the dissident frogman

19 years and 9 months ago

Talk The Talk ♠ Pour Causer, Il Cause

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Now wait a second, something is questioning here:
In a major speech ending the party's convention in Boston, he (John Kerry) promised to fight for a stronger America, saying strength was "more than tough words".
The New York Times counted that Mr Kerry used a variation of the word "strength" 17 times.
More than words, eh ?

You tough guy you.

Article copy (alternate language)

Attendez voir, quelque chose m'interpelle :
Au cours d'un discours majeur concluant la convention du parti à Boston, il (John Kerry) a promis de se battre pour une Amérique plus forte, déclarant que la force est "plus que des mots durs".
Le New York Times a compté que M Kerry a utilisé des variations du mot "force" à 17 reprises.
Plus que des mots, hein ?

Sacré caïd va.



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (4)

1545 - Joe

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They obviously took a right turn on this one (and truxt me, it's temporary,) because perhaps less than two days before they realized just how many of their own voters that they've alienated - basically by hating their own country. Every issue they tried to get some traction on, had failed: Trying to convince people that life is hard, and that we're all eating out of trash cans. Outsourcing. War. Defense. Leftist social matters: gay marriage and anything else they want to dismantle. Our relationship with Europe (which the Dems now try to call a critisism of our relationship with 'the world'.) So they tried to steal their opponents platform, but it's very shaky ground for them to stand on. They are simply to used to class warfare politics to maintain a "center' until november. They don't have the discipline. Which means the election will be what it would have been anyway - a question of the candidate's philosophy and character. That can't be hidden forever.

1546 - Mike H.

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Aw Joey, ya shoudn't a let the cat outa the bag. Now da boss is gonna want us ta quiet ya down. We're gettin tired of mixin concrete, it messes up my nails, an Freddies allergic to it. See what you did?

1547 - Dave

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I've despised sKerry for 33 years. It was bad then and worse now.

1548 - Nightfly

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When I hear this from Senator Kerry, I'm reminded of something the great pitcher, Bob Gibson, said to his catcher when he went to the mound - "Sit the hell down! The only thing you know about pitching is that it's hard to hit!" If the Senator had anything to offer beyond words, he'd have been supporting American defense for the past 19 years from his post in the elected legislature of the United States. Instead he's been humping Ted Kennedy's leg (ideologically, anyway) and whoring himself to Europe. The shame is - if Kerry somehow wins, he'll be forced to fight the same war against terrorism. He'll have no choice. Unfortunately this will happen along about 2007, which means that for 2005 and 2006 we will be giving space to our enemies, and (what's worse) dealing in counterproductive half-measures like "collaborating with foreign allies," further crippling our intelligence and defense, and compromising even the part that remains by trusting to the dubious discretion of Germany, France, and Russia. Our enemies will regroup. By the time he calls off the lawyers and sends in the soldiers, we'll have lost another hunk of city, which he will promptly blame on Republicans (and NOT al Qaeda). Spectacular dunces, all. If they had actual malice towards the USA they could not do any worse.