the dissident frogman

19 years and 9 months ago

Let's Be Consistent ♠ Soyons Cohérents

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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A couple of days ago, Le Figaro (a purportedly right-wing publication that in practice shows little difference, if any, with the rest of the monocellular magma the French call their "press") had the results of a poll it commissioned online, in its special section devoted to the United States 2004 elections.

That poll disappeared since - and frankly, I couldn't be bothered to dig through El Figaro's pile of Common Bullshit About the USA to find it back - but it doesn't matter really. Quoting from memory, it went more or less like this:
US Elections: the French have voted!
Asked who they would elect if they were to vote in the US election, 71% of the French choose Kerry over 17% for Bush
My guess is that among the remaining 12%, you would find people who picked Le Général de Gaulle (they always do), and some who mumbled "Faites chier with your putain d'elections merde alors!" before plunging a big red nose back in a snifter of big red wine.

Though that's just a guess.

Now for the sake of the argument and to further extend the pleasure of this return to the dacha -- and to what's possibly left of my honored readership -- we shall assume that somebody, somewhere between, say, Pandale, Texas and NGC133, Cassiopeia really gives a flying burrito about what the French think or which US president they would vote for if somebody came up with the preposterous idea of asking them (yeah, just like El Figaroso did).


Of course a majority of the French would elect Kerry. The surprise here is the 17% for Bush since the French usually make sure they have either a Socialist or a Populist as second choice.

17% for a decent man is therefore not a bad score at all.

Heck, our Communists themselves (that is to say the orthodox ones, those who are officially endorsed by the pustular carcass of the Comintern) can't even dream about 17% in a presidential race anymore: the other variants of French Socialism (red, green and brown) took that away from them.

Look at the last time the French were indeed called to elect a president: they got the undercover Trotskyite torpedo out of the way presto and managed to get their big red noses stuck in a nice and dandy choice between a right wing Socialist and a full-blown corrupted arriviste. Eventually, they chose the corrupted arriviste with just about the same overwhelming majority.

It's such a tradition among the French.

82% for Chirac. 71% for Kerry. That's what I call being consistent, although all it means is that a French vote is only representative of the French's taste for the rule by the corrupted, the thieves and the liars.

Article copy (alternate language)

Il y a quelques jours, Le Figaro (une publication censément de droite qui dans la pratique ne présente que peu - sinon pas - de différence avec le reste du magma monocellulaire que les français appellent leur "presse") mettait en ligne les résultats d'un sondage qu'il avait commandé pour les besoins de sa section spéciale Etats Unis 2004.

Ce sondage a disparu depuis - et franchement, j'ai autre chose à foutre que de creuser parmi la pile de Conneries Communes Sur Le Sujet des USA pour le retrouver - mais cela n'a guère d'importance. Citant de mémoire, cela faisait plus ou moins comme ça :
Elections US : les français ont voté !
Interrogés sur leur choix s'ils devaient voter aux élections américaines, 71% des français choisissent Kerry contre 17% pour Bush
Mon idée est que parmi les 12% restant, vous pourriez trouver des gens qui choisissent Le Général de Gaulle (ils le font toujours), et d'autres qui ont marmonné "Faites chier avec vos putain d'élections merde alors !" avant de replonger un gros nez rouge dans un ballon de gros rouge.

Mais c'est juste une estimation.

Cela étant, pour le bénéfice de la discussion et pour étendre le plaisir de ce retour en la dacha -- et vers ce qu'il peut rester de mon honoré lectorat -- nous allons considérer que quelqu'un, quelque part entre, disons, Pandale, Texas et NGC133, Cassiopée se soucie vraiment de ce que les français peuvent bien penser ou du président US pour qui ils voteraient si seulement quelqu'un formulait l'idée grotesque d'aller le leur demander (ouais, ainsi qu' Al Figaro vient précisément de le faire).

En.quoi.est.ce.une.fichue.surprise ?

Bien entendu une majorité de français éliraient Kerry. Le plus étonnant ici, ce sont les 17% pour Bush, puisque ordinairement les français s'arrangent pour avoir soi un socialiste soit un populiste comme second choix.

17% pour un honnête homme, ce n'est donc pas un si mauvais score.

Bigre, nos Communistes eux mêmes (c'est à dire les orthodoxes, ceux qui sont dûment approuvés par la carcasse pustuleuse du Comintern) ne peuvent même plus rêver de faire 17% dans une élection présidentielle : les autres variantes de socialisme français (rouge, vert et brun) leur ont même pris ça.

Il suffit d'observer la dernière occasion lors de laquelle les français ont été effectivement appelés à voter : ils ont écarté la torpille trotskyste et se sont arrangés pour se coincer le gros nez rouge dans un coquet petit choix entre un socialiste de droite et un arriviste corrompu pur jus. Au final, ils ont choisi l'arriviste corrompu, dans le même élan majoritaire.

C'est là une telle tradition française.

82% pour Chirac. 71% pour Kerry. C'est ce que j'appelle de la cohérence, même si tout ce que cela signifie c'est qu'un vote français n'est représentatif de rien d'autre que du goût desdits français pour le gouvernement par les corrompus, les voleurs et les menteurs.



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the dissident frogman

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Comments thread (18)

1633 - Valerie

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Thank goodness Americans live in America and the French live in France.

1634 - Diane

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"French vote is only representative of the French's taste for the rule by the corrupted, the thieves and the liars." Merci bien, crapaud dissident. I might still that one! Ca, je vais probablement vous le piquer!

1635 - Matt

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Frog-mec - you're still alive. Good. I'm psyched that nearly 20% of your countrymen would choose bush. Maybe I can return to France after Bush wins again. sera bien. M

1636 - Tonya

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What they lack in brains and morailty they more than make up for in ego. My question is: Do they really think we care what they think??? Good God, if their thinking was in line with ours, I'd question ours! Thank God I'm an American. This is what I find myself saying over and over everytime I visit the EUSSR... God Bless America and God Save the Queen!

1637 - Howard e

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311340 Thank you for reminding me to check in with you again. Here's my take on today, and my TV is still off at 10:05 PM MY TV IS SILENT BY HOWARD E. MORSEBURG I'm sitting here and just typing away, I've had my TV off for the whole day. I'm so tired of all the analysts That I'd rather have a butt full of cysts! They guess and predict, they pontificate, While I sit there and just gesticulate, The middle finger sticks out from my right hand, My opinion's quite clear, you understand. Not a thing they can say can change what's done; When the votes are counted, we'll know who won. When the voting's over, the winner named, I'm not going to say that I've been gamed. For four years that man is our President, Them's the rules of the game, that's evident. We've all lost before and it ain't no crime;; Remember, just work harder the next time. copyright 2004 Howard E. Morseburg [url=][/url]

1638 - lola

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Bonjour Monsieur, vous avez gardé ces derniers temps un silence inquiétant. On aurait pu croire que vous étiez parti! Ces sondages sont le reflet d'un état d'esprit bien franchouillard: vindicatif et revanchard . Parce que les choix politiques qui nous sont imposés nous font sans cesse reculer, nos médias politiquement subventionnés tentent toujours de nous faire croire que les perdants ont raison. Zek dira simplement que la victoire de Bush, si elle a lieu, n'aura rien d'historique.... Cordialement / Lola

1639 - UN

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17% for le pen = 17% for bush... beware we might come to take back our statue of liberty my friend! F.R.N. (fuck red necks)

1640 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

"17% for le pen = 17% for bush..."
Not quite. 17% = 17%, yes. For the rest, you're making the mistake of assuming that the people who voted for Le Pen would vote for Bush. Although that certainly is a Leftist's fantasy, one look at Le Pen's National Front is enough to demonstrate how inappropriate the comparison is. We're talking about anti-capitalist, anti-American nationalist morons, folks who had champagne in front of their TV on 9/11 while their 'great leader' always praised himself on being a close friend of Saddam Hussein and boisterously opposed both Gulf wars. His electorate is a bitch for France's grandeur and sees anything American - particularly a proactive America - as a threat.
Time to take sides

1641 - bill k

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Any one else awake in the US? lol I went to sleep at uh, midnight, deciding this time the dye had been cast, an ill just sleep an see the election results when i wake up. Wasn't going to repeat 2000 when i stayed awake for almost 40 hours, then slept a few, stayed awake a few, and so on, for nearly a month. So I awaken, and some say the results are obvious, others say wait until all votes are counted. I guess it's all down to the State of Ohio, and those all important 20 elector-votes. mail-ins not counted from the military and other overseas americans, some who are probably hidding in france researching why chirac and arafat seem so cosey. oh-well, we'll see I suppose. Not going to drive myself nuts this time. I'm trying to just be an observer, and not so much of a political-junkie during election times each few years. Vote and forget it, and wait. My new motto lol Oh, a bit of sad news. I didnt know of him actually, now I wish I had sooner. "... Theo Van Gogh, the Dutch Filmmaker Who Criticized Islam, Shot and Stabbed to Death in Amsterdam ..." [url=][/url] [url=][/url] If you have "edonkey" or "emule" (P2P) search for "Submission Gogh" video files, and you'll see his last work that caused all the problems, and his death. It's a short story only 10 mins. I found it yesterday on emule. He was very talented, wish he had lived a longtime, he really did have a way of telling a story he felt had to be told, whether people wanted to listen or not. Remarkable humanbeing, murdered by an animal his own country allowed to enter the country an treat as though he was civilized.

1642 - Julie

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I live in Ohio. I voted for Bush. I boycott French products and companies. I don't give a rat's behind what the French think of our election, although 17% may actually have some brain cells, and I would commend them for that. Putin even supported Bush. Maybe France needs their own 9/11 to get their aristocratic heads out of their socialistic arses.