the dissident frogman

No, the other right

Non, l'autre droite

the dissident frogman 17 years and 7 months ago

Necrothreading much?

Article content

Hey Fuqua, "When displayed either horizontally or vertically against a wall, the union should be uppermost and to the flag's own right, that is, to the observer's left." Didn't they teach you that at school?

Article copy

Here is a deliberately deriding advice to Paramount, a talentless Antoine Fuqua and whoever the third rate pen-pusher that spewed the cosmically weak script of Shooter is: if you must pull out another Kennedy-Conspiracy (un)inspired flick and fill it up with (in no specific order)
  • Tired old one-liners on unfound WMDs, war for oil and a lying Secretary of Defense — among other trendy Champaign Socialist blabber,
  • Misled, (remember, DoD lied, Mark Wahlberg nearly died in the first 10 minutes) and as a result cynical and recluse yet still so very much dedicated and patriotic, former Marines who will take it upon themselves to save the Federal Republic of the United States of America from her sorry fascistic self by shooting whoever gets in the way with high-precision weapons; thank to the ruthless training-to-kill said Federal Republic of the United States of America provided them, at the cost of vast amounts of (presumably war-for-oiled) greenbacks,(1)
  • Rogue FBI rookies who shall not stand the advanced state of decay and corruption of said Federal Republic of the United States of America, smell the fish, and join the aforementioned Marines' shoot-'em-bastards-up the minute he drops his Government issued suit and tie to slip in a vastly more comfortable Che Guevara tee-shirt,(2)
  • The dreaded Military-Industrial Complex of Death in bed with super secret and ominous yet all powerful and ubiquitous three letters acronym Government agencies under direct control of the Senate and Administration of the Fascist Empire of the Federal Republic of the United States of America, mass-murdering poor African-African villagers who dare to get in the way of an Ethiopian oil pipe-line,
  • And generaly speaking lecture the audience about defending the Federal Republic of the United States of America — and her flag, presumably — from all enemies, unlikely foreign but overwhelmingly domestic,
Then, at the very least, learn the Federal Flag Code of the Federal Republic of the United States of America.

Or stick to rap music videos(3).

You'll look a tad more credible when bashing your own country by not exposing such blatant ignorance of its customs, codes and practices. And it'll spare you the embarrassment of having a French(4) lecturing you on this(5).
  1. Nope, couldn't make any sense out of this one either
  2. Okay, this one was such a peak of ridicule that it was actually hilarious. Thanks for the laugh - I still want my money back though.
  3. On second thought, stick to rap music videos. At least I don't run the risk of watching any of these, even by mistake.
  4. AKA The Me, which is even more embarrassing considering that I have no sympathy for Hollywood idiots and therefore shall recommend you to the local Crétins-de-Cannes for a César.
  5. The most telling about this pit of specious patriotic posturing that's Hollywood being of course that not a single soul on that movie set, from the director to the Studio franchised coke dealer, noticed that there was something wrong with the gigantic Stars and Stripes hanging on the wall behind Wahlberg.

Article copy (alternate language)

Un conseil délibérément narquois à l'attention de Paramount, du tâcheron Antoine Fuqua et du pisse-copie de fond du placard qui à commis un scénario aussi abominablement pitoyable que celui de Shooter : si vous devez absolument nous pondre une autre bobine façon Pseudo-Complot-Kennedy et la remplir avec (sans ordre particulier)
  • Des répliques franchement fatiguées sur les ADM introuvables, les guerres pour le pétrole et les Secrétaire de la Défense menteurs — parmi d'autres babillages si tendance de la gauche caviar,
  • D'anciens Marines abusés (souvenez vous, le DoD ment, Mark Wahlberg meurt presque dans les 10 premières minutes) et en conséquence désabusés et reclus, mais pourtant toujours très dévoués et patriotiques, qui se chargent de sauver la République Fédérale des États-Unis d'Amérique d'elle même, cette fasciste, en flinguant quiconque à l'audace de s'interposer ; et ce avec des armes de haute précision et grâce à l'entrainement à-tuer-impitoyable que ladite République Fédérale des États-Unis d'Amérique leur a fourni, à grand coup de billets verts (probablement acquis durant les guerres-pour-le-pétrole)(1),
  • Une jeune recrue du FBI qui, parce qu'il ne peut plus supporter l'état avancé de décomposition et de corruption de ladite République Fédérale des États-Unis d'Amérique, évente le pot aux roses et se range aux côtés du ci-devant Marine dans son entreprise de nettoyage par la balistique, dès qu'il aura abandonné son costume-cravate de fonctionnaire pour se glisser dans quelque chose de plus confortable, en l'occurrence un super tee-shirt Che Guevara,(2)

  • Le redoutable complexe militaro-industriel de la Mort, qui couche avec des agences gouvernementales super-secrètes et toutes-puissantes car dotées d'un cryptique acronyme à trois lettres, sous le contrôle direct du Sénat et de l'Administration de l'Empire Fasciste de la République Fédérale des États-Unis d'Amérique qui massacre en masse de pauvres villageois africain d'Afrique ayant eu l'audace de vaquer et villager sur le trajet d'un oléoduc Éthiopien,
  • Et en règle générale, nous faire la morale sur le besoin de défendre la République Fédérale des États-Unis d'Amérique — et probablement son drapeau — contre tous les ennemis, particulièrement intérieurs,
Alors, au minimum, tâchez de lire le Federal Flag Code de la République Fédérale des États-Unis d'Amérique. L'union doit être à la droite du drapeau, pas l'inverse…

Ou alors, tenez vous en aux vidéoclips de rap(3).

Vous aurez l'air un poil plus crédible quand vous trainez votre pays dans la boue, si vous évitez de démontrer une telle ignorance de ses coutumes, ses codes et ses pratiques. Et ça vous épargnera l'embarras de voir un français(4) vous faire la leçon là-dessus.
  1. Ouais, c'est totalement incohérent pour moi aussi
  2. Bon d'accord, celui là atteint un tel sommet de ridicule que c'était en fait hilarant. Merci pour la blague - je veux quand même être remboursé.
  3. A la réflexion, tenez-vous en aux vidéoclips de rap. Au moins, je ne risque pas de regarder ça, même par erreur.
  4. Alias Le Moi, ce qui est encore pire puisque je n'ai aucune sympathie pour les idiots d'Hollywood et risque fort de vous recommander aux crétins de Cannes pour un César.



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (9)

2007 - Rusty

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Sadly, they don't teach it in school... at least not everywhere as part of the main curriculum.

The handful of us that opted for the ROTC electives, however, are a different story.

2009 - Mike H.

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  • Mike H. Spokane, Wa

Not to be overly critical but is there a possibility that we could exchange him, (who is ignorant), for you, (who is educated on the obviously arcane (to Hollywood) minutia of the culture)? Somehow I feel that we would get the better end of the deal.

2010 - floridasuzie

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  • floridasuzie Florida

According to:

There are more mistakes in this movie than any other I've ever heard about. Most are small goofs but besides the flag, apparently the Marines are wearing Army uniforms. I don't think the Marines will take too kindly to that, heh.

2011 - 2hotel9

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  • 2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania

Mark Wahlburg as Bob the Nailer. PUHLEASE!!!!!!

2012 - 2hotel9

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  • 2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania

And gang, do I need to say read Stephen Hunter's novels?

2013 - Valerie, Texas

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Excellent idea, to trade for the Frogman.

But surely he is worth more than one mere idiot? I say we trade a whole cattle truck full of Hollyweird's finest for him! (And it would still be a steal of a deal!)

2014 - subadei

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  • subadei Vermont

Got the flag wrong and he's wearing his sunglasses on his ass. Odd.

2021 - Mitch Townsend

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  • Mitch Townsend Wakefield, Massachusetts, USA

You went to a movie knowing that Mark Wahlberg was in it, and you were disappointed to find that it was terrible? What were you expecting, Lawrence Olivier doing Shakespeare? He sucks worse than Keanu Reeves, who had one good movie.

2022 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Not exactly 'disappointed', as I have had little to no expectations when it comes to Hollywood lately.

However, the level of childish leftist bias - and open propaganda - in Shooter is the highest I've seen so far, in a post-9/11 trend [terrorists good, US bad - Iraq for Oil - etc, you get the point] that's been going on for a few years now (Lord of War, Next, etc, etc. Nicolas Cage is quickly moving up my blacklist)

Still, there was a few good shots (no pun) at various sniper weapon systems. And I'm always a sucker for good gun porn.

No pun here either.

Time to take sides