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Being such a buff for all things zombie, I checked the small budget zombie movie Day X.
While it turned out to be just okay if you are into dirt cheap undead flicks with that ugly video feeling and below average acting, the opening anonymous quote rocked my boat:
"We only have two things to worry about: that things will never get back to normal, and that they already have.»Well color me bleu-blanc-rouge if that is not an acute and astute description of my current feelings as part of the French private sector cattle under the new reign of his Majesty King Sarkozy the First.
Comments thread (3)
3086 - floridasuzie
floridasuzie Florida
Everytime I see that photo, I'm torn between laughing or barfing. Talk about being beat with the ugly stick, yikes, cover me eyes.
> "We only have two things to worry about: that things will never get back to normal, and that they already have.»
Well color me bleu-blanc-rouge if that is not an acute and astute description of my current feelings as part of the French private sector cattle under the new reign of his Majesty King Sarkozy the First <
I'm adding the quote from the movie to my quote collection, it's definitely a keeper. And I'm stealing "well color me bleu-blanc-rouge, etc." from you and will use it at the first opportunity, though it might suffer a bit in my Southern accent. "Well cu-lur me bloo, blonk, rooge, if that ain't a-cute and a-stoot" Whatchasay? Translate well? :P
3089 - TooTall
TooTall Utah
Such a doomsayer! Look how well the recent riots were handled by er, . . . how were they handled? Nevermind.
3185 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
Any idea why this post from Dec 4th came up in my RSS feed? Deja vu again!