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As with any human endeavor, we shall from now on expect some bugs in the house.By bugs, I don't mean of course big nasty bugs that would take over your computer, load it with illegal buttermonkey porn pictures with your name on them and attach them to this form. No. I mean, just small, annoying bugs like I forgot to type a ";" or a "}" and that particular page looks like it's been designed by the people behind the logo for the London Olympics, only in my case, it wasn't on purpose and I do mean to fix the bloody thing(1).
It's one thing to test any system in a vacuum, and it's another to let, you know, people just play with it while you step back mumbling “Well, I sure hope they ain't gonna break something, those careless, well, you know, people” but that's the plight of the creator. So I welcome all bug reports, either in the comments of this post, or by email.
Just try to elaborate a bit further than “ Hey, it ain't workin' ”. Spare me the time to find out what “it” is, and why you think “it” is not “working”.
Oh, and please define “working”, thank you.
And so the old wise web designer maxim(2) verifies itself again: a critter has been spotted in the login redirection url, leading new members to a dead end. So if you got an error 404 (page not found) upon login, you may try again as I should hopefully have squashed all occurrences of the nasty bastard.
And thanks to Jb for pushing the alarm button.
Update 2
In the Beginning was John, and John has been helping and supporting me from time immemorial. Should I engage in theogonic delusions, I would definitely hold John as one of my prophets.
Now heareth the Word of John:
I regret having to say that I've run into a glitch. (...) I'd like to add an avatar (...) but your UPLOAD applet rejects it as the wrong file type.Even though, of course, John is trying to upload the right file type for his membership avatar (a .png file).
It's either a bug, or it's Satan's work.
I will investigate, and shall smite the evil one wherever I find him; in the meantime you can renounce Satan by using either a gif or a jpg file for your avatar picture. I will also, as time permits, add a larger selection of default avatars for you to choose from, if you don't want or can't upload your own.
Comments thread (6)
1962 - Mike H.
Mike H. Spokane, Wa
It works with Opera and linux 2.4.29.
1964 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
Like your new Dacha, hope you don't mind me inviting a few dozen not-stupids to come visit!
Oh, and going to try and put you on my bloglines RSS feed. I just started using RSS a few months ago and not too sure if you url will work through them.
1965 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
2hotel9: glad to see you around Man. Please do bring your buddies — mi casa es su casa, and your friends are my friends.
I've tested the feeds in various readers, though hardly any of the online ones. Feeds are rather tricky, and unlike HTML far less forgiving when in comes to coding syntax.
Please do let me know if you have any problem with mine, and I'll look into it.
1967 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
It works! Bloglines is the main RSS feed I use for news sources and blogs. It has the fewest problems, so far.
1968 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
Cool. Hopefully, that's one less bug to worry about... I might even be able to get some sleep at last.
1971 - TBinSTL
I'm so embarrassed that I wasn't signed up in the first day! Mea culpa....
I usually check in here every day!
It's so good to see you back! I'll be alerting all of those that will understand the significance of this event.