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Another worthless exercise of my right to vote as, once again, my options boil down to voting against a program or person.
18 different lists on the menu for these European elections. 18.
Yet once you’ve removed the Dunny-on-the-Wold-ish contestants (“Animalist” Party? I’d rather vote for my dog. Europe Democracy Esperanto? No habla Europese), the copious selection of Socialists of all shades (from pink to deep red with green and, yes, yellow1 in the middle) and the EuroDrones spanning the whole Left/Right (false) dichotomy, you end up with nothing but a bad taste in the mouth, the result of this familiar nauseating feeling that there is, on this continent, too much opportunities for too many people to live off the blood of civil society.
None of whom have any interest in changing that.
A possibly apocryphal quote from the late French humorist Coluche is making the rounds:
If voting could change anything, it’d been banned long ago.
And he was right—as long as you keep in mind that he was solely concerned with France (hello America 2016).
Still, my ballot opposing the supranationalists is in the box.
There’s a good fellow.

Comments thread (5)
4999 - MrsTEPhelps
Oh so happy to come back to find you blogging again!
5151 - toubabou
I wonder if at some level Farage thinks that Frexit is his cup of tea, and what the French decide to do with their autonomy once given isn’t his business? It would be pointless for me to speak for him, of course…
As Mrs. Phelps noted, it’s good to see your blog back in business.
5163 - Quoth the Raven
Quoth the Raven Alone, in the mountains, occasional contact with people I love, surrounded by snow but still, with lots of wood available for the fire. And lots of ammo. Oh yes.
Holy fake support, Frogman! Yeah, I can’t imagine NF is, as we say in the states, "down with that".
You know, I used to say, "anarchy would be an improvement over the current situation", and then I discovered that "anarchy" is almost never real and almost always a tool of the left. And "anarchotyranny" is now more real than I EVER imagined it could be.
I’d feel bad for you over there in euroweenie zone, but I’m way too busy feeling bad for my children and grandchildren, who will have to work to pay for all the goats headed for the gov. teat.
On a positive note, I encourage toubabou and MrsTEPhelps to subscribe and find a lovely avatar.
5165 - toubabou
Here you go, Raven.
5166 - Quoth the Raven
Quoth the Raven Alone, in the mountains, occasional contact with people I love, surrounded by snow but still, with lots of wood available for the fire. And lots of ammo. Oh yes.
Very handsome, toubabou! I promise not to perch on your shoulder or head.