the dissident frogman

11 years and 11 months ago

President Obama, he goes shooting all the time

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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In what is probably his most laughable feat of demagoguery to date, President BHO tried to control the damage he'd done running his big mouth with the release of a photo you're supposed to accept as a proof that he "goes shooting all the time"—and therefore it's perfectly OK if he decides to rule out the American people's natural right to do so.

At least that's out it looks like, seen from here.

The White House warned that this picture shall not be manipulated in any way (insecure much Barry?), and that's fine by me. Photoshopping news items is so Hezbollah '06. Every blogger and their dogs do it theses days.

Better go for video compositing, complete with music, and sounds, and explosions and little birds, and funny synthetic voice acting. The works.

Plus I get to cram all the disinformation and sheer nonsense of the gun-control freaks in less than 1.45 minutes. Not bad huh?

Special offer: for the civil disobedient among you, I offer this Barack "Boomstick" Obama action-figure DYI Kit. The zip archive contains two versions (.png files, 8 & 32 bits) of Barry and his gun, carefully cut-out and ready to drop on the background image of your choice. Have fun.




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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (11)

4868 - bpb

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SWEET I'll pass this one to the crew! Thanks Diss~

Being I live in NewYorkisstan one of my firearms distributors just called me to say the Hi-Point carbines in 45acp that were suppose to be shipped this week, will now NOT be delivered. Yea, untill NY gets it's firearms laws defined so people can understand them. Director

4869 - 2hotel9

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  • 2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania

Buwahahahahahaha. I figured you would hit this one.

Oh, and what he said was "we do skeet all the time", which leads me to believe he is a bit confused between "skeet" and "choom". Perhaps Valerie Jarrret or Rahmbow will 'splain it to him!

4870 - Pierre

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Super bon et drole,lollll J'aurais aimé le posté sur FB? Je vois pas de lien..... [url=][/url]

4871 - Pierre

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J'ai réussi a le mettre sur ma page FB, On va rire ub bon coup...

4872 - floridasuzie

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  • floridasuzie Florida

Oh Frogman, I've missed you so! This makes my day! We need you for our morale even more now than ever. Thanks for all you do!

4876 - floridasuzie

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  • floridasuzie Florida

We The People......






4877 - cmblake6

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Miserable puddle of pig diarrhea must be washed from the floors of our Presidential home. Along with the first sasquatch and the rent-a-kids.

4879 - mrmeval

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I think you jumped the snark with that video. :)

4933 - 2hotel9

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  • 2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania

Hey, Froggy?!?! Hope you are doing well, and I am here to shamelessly link people to your Shooty, No Shooty video. Figure the gang at The Truth About Guns will enjoy it! If you get the time drop in and check them out. [url=][/url]

4956 - JP

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What's your take on Bundy Ranch, frogman?