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"Armies - a legionnaire steals an armored vehicle in order to desertOf course, the more informed among you already figured out that this is no desertion under the cover of a French military exercise, but a crucial part of said exercise and a pivotal strategy of the French Etat-Major : Retreat By Any Means Available and Evade Capture.
(...) At the end of military exercises at the Camp de Sissone (Aisne) Wednesday night, the soldier sneaked an armored vehicle (VAB) generally used for the transport of troops.
At the wheel of the imposing vehicle — 6 meters long and close to 3 meters wide — the legionnaire drove for nearly 40 Km to get to the town of Reims, where the closest railway station could be found (...)
Thursday morning, the VAB was discovered right in the center of town, carefully parked in front of a shop, on a (legal) car park place."
Considering that
As of Friday [the legionnaire] was still on the run.We can call the operation a full success and give the guy his Monkey Tail1 — If he ever comes back.
Comments thread (5)
3286 - Troubleshooter
Semper Fugaxis
Just a thought.
3288 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
So, no one noticed an APC rumbling down the road? And I got to agree! He has certainly proved that the escape and evade portion of the training was well taught.
3293 - TooTall
TooTall Utah
If he can manage to advance to the rear far enough to get to the United States I'll take the vehicle off of him. I'd like to have one minus the "ever retreat" stencil of course.
3307 - Iwo Gina
Iwo Gina Maryland
Uh, DF? Can I suggest this: as one of the subjects in your next series of French Nooz?
3312 - TooTall
TooTall Utah
Now I don't know if I should feel better about this or not:
[quote]Paris - During a meeting in Paris, French President Nicolas Sarkozy has told Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende that he will support the Netherlands if it comes under attack because of the anti-Qur'an film Fitna by populist leader Geert Wilders. [/quote]