the dissident frogman

All flashposts

France, February 17th 2025

the Flashposts: spontaneous jots and tittles.

Post fast, think later.


Grippe de Wuhan: en Europe à ce moment, et en France en particulier, la seule chose dont nous devons avoir peur est la peur elle-même.

Oh, et aussi la stupidité malfaisante de l’État—et ça c’est bien plus effrayant que quoi que ce soit made in China.

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Wuhan flu: in Europe at this moment, and in France particularly, the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Oh, and the nefarious stupidity of the State—that one I dread way more than anything made in China.

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Benghazi was a state-sponsored terrorist attack, carried out on orders from the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran.Kenneth Timmerman Dark Forces: the truth about what happened in Benghazi

Steve Bannon:

Bannon also used his visit to call Le Pen’s niece Marion Maréchal-Le Pen one of most important people in the world, according to French mediaBreitbart London Bannon in France: ‘History Is On Our Side’

Marion Le Pen:

American judicial imperialism is an obstacle to French investments in IranMarion Le Pen l’impérialisme juridique américain, un obstacle pour l’investissement français en iran

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Quick question to CPAC: how will it help either Trump or the Conservative cause to mingle with one of the most prominent members of a party whose foreign policy articulates around:

  1. Rabid anti-Capitalism and anti-Americanism
  2. Leaving NATO and strengthening ties with Russia and Iran

re CPAC 2018 speakers

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