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A riddle: what's the main difference between a British Lefty and French Lefty?The British apparently still has fleeting moments of lucidity:
Whenever anyone in Paris announced that capitalism in all its forms should be overthrown, everyone cheered. But is this really what we want? And, if so, with what do we hope to replace it? And could that other system be established without violent repression? In Paris, some of us tried to tackle this question in a session called "life after capitalism". By the end of it, I was as unconvinced by my own answers as I was by everyone else's. While I was speaking, the words died in my mouth, as it struck me with horrible clarity that as long as incentives to cheat exist (and they always will) none of our alternatives could be applied universally without totalitarianism.Well, that's what you get for talking without thinking first. Not very smart huh?
Meanwhile the French Lefty don't bother doubting anymore. Sheeesh! Those British sissies.
They're all faggots who don't know how to break some eggs for the omelet anyway.
It seems to me that the questions we urgently need to ask ourselves are these: is totalitarianism the only means of eliminating capitalism?Short and long answer: yes.
We've known that for a long time. Next question please.
If so, and if, as almost all of us profess to do, we abhor totalitarianism, can we continue to call ourselves anti-capitalists?Well of course Comrade. After all you're just professing that you abhor totalitarianism.
It's not as if you genuinely abhorred it. In the real world and in the facts, your political predecessors have been its best achievers and you're currently its best hope.
Got to love that "almost all of us" though.
Lucidity beyond stupidity I imagine.
Anyway, despite his doubts, our British alteroppressor is back on his feet, right in time for the end of the article and an ultimate harangue:
On Thursday, when George Bush is in London, we will begin to show our strength. But this movement is no longer just about protest, about ticking off the long list of things we do not like. It is now engaged in the troublesome and deeply serious task of building a better world.Yeah, even if we still don't know how.
At all rate, we do have a long list of things we don't like so we'll urgently ask ourselves about that totalitariasomething later.
Let's show our strength and make some omelet first.
We ain't no f* fairies.
Comments thread (5)
1036 - Tomas Kohl
Tomas Kohl
1037 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
1038 - Papertiger
1039 - Tom Grey
Tom Grey
1040 - brb