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Some news about my banner "The Price of Peace". It's still spreading fast. I'm afraid I can't control it anymore. It's alive.Last Friday, 15,000 people like you visited the dissident frogman's dacha. As a reference, before this banner was created, I was blessed with an average number of 600 visits a day.
No wonder the three download sites exceeded their bandwidth.
I'm still trying to catch up with the amount of great mail I received from great people. Please accept my apologies. I'm doing my best to answer you as soon as possible. 182 messages on line and counting.
This is not directly related to the banner, but I really think you should see it and read it.
After the TV I learned that the dissident frogman, heading his way into the traditional media, has been mentioned on radio stations. Several readers wrote me that they'd found the dissident's dacha while listening to Neil Boortz (WSB radio in Atlanta, if I'm not mistaking). Thanks Mr. Boortz!
By the way, I particularly enjoy his tagline:
WARNING!Here, in this pit of misinformation and barefaced leftist propaganda we call "the press" to make it short, such sensible and honest statement almost looks like it's coming from another planet.
Do not believe anything you hear on my show, or anything you read on the Internet unless it is consistent with what you already know to be true -- or you have actually taken the time to verify the information with another source. That's called "doing your homework."
Actually... I think it does.
The dissident frogman and his banner were also commended by Ms. Goldwater, contributing editor to the Tom Marr Show on WCBM in Baltimore.
I agree unconditionally with her tagline: "Erets Yisrael Le'Am Yisrael" (The Land of Israel belongs to the People of Israel).
Also, I received a very friendly and full of praise email from Bryan Suits, telling me he's been talking about the dissident frogman "quite a bit" in his show, on 570KVI broadcasting from Seattle, and sending the link to "everyone he can".
I proudly noticed that Bryan is "a 2nd Lieutenant in the Army", an "independent conservative" and that he "served in Desert Storm, Bosnia and Kosovo".
I received a few mails from people such as Bryan, who stand at the sacrifice of their lives between us and the totalitarians, and I can assure you that each and every of them is an honor I probably don't deserve but accept with great pride.
I must also precise that the drastic conditions required to interview the dissident frogman only apply to the French/European/US/Idiotarian press.
Even though I'll be more than happy to accept any feminine and preferentially lascivious hostage you may provide.
As well as cash, but that goes without saying.
Finally, I'm glad to announce that the banner itself is now making its way through Fortress Europa.
As the tradition commands, the invasion started in Italy, thank to Marco Giaiotto who offered me the Italian translation of the banner text and received the resulting modified banner.
Marco wants to "be able to better express (his) point to Italians" and I'm damn glad we worked that out together.
So if you can read Italian, I invite you to show your support to Marco Giaiotto by visiting his site.
Now maybe I should set up a French version and see if I can open a new front.
Normandy sounds adequate, as far as tradition commands.
Now life is really a bitch.
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