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Over at No Pasaran, Erik gives you another reason not to drop your "F the French" tee just yet.I may develop on the question at some point, as the more I see the All Americana Sarko-Show, the more it sound like a clever diplomatic offensive rather than a genuine commitment to transatlantic friendship. Although they will never admit it publicly, the consequences of their backstabbing America did hurt — and possibly more than we'll ever know.
For one thing, you certainly don't piss in the boots of the world's first economic power telling her it's raining, without wetting yourself at some point. While Chirac and his powdered monkey would never have condescended to apologize, France is so desperately broke that Sarkozy and his neo-Gaullists have to put La Marseillaise in their pocket for a bit.
Incidentally, it literally aches every time I see Nicolas Sarkozy likened to Ronald Reagan or Margaret Thatcher, as the Anglo-Saxon press has done lavishly for the past months — probably only reading the script handed by the Quai d'Orsay, without doing any real background check.
Napoleon Bonaparte "Light"? Yes, certainly. De Gaulle at his most advanced stage of Bleu-Blanc-Rouge seizure? Yes definitely. Ronald Reagan? Not.even.close.
Bonaparte was a proto-fascist, and de Gaulle the quintessential authoritarian. Both were Statist fanatics, and Sarkozy is right in their tracks in that respect. When the man decides that he is going to put us back to work, because he decided that (his) France shall be a nation of entrepreneurs instead of welfare queens, he is only meddling with the economy in much the same way his predecessors did; even if he apparently changes the means. In any case, it still has not crossed the minds of that so-called new generation of French politicians that after centuries of centralization and absolute governmentalism, the only thing this country really needs is for them to shut up, back off and let us run our businesses and our lives.
How one could possibly compare Sarkozy with Reagan is simply beyond me.
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1988 - Grimmy
Grimmy Where I'm at.
It's good to see you back online and posting. I've been a fan of yours for quite some time.