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Just because today in America is about giving thanks for those who fed you when you were starving, this information from the OpinionJournal of the Wall Street Journal feels quite appropriate:
"Finally, we are thankful for Australia, one of America's most reliable allies., soon to be a sister to this Web site, reports on some good news Down Under:
The nation's breasts have had a growth spurt.
Australian women, who fitted a petite 12B a decade ago, are a shapely 14C.
Julie Malandin, general manager of bra maker Berlei, which conducted a study, said women were "bigger."
According to, though, the average American woman is a 36C, so the Aussies have a long way to go."
Emphasis mine. Is there any end to the cornucopia of God-given(1) wonders in this fascinating country?
Glory, glory, Alleluia.
Comments thread (6)
3007 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
As always, leading the way. There is a God and he IS Great! Happy Thanksgiving, mon ami.
3008 - TooTall
TooTall Utah
36C in the United States. Just another reason I'm proud to be an American.
3009 - Grimmy
Grimmy Where I'm at.
I'm more of a nice, petite, 34B kind of guy.
What can I say? I'm just old school cool, like that.
3019 - Proof
Proof Stockton, Callifornia, USA
I am with Bob Hope on this one: Thanks for the mammaries!
3029 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
The only thing lacking in this indepth and wide reaching report was some visual aids. Oh, well.
3031 - TooTall
TooTall Utah
To all of the fairer sex on this blog if you hadn't already realized it . . . men not only hunt pigs but are also pigs at times. Sorry, it's in our genes.