism to be a part of our republic.Wow.
See? Nicolas is going to play tough on you, naughty Islamic fundamentalists!
You won't be part of our republic! (but you'll keep you rights to welfare and social security).
Go Go Go Nico! This is a responsible and sane decision. Exactly what I would expect from any french representative.
Then why the hell am I wrong with this vast farce?
First, because of mathematics.
I must honestly concede that I'm not very good at maths.
Not very good at all.
Still, there's something very disturbing here:
If you can't proceed with regular elections because you fear the result would benefit to the extremists... could it be that, eventually, the majority of the Muslim believers in this country would vote for them and therefore aren't moderate? Mathematically?
Despite what we keep hearing in the psalmodied mantra of the main stream media, the right-wing reality-refuzniks and the left-wing ideologists, of course.
What kind of a representation such council would be anyway, for the minority of moderate French Muslims? Taleban ruling style in La Douce France®, with the official approval and support of the French Republic?
So now, it looks like Nico "Go! Go! Go!" Sarkozy is caught between a rock and a hard place, right?
It's either:
"Well, err... I'll let the Islamofascists be part of our republic after all"
or "Well, err... Fuck free poll after all".
What's more, he has to deal with the fact that most of the remaining "moderate factions" are actually openly controlled and backed by foreign countries, including "democratic», "moderate» and "tolerant» nations such as Saudi Arabia. (All right, this is just an example).
He he. You bet he's fucked, like his predecessors ah?
Naaaa... Don't you ever underestimate the spinelessness of a French Politician!
Tricky Nic figured a way out of this uncomfortable position.
Basically it's:
"Fuck free poll, I'll let SOME Islamofascists be part of our republic after all".
So this council's members will eventually be
Just be advised that a fraction of the members will be elected and the others "co-opted".
So we end up with this incredibly... surreal report from the AFP and LCI.
I have to translate the most "delicious" part of it for my English readers. This is just too... Well, err... surreal:
A "Camp David" after "Yalta": the way Nicolas Sarkozy (...) is looking forward to conclude at all costs the fostering of a French Islam organisation brings up similitude with historic events"Camp David and Yalta. Marvellous.
If we need a Camp David and a Yalta, would that mean the organisation of a French Islam is currently in a state of war?
Of course it's not a... Oh, wait!
Last week-end, Mr. Sarkozy obtained the hard way a nonaggression pact between the three main Muslim federations - Paris Mosque, UOIF (French Islamic organisations union) and FNMF (French Muslims national federation) - which rivalry was paralysing the consultation on Islam he had inherited from his predecessors."Nonaggression pact" is a literal translation.
No comment.
It's getting better:
On December 19 and 20, he must meet all the members of the consultation (...) in a discreet place, the Nainville-les-Roches (Essone) castle, property of the ministry, in the hope of finding a definitive agreement on the creation of the future CFCM (French Council of the Muslim Cult).Besides the fact that we're letting the whole world know about the location of the "discreet place" - I actually wonder why they need to meet in a "discreet" place, instead of just going to... Camp David or Yalta for instance - I hope you'll appreciate the fact that even before the definitive agreement leading to the creation of the council and triggering the designation of its assembly which would elect its board which would appoint its pres... oh, fuck it!
Then, if all goes well, the designation of the assembly (two third elected by the mosques, one third co-opted) would be organised and it should elect its administrative board which would appoint its president. According to the wish of the minister (i.e. Tricky Nic) it should be Dalil Boubakeur, rector of the Paris Mosque, the oldest Muslim institution in France, currently under the control of Algeria.
Let it be known that the ministry has designated the elected president.
The winner is Dalil Boubakeur, playing in the Algerian team.
I bet the Saudi champs are pretty pissed now. So what's up with this nonaggression pact of yours?
Now, this is where it's getting really out of understanding. The conclusion of the article is an outstanding example of the past 30 years of France's policy towards the Intolerant and the Antidemocratic (Corsican, Islamist, average delinquent, anti
The Minister (i.e. Tricky Nic) accepted to make concessions to the UOIF and the FNMF, despite their reputation of Islamic fundamentalist associations. Notably, he raised the elected representative ratio from 50% to 80%.Brilliant.
In exchange, the UOIF and the FNMF accepted that five women will be among the co-opted.
Tricky Nic knows from the very beginning that a poll would benefit the Islamists, he knows these two organisations are the visible part of a fundamentalist iceberg and that a poll would benefit them, so at first he tampers with the very concept of elections but then he has to deal with the candidates and so he capitulate and concede them a higher ratio of elected
Welcome to France dear visitors. Be advised that our official currencies are now Euros and Women. Please check your change and obey the Sharia.
Am I the only one turning hysterical here?
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