the dissident frogman

20 years and 11 months ago

Psychotic Decompensation ♠ Décompensation Psychotique

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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The French press is all over the place, telling us about the state of Iraq one year after its liberation (sorry, I meant "brutish American occupation consistently violating human rights" and all that.)

The State Organ that goes by the name of France-Info (putrescent limb of the Radio-France propaganda beast) sounds like a cathouse on payday.

This rubric for instance, carries on the crucial mission of "informing" the French about the big titles of the French daily newspapers. The "reporter" adds his personal comments to the headlines and his show is one of the worst worms in the bucket.
Yesterday, he came really close to pubescent orgasmic whooping while lashing out on the Spanish election result: Bush is a loser, the war is a failure, oh Mummy I'm coming, and so on.

Ever heard the sound of anal regression? Listen to France-Info.

While you're at Radio-Faeces, I invite you to notice that, no matter the mass graves, the "Iraq Special Dossier" still sports the brilliant work of art depicting a smiling and friendly Saddam, facing an aggressive looking George W. Bush in front of an American tank, as reported here 10 months ago.

If, on the right side of the Atlantic, there are still any benevolent souls (nah, John Kerry doesn't count. It's not enough to look benevolent. One has to have an actual soul) inclined to "rebuild bridges", ask yourself if you really believe that the press of a declared enemy of America would do worse than that, or worse than the appalling cartoons in Le Monde and Liberation that Merde in France consistently expose.

The past year was very revealing, and French anti-Americanism reached unseen depths, down to frank hostility and pathological level.

A last example that really took me aback - and God knows it takes some efforts to achieve that: the frogman sibship had lunch together today. Driving back in younger frogman's car, we're listening to the radio, where one of those whoopers is lashing out on "Iraq: one year later".

Quoting from memory, I recall blunt affirmations - from a Parisian studio - of a "country in chaos", and of electric power and water system in a "catastrophic state" - no sources, no details, no figures, nothing. Just the affirmation: the water system is "catastrophic".

The frogman gang is laughing aloud. But the "reporter" is not finished with it.

With the same affirmative rhetoric, he goes ahead: insecurity is reaching new heights, which, "paradoxically" was something that couldn't be blamed on Saddam when he was still ruling Iraq since "there were no murders, no assassinations and no theft at all when he was in power."

We stopped laughing.

The two of us that were on the front seats spontaneously reached out to the radio at once, in order to switch it off, while an outraged cry came from the backseat, asking for the same measure.

That they rot in their psychosis is one thing.

That they insult our intelligence in the process is another, and one that we will not tolerate anymore.

Article copy (alternate language)

La presse française est en effervescence, nous informant sur l'état de l'Irak un an après sa libération (désolé, je voulais dire "brutale occupation américaine en violation constante des droits de l'homme" et tout ça.)

L'Organe d'Etat dénommé France-Info (membre putrescent du monstre de propagande Radio-France) résonne comme un boxon le jour de la paye.

Cette rubrique par exemple assure la délicate mission "d'informer" les français sur les gros titres des quotidiens français. Le "reporter" ajoute ses commentaires personnels aux colonnes à la une et son show se trouve être l'une des pires entités du panier de crabe.
Hier, il s'est trouvé très proche de pousser de petits cris d'orgasme pubescent en se laissant aller sur le résultat des élections espagnoles : Bush est le loser, la guerre est un désastre, Oh oui Maman je viens, et ainsi de suite.

Jamais entendu le son de la régression anale ? Ecoutez France-Info.

Tant que vous êtes sur Radio-Fèces, je vous invite à remarquer que, peu importe les charniers, le "Dossier Spécial Irak" affiche toujours le brillant chef-d'oeuvre représentant un Saddam souriant et amical confronté à un George W. Bush à l'allure agressive et devant un char américain, ainsi que rapporté ici il y a 10 mois.

Si, du bon côté de l'Atlantique, il se trouve toujours de quelconques âmes bienveillantes (nan, John Kerry ne compte pas. Il ne suffit pas d'avoir l'air bienveillant. Il faut aussi avoir une âme) tentées de "rebâtir des ponts", demandez vous si vous croyez possible que la presse d'un ennemi déclaré de l'Amérique puisse faire pire que cela, ou pire que les lamentables dessins publiés dans le Monde et Libération que Merde in France expose avec constance.

L'année passée a été très révélatrice et l'anti-américanisme français a atteint des profondeurs inégalées, jusqu'à la franche hostilité et à un niveau relevant de la pathologie.

Un dernier exemple, qui m'a laissé interloqué - et Dieu sait s'il leur faut des efforts pour atteindre ce résultat : la fratrie frogman a déjeuné collectivement aujourd'hui. De retour dans la voiture du cadet, nous écoutons la radio où l'un de ces geignards se lâche sur "L'Irak, un an après".

Citant de mémoire, je me souviens d'affirmations directes - depuis un studio parisien - sur un "pays livré au chaos", et sur le réseau électrique et d'eau dans un "état catastrophique" - pas de sources, pas de détails, pas de chiffres, rien. Juste une affirmation : le réseau d'eau est dans un "état catastrophique".

Le gang frogman rigole très fort. Mais le "reporter" n'en a pas fini.

Avec la même rhétorique affirmative, il poursuit : l'insécurité atteint des niveaux sans précédents ce qui, "paradoxalement" n'est pas un point que l'on pouvait reprocher à Saddam lorsqu'il dirigeait l'Irak puisqu'"il n'y avait pas de meurtres, pas d'assassinats et pas de vols lorsqu'il était au pouvoir."

Nous avons cessé de rire.

Les deux d'entre nous qui se trouvaient à l'avant de la voiture ont spontanément tendu la main d'un seul mouvement vers la radio afin de l'éteindre, alors que des sièges arrières s'élevait un cri outragé réclamant la même mesure.

Qu'ils pourrissent dans leur psychose est une chose.

Qu'ils insultent nos intelligences en le faisant en est une autre, de celles que nous n'avons pas l'intention de supporter plus longtemps.



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Comments thread (9)

1313 - S.A. Smith

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Frogman, how is French media reacting to the recent BBC poll showing that most Iraqis are happier now than before the war and that 71% are optimistic about Iraq's future? This good news is being reported - isn't it? So what's the spin? Keep the faith, bro.

1314 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

"how is French media reacting to the recent BBC poll showing that most Iraqis are happier now than before the war and that 71% are optimistic about Iraq's future?" As far as I'm informed, in the same way they reacted to Alain Hertoghe's book accusing them of constant deception in their coverage of the war: they just disregard it. This good news is being reported - isn't it? Well if it is, I still have to see it. I learned about it myself on the BBC.
Time to take sides

1315 - S.A. Smith

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Well in that case I won't even ask about the Afghan boy who spoke of his stay at Guantanamo Bay as though he were describing a summer vacation (as described by notable right-wing organ The (Manchester) Guardian. Ahhh.

1316 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Oh, that goes without saying. In the French parallel universe, Guantanamo is the Mother of All Violations of Human Rights. Everybody knows it's a death camp.
Time to take sides

1317 - No thanks

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Frogman, I am happy to see that you have returned to regular posting! Having read your blog for more than one month before posting, I must tell you that I am most impressed with your knowledge of the situation concerning terrorism and the like. God bless you, and please, keep the fight from France coming!

1318 - Eric

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I have only recently begun reading your posts here, and I have to say this has become one of my most frequently visited sites of this type. You're like the second coming of Rochambeau, I'm telling you. Sateside I doubt anyone is surprised to learn of the anti-US propaganda being pumped out by the European media, we have plenty of it here from our own media, you know. My Father has just returned from Iraq, and he has been painting quite the interesting picture of what's really going on there, and its the opposite of what you're hearing, not that you needed me to tell you that.

1319 - Paul Hrissikopoulos

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  • Paul Hrissikopoulos

DFM, what did you think of Colombani's editorial in Le Monde? Do you think he's serious, or is he just yanking my chain? My French is still a bit spotty, so I may have missed the gist of some of it, but it did seem to acknowledge that America and Europe are in the same boat with respect to al Qaeda. Yes, I think it misses the point completely on Iraq, and this weird infatuation with Kerry seems more than a little divorced from reality -- the guy did vote for the war, after all -- but is not the realization that what's really under attack are "wine, pigs, loose morals and nudity" -- in short, all that's right with the West -- a step forward? I'm not saying that a majority of Europeans believe that yet, but if bin Laden's boys keep blowing up innocent civies over there, won't it eventually help to make the case for a little transatlantic bridge building? I've been paying close attention to the French press for the last couple of years and, yes, it seems so damned selective compared to what we get here in the U.S. -- and those disgusting political cartoons are just so irritatingly petulant and childish sometimes. And yet in me abides a strange attachment to Europe in general, and -- don't laugh -- France in particular. Do you think it pathological? I'm not sure there's any rational explanation for it. Maybe it's just an American thing -- but I can't help it. Maybe it's the Yin to all that hateful anti-american Yang over there. I'm almost convinced that Americans are born with an innate affection for the French -- why? I don't know. Maybe it's all those romantic stories we get in school about Lafayette and the Statue of Liberty and re-runs of An American in Paris and all that crap -- which is then slowly and painfully chipped away in us by age and experience and cartoons by "Willem". So forgive me if I'm reading too much into Colombani's little ditty. I know W says Americans should just stick a fork in France and consider it a write-off. And maybe he's right. But my gut still tells me we've got to find some way to hang together. I don't know. It's just depressing. And it's late. And I've had too much to drink.

1320 - Oengus Moonbones

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  • Oengus Moonbones

The Dissident Frogman: "nah, John Kerry doesn't count. It's not enough to look benevolent. One has to have an actual soul." This was one of the funniest remarks I've ever read in some time. You have a great blog.

1321 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Paul: (...) what did you think of Colombani's editorial in Le Monde? Do you think he's serious, or is he just yanking my chain? My French is still a bit spotty, so I may have missed the gist of some of it, but it did seem to acknowledge that America and Europe are in the same boat with respect to al Qaeda. (...) On September 12, 2001, Le Monde's headline was "We all are Americans"... Do I need to say more? One golden rule: never trust the French press when it looks like it's back to senses. And remember the old saying "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice…" W is right, pertaining to France as she currently is. You should not only write her off, but also watch her closely, since you do have enemies here, and they're the ruling and administrating class of this country (elected or not, and with the exception of a handful of individuals - without real influence - the whole political class is fiercely and unconditionally anti-American) For France to be worthy of America's trust, respect and friendship, it will take a radical change of men, minds and politics "“ as well as a complete change at the society level - that is nowhere in sight or perspective. If that day ever happens - and if I still hold a French passport at that time - I'll be glad to drive you around, in chosen places of the most beautiful parts of France, where we'll have too much to drink, yet without reasons to depress. That I can I promise.
Time to take sides