the dissident frogman

20 years and 10 months ago

MiChe Mouse

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Article copy

If everything goes well, you'll probably begin to see this button around pretty soon.

So before you start asking:

Yes, it's me,

No, the tee is not real, it's photo edited, but...

Yes, now you can have one anyway (Well no, now you can't anymore. Read here to know why. No wait, now you can again. See the update at the bottom) and...

No, can't tell you yet about the site on which this button will be, but...

Yes, that's one of the reasons why I've been AFD¹ lately.

And you can be sure I'll brag about it when it's finished and officially launched.

¹: "Away From the Dacha", of course.
Thank to the activist network of Bureaucrashers in defense of civil liberties and capitalism, now you can buy this t-shirt again and expose your despise of this murderous pop icon. Short story here, store here.

Don't stop here though. There's also Marx to deal with, and a lot of other cool agit-wear from the Bureaucrashers themselves.

Article copy (alternate language)

Si tout marche comme prévu, vous ne devriez pas tarder à voir ce bouton dans les parages, avant peu.

Donc, avant que vous ne demandiez :

Oui, c'est moi,

Non, le t-shirt, c'est pas du vrai, c'est un montage mais...

Oui, vous pouvez néanmoins en avoir un maintenant (En fait non, maintenant vous ne pouvez plus. Lisez ici pour savoir pourquoi. Non, attendez, vous pouvez à nouveau. Voyez la mise à jour en bas de page), et...

Non, je ne peux rien dire au sujet du site sur lequel ce bouton figurera, mais...

Oui, c'est une des raisons pour lesquelles j'ai été LDD¹ dernièrement.

Et vous pouvez être certain que je ne vais pas manquer de m'en vanter lorsqu'il sera terminé et lancé officiellement.

¹: "Loin De la Dacha", bien sur.
Grâce au réseau d'activistes Bureaucrashers en défense des libertés civiles et du capitalisme, vous pouvez acquérir ce tee-shirt à nouveau et exposer votre mépris de cette meurtrière icône pop. Petite histoire ici, boutique ici.

N'en restez pas là, cela dit. Vous devez également vous occuper de Marx, et vous trouverez un tas d'autre agit-sapes cool par les Bureaucrashers eux-mêmes.



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the dissident frogman

I own, built and run this place. In a previous life I was not French but sadly, I died.


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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (22)

1825 - tony

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The best thing I've seen since I found a fridge magnet that said, It's been lovely but I have to scream now.

1826 - Blackjack

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Stupid says it can't find that store. They sold out already?

1827 - lardog

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Yeah I'm unable to get to the shop as well. I need this shirt. Another great graphic of the fruit Che Guava would be to put him in the cross hairs with a caption such as "Nice Shot Man." I'll buy that one too.

1828 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

I'm in touch with Cafepress. Hold on guys.
Time to take sides

1829 - Ms. Andi

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I want a baseball jersey!!!!!!!!!! Not be greedy, but I want it now!!! Ms. Anid

1830 - Ms. Andi

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"Not to be greedy, but I want it now!!!" Ms. Andi (Good God! My excitement led to mistypes and posting before checking, LOL!)

1831 - LeP

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Strange... I went there yesterday too, but I succeeded in ordering the shirt. Well, it seems it was just in time. I wish I already had it : I need something to drive strikers mad!

1832 - Franz

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Gosh! Oh P L E A S E!! Have those guys start to sell this t.shirt again! Need it asolutely in this hot italian summer! Ciao!

1833 - RJ

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Please please please see if you can get the shop back up. I want one of those! Thanks.

1834 - b-psycho

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LOL... Che might as well have mickey ears, as commercialized as his image is now. It's just yet more proof the commies were wrong: we're selling them the rope they're hanging themselves with, and they're enjoying it.