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Jose Bové the Leftist terrorist and his big kisserTM are eventually incarcerated.Convicted seven month ago but profiting from circumstances depending more on political underhandedness and iniquitous privileges that constitute the grounds of French trade unionism than on the regular operation of Justice, Bové the Thug was freely pursuing his reactionary work of protectionism, for the sole benefits of the over subsidized French agriculture by any means - including leading and perpetrating violent attacks against private properties - and freely undermining the development of one of the most promising breakthrough, in the vital field of sustenance.
I'll put it bluntly, like I already did, José Bové is a terrorist and a murderer even if, like Hitler, Stalin or Mao, he never pulled the trigger personally (or at least, not that particular trigger. No guarantee pertaining to what he was doing at the Quadafi sponsored direct action training camp in Libya 1976 though).
I won't even start on the fact that this is not the only characteristic this roach shares with the other roaches (no, the mustache doesn't count as one. Sorry.) because the real question that should give us at least some concern is: will he stay there and fully do his time, this time.
Considering the privileged way in which he's been treated so far, comparing to other delinquents, I seriously doubt he will.
But hey! I could be wrong.
Or could I?
Bové demands to be granted the status of "political prisoner"Well-of-course. Glad to see José Breaker publicly admitting that his "struggle" is nothing but political.
Just in case there were still a few simple minds around believing that José "Breaker" Bové really cared about people's health, Mother Earth's genital integrity or the "quality" of the food we decide to eat or not.
That point being made (That's a relief. I feel much better now. What about you?), and before we can have a look at what's really hidden behind this dramatic declaration, I offer you a splendid manifestation of turpitude by no less than José "Break In" Bové's lawyer, Mr. François Roux:
"Those who imagine that José Bové has a VIP status in jail are mistaking. He's being treated worse than the other inmates",In a country where the penitentiary system is overcrowded I find hard to comprehend how a man who is granted an individual cell when the common practice is somewhere around 2, 3 or even 4 inmates in cells designed for a single man, could be considered as "being treated worse than the other inmates."
(...) the peasantry leader benefits from an individual, 9m² cell and two daily promenades.
Lawyer's lingo I guess.
But let's not be distracted from the main issue by the mouthpiece's bump gums.
Fortunately, the French Communists are giving us a useful reminder:
The president of the Communist group at the National Assembly, Alain Bocquet, announced that the Communist representatives decided to "visit José Bové by turns". (...) this action intents to "reaffirm our solidarity with this prisoner who's been denied trade unionism expression",Which the Trouble Boy's shyster confirms:
"We're going to ask the President of the Republic to grant José Bové the political prisoner status, since he is being imprisoned for his trade union activities"(Emphasis by myself.)
Unless we forget, this time José "Break In" Bové is convicted for another violent action: the destruction of a private property.
Therefore, these comments from both the Communists and the Leftist's lawyer inspire me the following thought:
Either Bové's supporters (including the members of his own
If so, Bové is guilty, considering that private property is still (yeah, well...for how long?) protected even from the "regular process" of union activists by the French legislation.
Else, they have to admit that such attacks go way beyond the normal sphere of union activism in a liberal democracy. (or even a dictatorial regime actually. I don't remember Solidarnosc falling down on Bovérism in its struggle against the Communist tyrant).
If so, Bové is guilty, considering that the unrestrained recourse to violence and direct action in a democratic state against public and private assets and persons alike is precisely what qualifies a terrorist.
Cruel dilemma if there was any.
And vain attempt on my side to rationalize the irrational, I give you that.
So let's get back to this good old reliable pragmatic approach of the situation at hand: there is no way the Communists, the Socialists, the Green, the French Leftist trade unionists and Bové's layer will honestly face such contradiction. Never.
Their reason is simple really: what's at stake here is not the coherence of ideas.
It's about propaganda, in the much wider perspective of Bové's future actions.
Because the thug won't stay in jail for the rest of his life. He still has work to do.
This trick is as old as the testicles of Lenin's mummy but, oddly enough, still fertile¹, at least in some milieu - namely, the Left - and unfortunately, within the average yet particularly unaware French folks.
For it is indeed a constant among Socialists and Communists that resumes the ideology and at the same time constitutes its grounds, justification and excuses its permanent and structural failures: the manipulation of the language, the semantic dishonesty, the disingenuous dissociation between the words and the reality they represent and the fashion and attribution of a new and arbitrary "reality", presented as factual and imposed as such, thank to the legitimacy, the prestige and the power bestowed upon the factor of this biased and artificial New Perception of the World by his very own nature, be it a State, an honored journalist or a mediatized and manufactured Friendly Moustachioed Gaul Fighting The Big Ugly World Oppressing PowersTM such as José "Breaker" Bové.
The tactic is pitifully simplist and afflictively efficient. Basically it goes like this:
"Spread lies relentlessly, even when they're utterly debunked.
There will still be enough people to believe them.
Then, build other lies leaning on the previous ones, assuming they are facts and therefore making them so."
The Soviet propaganda apparatus was the mother of all propaganda and one of the most sophisticated ever (From Cuba to Palestine via North Korea, guess where and who the worst deceivers learned from?), its lies over 70 years are countless - even though they're probably the least of its crimes - and, even today, there are sinister clowns and sincere ignorants to believe that this unsurpassed archetype of totalitarianism was a "worker's, paradise", among other countless "qualities".
Yes it works².
The worst famine in Europe's history, knowingly and implacably orchestrated by the aforementioned Worker's Paradise rulers, which stigmatized durably the very soul of Ukraine, was, according to an honored journalist, nothing but a few eggs broken for a necessary omelet.
Yes it works.
The terrorist Bové will soon become - at least in the minds of the anti-
Yes, it will work. It always does here.
And the fact that the state prisoner status was abrogated in France, 20 years ago won't change a single comma in the script of this shiny new Bovéreality ShowTM.
According to the president of the Socialist group at the National Assembly, Jean-Marc Ayrault, the application for the pardon of José Bové will be on the President's desk in a few days.
The presidential pardon is granted on July 14th.
Anybody wants to take a bet on who's going to leave his "inhumane" personal individual cell in two weeks?
In Paris, the police counted 2 000 ToCos, while the ToCos themselves claimed they were 3 000 to 5 000 which is quite a foggy and sketchy estimation if you ask me but since those numbers are probably nothing but a big sack of ToCos excrement, it doesn't really matter anyway.
In a few other towns, like Cahors or Metz, the ToCos were hardly a few hundreds, most probably the hold-over of the recent social contestation against the pension reform from the Republic's
The big summer holidays are closing fast, the ToCos are having one last walk before the beach.
And for the least mindful among you, yes, "ToCo" is dissident frogman's for the super cool redundancy "Totalitarian Collectivist".
Anyway, this crummy ToCo rally gave us, once again, an occasion to understand why the folksy bit of wisdom "As Idiotic as a ToCo" is so apposite, believe it or not.
Christiane Aymonier, national secretary of the Confédération paysanne (Bové's union) declared:
"Through these attempts to muzzle the worker's union debate, there's also the will to attempt to the peasants and the citizens independence pertaining to the choice on GMO".I hope that, like me, you appreciate the dive into Christiane's New Reality. Her point is, apparently, that when Bové is destroying GMO crops on a private property, he's giving us, citizens and peasants, you and me, the independence to choose if we want GMO or not.
I know what you think, but you're wrong: poor Christiane is not knowingly insulting your intelligence.
Like any other convinced Leftist, she really believes in her own lies and nonsense.
I know what you think and you're right: it takes a serious amount of idiocy and ill will on her side to achieve such prowess.
¹: Yeah, unlike Lenin's.
²: Just a few examples:
Paul Eluard, French shitty poet by vocation, 1950:
"And Stalin dispels unhappiness. Confidence is the product of his love brain.
French lyrical abstraction at its best.
Jeannette Thorez, unrepentant spiteful partisan, 1997:
ԓ85 millions of dead caused by Communism, it's a terrible lie. I always considered that Stalin was a great man, a true fighter, someone reasonable.
A terrible lie indeed. It's at least 100 millions of dead caused by Communism. And counting.
Lionel Jospin, when he was still inflicting himself as French Prime minister only a couple of years ago:
"I have Communists in my government (Administration) and I'm proud of it".
Well of course. That's part of the plan.
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