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Unknown source(s) for the unconfirmed(...) we learn that one of the authors of the famous twelve caricatures of the Prophet Mohamed (...) was burnt alive by persons unknown.Is this guy saying that Muslims would go on rampage to protest the massacre of the cartoonist, or is he just pulling the good old Muslim victimization string again, implying that this
Although lacking details about this case and knowing that the Danish authorities are trying to stifle this matter so as not to unleash a new wave of threats and outbursts around the world,
Oh yeah, that was a rhetorical question.
(...) the victim was reported to have been attacked in her home before being tied up, having gasoline poured on her and burned alive.Why yes, of course. Being attacked in your home, tied up, showered with gasoline and set ablaze could be just a freak accident. I'm sure it happens all the time in Denmark, which is a strange snowy country up North where, despite Al Gore's wishful global thinking it's still very cold and people would do anything to warm up, at the risk of their own lives.
In the absence of reliable information about this event it could just as well be a simple accident, which would mean, in the eyes of the Muslim world, that divine retribution was exacted on her, and confirmed by the simultaneously embarrassed silence of the Danish government and the conservative newspaper that had published the cartoons.
Anyway, rather than "divine retribution", and if this claim turned to be actual news of course, I rather suspect the Danish government would be trying to keep a certain socio-cultural class from ending at the receiving end of an uncontrolled and possibly bloody social retribution.
Even if the Danes have quite unfortunately lost much of the testosterone of their Viking ancestors, the more we see or hear the dirty works of the Muhammadans at our doorsteps — and in our houses, as the case may be — with the consent or inaction of our ruling elite, the more we're being pushed to the ugly tipping point. If "the eyes of the Muslim world" can see what I mean.
This, it must be feared, could trigger a new crisis between Muslims and Christians. The suspicion, indeed, quite naturally draw attention to Muslims living in Europe even though the crisis appears not necessarily benefit them.If triggered this foretold European crisis between Muslims and Christians would be new indeed: so far, it's been only Muslims against Christians(1).
That's actually the reason why "suspicion" focuses "quite naturally" upon Muslims living in Europe. You know, Einstein, Muslims torching property and people have been quite a common phenomenon in Europe these past years.
Anyway, and again, this is an unconfirmed
¡No Pasarán! has the skinny, and the linky.
Comments thread (14)
3085 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
Oh, yea. An "accident". She was just doing a kinky sex number and set herself on fire. Right. They must be taking tips from the Clinton Machine.
3087 - Arch
Last year, I read an article outlining a roundtable discussion on the islamization of Europe. Although I cannot find it, I think Mark Steyn, author of America Alone, and possibly Daniel Pipes participated. The short version was that muslims have settled in Europe in large numbers and have become citizens. European social attitudes - birth control, abortion on demand, decline of religion - have placed ethnic Europeans in population decline. muslims, on the other hand, have refused to assimilate and had encouraged large families. France, 20% muslim today, will have a majority muslim population by 2050. [These numbers may not be exact.]
The panel ended the dialogue with three potential outcomes: muslim assimilation, European submission to islam or genocide.
No one seriously believed the muslim populations would adopt western culture and become just another religious group. Everywhere they settle, they demand special treatment. They want their own schools. They demand local resolution of differences under de facto islamic law. They want foot baths, 5 breaks per day, special prayer rooms, muslim diet and other concessions. The West is being conditioned by muslims that we should make them a special case. While they feel free to criticize our societies, governments, schools and religions, theirs are off limits. They intend to remain separate and unequal. We are left with descent into dhimmitude or violent confrontation.
The panel has written off Great Britain but not France. While the British were once proud of their traditions, culture and heritage, they seem to have sunk into passive hyper-sensitivity and smothering political correctness. The French, however, are pushing back. No head scarves in schools. While the recent violence has not been met with appropriate counter force, it will be. Ironically, the battle of Eurorabia can be won peacefully, and in a most pleasant way - have more European babies. It is every man's and every woman's patriotic duty! If you lose, prepare to set your clocks back 1200 years.
If the muslims continue on their path towards intimidation and violent confrontations, they will ultimately lose. The right wing parties are on the upswing all over Europe. muslim threats will encourage a turn to the right. Major push back is inevitable and it would be difficult to stop. Riots met by armed citizens would spiral out of control. Authorities, unable to control muslim minorities would have no chance against a majority reaction. A scenario suggested by the panelists was an American military evacuation of muslim refugees from an enraged Europe. [I hope we are not that stupid.]
3088 - TooTall
TooTall Utah
I feel sure that if the story proves to be true then the crime will have been committed by a Christian who was outraged by the cartoons of Muhammad.
The reason I said if the story proves to be true is that it's not impossible that the story was planted to show how terrible and swift revenge was extracted upon someone who offended the "peaceful" Muslims. Let future offenders be warned.
3090 - Iwo Gina
Iwo Gina Maryland
Arch wrote:
"A scenario suggested by the panelists was an American military evacuation of muslim refugees from an enraged Europe. [I hope we are not that stupid.]"
That all depends on who is in the White House at the time, and who controls Congress at the time. The left is downplaying the importance of this issue just now, which is scarey in itself. We have to have leadership that is not afraid to take the right actions for the good of the country - not for the political prestige or the sake of favorable world opinion.
I would strongly suggest that anyone that wants to learn more about this issue read the article at this address, as well as go to the links embedded in that article:
Personally, I think it should be required reading for every member of Congress.
3091 - Mikael
As a Dane I can asure you that story is complete and utter bogus! If something like that happened it would all over the front pages for weeks.
I kind of agree with Too Tall. Sounds like a little test to see if it can't stirr things up a little down there. Especially comebined with this little tidbit from the article:
The decision (almost spontaneously) to boycott all Danish products weighed heavily on them. The kingdom ran straight into bankruptcy. The crisis then faded gradually, having lasted nearly six months. But now that this new event is likely to bring it back.
More ignorance and blatant lies. The Danish economy is one of the strongest in Europe before, during, and after the crisis. In fact, the crisis benefitted the economy as people over the world suddently heard the name "Denmark" most of them probably for the fisrt time in their lives and started bying product labeled "Made in Denmark."
The article is saying: Go out and rage and burn, protesting the infidels works!
The Algerian goverment must be under pressure.
3092 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
I for one increased the number of Made in Denmark products bought during all that,,,unpleasantness. I have been trawling for other sources of this story and found nothing.
3093 - Proof
Proof Stockton, Callifornia, USA
Arch: I've read Mark Steyn's America Alone. His wit as a writer does little to cover the bleak conclusions he draws!
Will Europe slumber until it is too late? WIll the world?
We are in need of a little optimism!
3094 - Grimmy
Grimmy Where I'm at.
If it is a bad thing that can not be tied directly to POTUS Bush, Vice Pres Cheney or Haliburton, then it must be false.
It is a very easy rule. I don't understand how folk can keep getting confused.
3102 - JihadGene
JihadGene North Korea, Central California
Sounds like the lady/victim is only another Buddist Monk. You know how those Buddist Monks are...always bar-b-queing themselves...and then blaming the government for their ills.
Madame Nhu, 1st Lady, S. Vietnam 1955-'63.
3103 - JihadGene
JihadGene North Korea, Central California
Buddhist Monk, I meant.
Now, piss off.
Madame Nhu