the dissident frogman



the dissident frogman 17 years and 8 months ago

Necrothreading much?

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Glad to see that two days ago, I reached the same conclusions as heavy-weight columnist, and one of my favorite readings, Mark Steyn:
(...) the idea that he [Sarkozy - Ed.] is France's Reagan or Thatcher is simply not true (...)
Come to think of it, his comments on the US press further down the interview might explain why they couldn't see that, and simply stuck to the fables devised in no small part by Sarkozy himself, and by his cohort of advisers and diplomats.

There is much more than just France and her new president in this interview of Mark Steyn by Roger L. Simon, and you definitely want to check it out.

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Content de voir qu'il y a seulement deux jours, j'arrivais aux mêmes conclusions qu'un éditorialiste de poids, et l'une de mes lectures favorites, Mark Steyn :
(...) l'idée qu'il [Sarkozy - Ed.] est le Reagan ou la Thatcher de la France est tout simplement fausse (...)
Maintenant que j'y pense, ses commentaires sur la presse US plus loin dans l'interview, expliquent probablement pourquoi eux n'y arrivent pas, et s'en sont tenu aux fables inventées en grande partie par Sarkozy lui-même, et par sa cohorte de conseillers et de diplomates.

Il y a bien plus que la France et son nouveau président dans cette interview de Mark Steyn par Roger L. Simon, et vous devriez y jeter un oeil.



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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1991 - Mitch Townsend

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  • Mitch Townsend Wakefield, Massachusetts, USA

Still, if it means you're getting smacked with a smaller hammer, you have to consider that an improvement. France found itself in its last election in the same position as the US: we were certainly not bewildered by an excess of attractive choices, either.