the dissident frogman

20 years and 4 months ago

Christmas ♠ Noël

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

Article content

Article copy

Let's wait and see if this is confirmed:
Saddam Hussein 'arrested in Iraq'

Ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been arrested in Iraq, according to unconfirmed reports.
He was detained in his ancestral home town of Tikrit, official Iranian news agency IRNA quoted Iraqi Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani as saying.

The US Defence Department said it had no confirmation of the report.
Well I'm holding my breath. If it appears to be true, this capture, the spite of the 'anti' war movement losing its hero, the sadness of the French state losing an ally in its Struggle Against US Hyperpower will be my Christmas presents.

And the Iraqis, hopefully, will get Saddam's trial.

Merry Xmas everybody.
And 20 minutes after the BBC, CNN piles in.

This is going to be an interesting day.

The Coalition confirms:
Ousted Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been captured by US forces in Iraq, the coalition says.
He was found hiding in a cellar in his ancestral hometown of Tikrit, Iraqi official Ahmed Chalabi said.

British Prime Minister Tony Blair has welcomed the news saying it "removes the shadow" from over Iraq.
Hiding in a cellar? How appropriate for such a vermin.

Iraqis celebrate Saddam capture
"We are celebrating like it's a wedding," said (...) Mustapha Sheriff. "We are finally rid of that criminal."

Volleys of rifle fire also echoed across Baghdad as Iraqis drove around town honking their car horns and giving the V for victory sign, witnesses said.
Okay, I'm off for a drink. Or more.

Cheers to the US forces.

Article copy (alternate language)

Attendons de voir si ceci est confirmé :
Saddam Hussein 'arrêté en Irak'

Le Président irakien déchu Saddam Hussein a été arrêté en Irak selon des rapports non confirmés.
L'agence d'information officielle iranienne IRNA a cité le leader kurde Jalal Talabani déclarant qu'il était détenu dans sa ville d'origine Tikrit.

Le Département de la Défense US a déclaré n'avoir pas confirmation de cette information.
Bien, je retiens mon souffle. Si cela se révèle être vrai, cette capture, le dépit du mouvement 'anti' guerre perdant son héro, la tristesse de l'état français perdant un allié dans sa Lutte Contre l'Hyperpuissance Américaine seront mes cadeaux de Noël.

Et les irakiens, heureusement, auront le procès de Saddam.

Joyeux Noël a tous.
Et 20 minutes après la BBC, CNN apporte sa contribution.

Ça va être une journée intéressante.

La Coalition confirme:
La Coalition annonce que le Président irakien déchu Saddam Hussein a été capturé par les forces US en Irak.
Ahmed Chalabi a déclaré qu'il avait été trouvé se cachant dans une cave, dans sa ville natale de Tikrit.

Le Premier Ministre brittanique Tony Blair a accueilli la nouvelle avec plaisir, déclarant que cela "supprimait l'ombre" au dessus de l'Irak.
Planqué dans une cave ? Fort approprié pour une telle vermine.

Quoi qu'il en soit:
Les irakiens fêtent la capture de Saddam
"Nous fêtons cela comme si c'était un mariage," déclare (...) Mustapha Sheriff. "Nous sommes enfin débarrassés de ce criminel."

Des volées de coups de feu se sont également fait écho dans Bagdad, alors que les conducteurs irakiens klaxonnaient et faisaient le V de la victoire, selon des témoins.
Ok, je vais boire un coup. Ou plus.

A la santé des forces US.



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the dissident frogman

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Comments thread (15)

1105 - meep

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Kickass! Just wait until the American bloggers wake up....

1106 - Scott Wickstein

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  • Scott Wickstein

"We wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!"

1107 - Chris Edwards

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Let us all hope Saddam is captured, and at this christian time of year! Thank you for your blog and have a great and prosperous new year. Chris Edwards

1108 - Mabelline

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Way to go! Doin' the happy dance! Smiling quite broadly! I can't wait to hear what the demos running for pres. are going to say in order to take away from this...

1109 - Mabelline

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Oops forgot to add-feel free to 'harass' me all you wanta with stuff like this. I was on a foodsite but I'll leave in a heatbeat to hear news about butchers.

1110 - Brown Line

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My wife woke me up at 6 AM with the news. We got the kids up and celebrated witha round of egg-nog - it's a little early for anything stronger. Will Chirac be hanging out the crepe? Or will he be saying "good riddance" through clenched teeth? And how long before the Left gives Saddam the full Mummia treatment and turms him into some sort of folk hero? Questions, questions ... for for now, I'm a happy guy!

1111 - Dave

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God,I hope it is true we got that sorry sack of shit. If so,once again,the world should get down and thank the American GI,the true man of the last century and the one forthcoming. Yesterday,today and tomorrow, the United States Army.

1112 - Valerie, of Texas

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  • Valerie, of Texas

Let me buy the next round frogman. Thank you for your staunch support of the efforts to dispose this vile creature who respected no one's life save his own. Wish he could be hand him over to an Iraqi corwd of survivors of his torture chambers and the relatives of the murdered ones in the mass graves. Let them show him how much they respect him. A hole in the ground. From palaces built on blood to a hole in the groud. Thie good fight is not over yet, but this is a GREAT day! Joueux noel ami de libertie.

1113 - M. Haley

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Thank you Frogman- Woke up and was checking the e-mail; the Washington Post carried nothing about it, so I got word from YOU first. How appropriate! Thank you for your splendid, insightful blog- excuse me while I go upstairs, and get dressed. I plan to wear my Dissident Frogman T-Shirt today.... Seriously: it's a great day. We needed a break- this could be it, old son. xox, mildred

1114 - Tom

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Interesting he didn't even have the balls to shoot himself like Hitler. God bless GI Joe! Thanks Mr. Frog.