the dissident frogman

21 years and 5 months ago

The Price of their Peace ♠ Le Prix de leur Paix

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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The animation below is born out of my repulsion for the teeming of cockroaches protesting for a peace in infamy on 02/15/2003.

Over the past two days, many fine bloggers, webmasters and individuals have been mailing me to get this banner, with the necessary HTML code to display it, to know how to get it so they can send it by mail... Or just to congratulate me, which - needless to say - I sincerely appreciate.

Mails keeps coming today (well, last night... time shift you know) and I'm still trying to catch up and answer everybody. But please, keep them coming!

I'm providing, whenever possible, personalized guidance to add the banner to your site correctly and with as little pain as possible.

It's been a great experience so far, since it resulted in new exchange, meeting fine people - including some much unexpected ones - and discovering great sites I didn't knew about.

I'm still willing to help unconditionally and freely people who need it but in order to facilitate the distribution of this animation, I've decided to offer it as simple downloadable .zip package.
It will spare my laborious explanations on the <object> tags </object> to the web gurus among you and it will facilitate the life of many people who just want to pass it around by email.

I just hope it won't deprive me of your wonderful responses though.

So here we go:

This is the .zip archive containing the movie and instructions for the people who want to put it on their website. You can also pass around the movie alone; it will play on any computer that has the latest Flash movie player installed - just double-click it.

(Please notice that it needs the latest build of Flash Player version 6.0. If you don't launch it from within a web browser and if your Flash player is too old, it can't prompt you to get the latest one. It won't crash or anything, it just won't play at all. The player is available for free at - Windows Internet Explorer versions here, alternate browsers and operating systems here)

This one contains a self playing movie. It's an executable that will play even without the Flash player, on any Windows based PC.

There's also a self playing movie for the Macintosh (wrapped into an .hqx archive), thank to some brave testers among you. Get it here.

Finally, we have a German and Italian version.

Of course, if you've never dealt with flash banners before and need guidance, please drop me a mail. I'll send you the animation and the necessary bit of HTML to display it, and I'll be more than pleased to help you put that to work. It easy, you'll see.

Please keep in mind that whenever possible, you should host it on your own server. ♠If you only want to link to the banner, it will stay for a while on my home page I guess, but you can also link to any of these three web pages: here, here and here. ♠Please tell me the address of your site when you're using the banner, for my own satisfaction and so I can link back to you.

I wish to sincerely thank all the people who've been in touch with me since I put this banner online (including the dummy French neo-revisionist who pitifully tried to clear Saddam's responsibility for his crimes against the Iraqis. I think this pathetic fellow citizen of mine now has a clear understanding of what the dissident frogman means when he says "fuck you".) either for spreading it or for expressing their support and encouragement.

You Guys and Gals, Ladies and Gentlemen are great! ♠Once again, if you need help, if you liked the banner or the site so much that you feel like telling me (by the way... I just love feedback you know) or if you just want to say hello, please drop me a mail.

Don't worry, even though I'm French, I don't bite at the first date.

Article copy (alternate language)

L'animation ci-dessous est née de mon dégoût devant le grouillement de blattes protestant pour une paix dans l'infamie le 15/02/03.

J'ai reçu ces deux derniers jours de très nombreux mails en provenance d'excellents bloggers, webmasters et particuliers me demandant cette animation et le code HTML nécessaire pour l'afficher, comment la récupérer pour la diffuser par email... Ou simplement pour me féliciter, ce que - n'en doutez pas - j'apprécie sincèrement.

Les mails continuent d'arriver aujourd'hui (principalement cette nuit d'ailleurs... décalage horaire oblige) et je suis toujours a pied d'oeuvre pour rattraper le retard et répondre à tout le monde. Continuez d'envoyer, quoi qu'il en soit !

Je fourni, des lors que c'est possible, des indications personnalisées pour ajouter correctement cette bannière sur votre site, avec le minimum d'ennui possible.

Ca à été une super expérience jusqu'à maintenant car cela à débouché sur de nouveaux échanges, des rencontres géniales - y compris les plus inattendues - et la découverte de nouveaux sites dont j'ignorais l'existence.

Je suis toujours partant pour donner un coup de main gracieusement et inconditionnellement à tous ceux qui en auraient besoin mais afin de faciliter la distribution de cette animation, j'ai décidé de l'offrir en téléchargement sous la forme d'une archive .zip.
Cela évitera aux pros du web de se taper mes laborieuses explications sur les <object> tags </object> et cela facilitera la vie de ceux qui veulent simplement la diffuser par email.

Cela dit, j'espere que cela ne me privera pas de vos excellents commentaires.

C'est parti :

Ceci est l'archive .zip contenant le clip et les instructions, pour ceux qui souhaitent l'installer sur leur site web. Vous pouvez également le diffuser par email et le faire tourner sur n'importe quel ordinateur équipé du lecteur Flash - un double click suffit.

(Notez cependant qu'il nécessite la dernière version du Flash Player 6.0. Si vous le faites tourner hors de votre navigateur web, et que votre lecteur Flash est trop ancien, vous ne serez pas averti. Rien de grave ne va se produire - pas de crash - simplement, l'animation ne va pas fonctionner. Le lecteur Flash est disponible gratuitement sur - versions Windows Internet Explorer ici, autres browsers et systèmes d'exploitation ici)

Cette archive contient le clip Flash autonome. C'est un exécutable qui vous permet de voir le clip sur n'importe quel PC tournant sous Windows, même si le lecteur Flash n'est pas installé

Il y a également un clip autonome pour le Macintosh (contenu dans une archive .hqx), grâce à quelques braves testeurs parmi vous. Prenez le .

Enfin nous avons une version allemande et italienne.

Bien entendu, si vous n'avez aucune expérience avec les clips Flash et souhaitez mon aide n'hésitez pas à me joindre. Je vous ferai parvenir l'animation et le code et je serai ravi de vous aider à mettre tout ça en oeuvre. C'est facile, vous verrez. ♠Lorsque c'est possible, merci de l'héberger sur votre propre serveur.

Si vous voulez simplement lier vers ce clip, il va rester en place en haut de ma home page pour quelque temps, mais vous pouvez également pointer sur une de ces trois pages : ici, ici et ici. ♠
Merci de m'indiquer l'adresse de votre site, pour ma satisfaction personnelle et pour que je puisse lier vers vous en retour.

Je souhaite remercier sincèrement toutes les personnes qui sont entrées en contact avec moi depuis que j'ai mis cette bannière en ligne (y compris le crétin de neo-révisionniste français qui a pitoyablement tenté de nier la responsabilité de Saddam et d'absoudre ses crimes contre les Irakiens. Je pense que ce pathétique compatriote a maintenant une idée claire de ce que le dissident frogman entend pas "je t'encule") tant pour diffuser ce clip que pour m'avoir exprimé leur support et leurs encouragements.

Mes chers Garces et Garçons, Dames et Messieurs, vous êtes grandioses ! ♠Encore une fois, si vous avez besoin d'aide, si vous avez apprécié le clip ou le site au point que vous ne puissiez pas vous empêcher de me le dire ou si vous souhaitez juste dire bonjour, passez moi un mail.

Pas de panique. Bien que Français, je ne mords pas au premier rendez-vous.



the dissident frogman's avatar
the dissident frogman

I own, built and run this place. In a previous life I was not French but sadly, I died.


To reveal my email address, find the 1st  number in the code and enter it in the challenge field below.


The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (20)

1902 - alasdair

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Hrm. Interesting. I could've sworn those pictures were quite similar to ones I've seen of the casualties of American bombing? Oh, well. I guess THAT price you CAN afford....asshat

1903 - amanda

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wow..... you done good. this texan is impressed.

1904 - Paul

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I think your first commenter accurately depicts the mentality of those people better than either you or I could depict them with our words.

1905 - Steve

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The pictures could also be of the civilian French people who were killed during the Allied bombardment prior to the Normandy invasion or other French civilians killed inadvertantly by Allied troups in 1944. Seems that the French people feel that a certain level of sacrifice was necessary in ACCIDENTAL deaths for THEIR freedom. I guess using the logic of the first post, the Allied shouldn't have liberated France, Holland, et. al. because the risk of accidental death of civilians would be too high.

1906 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

#1: I could've sworn those pictures were quite similar to ones I've seen of the casualties of American bombing AND #4: The pictures could also be of the civilian French people who were killed during the Allied bombardment prior to the Normandy invasion or other French civilians killed inadvertantly by Allied troups in 1944. You're both wrong, although I understand that Steve is not lead by the same spiteful spirit as alasdair asshat. There is a fundamental difference, political and moral between the casualties on the banner and the examples you both picked up. Can you take a guess? I'm pretty sure that Steve is perfectly aware of it, but I cast strong doubts on asshat alasdair faculty to comprehend the reason why his moral equivalence is irrelevant.
Time to take sides

1907 - mantispid

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Great flash animation. The only problem I have with the whole war thing is forcing the asshat anti-war protestors to pay for the campaign. It would be great if there was a way they could deduct their portion of military funding from their next income tax statement. Maybe that would make them shut up for a while. I think only those who WANT to do the right thing should have to pay to do so. Those who want to sit back can keep their stinkin' money while they watch the suffering of others.

1908 - ashurbanippal

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The problem with this war is that it opens up: a disoriented and muslim 20 million soul market + potential WMD access + a great deal of money and smaller weapons' astray all up for grabs by every terrorist factions that is politically and logisticly capable!! The dead are nothing yet...

1909 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

ashurbanippal: Right... As if any terrorist faction anywhere needed this war to have access to any black market of arm sales anywhere. There are way more weapons available from other rogue states than there are in Iraq (Mind you, I think they'll be dealt with next. One seller at a time). In case you didn't notice, the potential "shoppers" may encounter a few hindrances on their way to the stores. Like the 101st Airborne for instance. You're missing the point. The point is precisely that Iraq is not a state ran shopping mall for terrorists anymore. This war will prevent what you call the problem, coming from this part of the world.
Time to take sides

1910 - evilmike

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Just got back. Bloggers like you are what's pissing the so-called 'unbiased' networks off. Keep up the good work. Anti-war = pro-fascist. It shuts them up and makes them cry. Try it, it works.

1911 - tg

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"I could've sworn those pictures were quite similar to ones I've seen of the casualties of American bombing?" -- alasdair Nice try. But those casualties shown on the banner are clearly the work of indiscriminate poison gas, not precision guided explosives. Speaking for myself, at least, I would much rather be collateral damage of a bomb blast than the intended target of of poison gas. I suppose you would say that Iraqis should not have to make that choice. And Saddam would agree with you.