the dissident frogman

20 years and 11 months ago

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the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Article copy

We tested it with the Hutus, so it should work in France:
Three teenagers were violently assaulted with machetes (...) at Ermont-Eaubonne railroad station in Val-d'Oise (tdf: Parisian suburb and French Department that includes the Sarcelles war zone, popularized by a famous American blogging behind enemy lines) One of them was seriously wounded.

The assault took place Tuesday at 17:30. The three teenagers, living in Cergy (Val-d'Oise), were using the underground corridor of the RER-SNCF station of Ermont-Eaubonne when they encountered seven youngsters who assaulted them straightaway. One of the victims, aged 15, received a serious machete head wound. The second victim, 16, received a machete stroke at the hand (...) the third threatened teenager could break away without being injured (...)
I've been held at gunpoint once, but somehow I believe a naked blade, such as a machete, in the hands of that kind of bastards is incomparably worse.

In 1994, some (unarmed) Tutsis and moderate (unarmed) Hutus actually paid their murderers for the favor of being executed with a single head shot, instead of slaughtered with a machete.

If we're lucky, we might actually have this "chance".

Because there's little hope we can be anything else than unarmed victims.

Article copy (alternate language)

Nous l'avons testé avec les Hutus, cela devrait donc marcher en France:
Trois adolescents ont été violemment agressés à coups de machette (...) à la gare d'Ermont-Eaubonne dans le Val-d'Oise. L'un d'entre eux a été grièvement blessé.

L'agression est survenue mardi à 17h30. Les trois adolescents, résidant à Cergy (Val-d'Oise), empruntaient le couloir souterrain de la gare RER-SNCF d'Ermont-Eaubonne lorsqu'ils ont croisé sept jeunes qui les ont immédiatement agressés. L'une des victimes, 15 ans, a été grièvement blessée à la tête par un coup de machette. La seconde victime, 16 ans, a reçu un coup de machette à la main (...) Le troisième adolescent menacé a réussi à prendre la fuite sans être blessé (...)
Il m'est arrivé d'être tenu en joue en une occasion, mais quelque part je crois qu'une lame nue, telle qu'une machette, entre les mains de ce type de salopards est incomparablement pire.

En 1994, certains Tutsis (désarmés) et Hutus modérés (désarmés) ont en fait payé leurs meurtriers pour la faveur d'être exécuté d'une seule balle dans la tête, plutôt que massacré à la machette.

Si la fortune nous sourit, nous pourrions bien avoir cette "chance".

Car il y a peu d'espoir que nous puissions être autre chose que des victimes désarmées.



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (5)

797 - rkb

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Come on over to the States where defending ourselves is (mostly) legal. Well, NY is problematic, but much of the country is still pretty okay with it.

798 - Papertiger

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Man thats the worst news I've had all day. Just kids out having a goof, and some scum attacks them. What motive could there be? Do they have money? No. The're just kids. Did they threaten someones life? No. They were keeping out of peoples way. Were they destroying someones livelyhood. No. They were in a public transportation system. No private property around. Even with the dubious notion that their is some justification for a person being attacked with a machette. This is a terrorist incident isn't it. Maybe if you had built a Mosque and trained some Imams locally instead of importing radicals... WTF am I thinking. This is Islam Naked ROPMA*. If you follow the Sarkozy Model you will only have increased numbers of atrocities such as this, and more Muslim clerics to lobby for the perps to be named Honorary Citizens of Paris. *religion of peace my ass ( for the non LGF initiated )

799 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Well, new information reveal that although the three kids were minding their own business at that time, this incident was indeed the pursuit of a previous one between two 'cités' (suburb cities). Apparently, it all started with one guy being hit at the head with a... hammer, days before that. They retaliated with machetes. This is life around Paris. For information's sake, notice that the ethnic and religious background of the protagonists has not been disclosed yet - as far as I can tell. Therefore, I can't tell if they were Muslims, Christians, Buddhist monks or plain atheist thugs. That said, considering the area involved and the very fact that these details about the attacked and attackers WEREN'T disclosed (usually a good indicator, considering the utter PC stance of the French press), we can probably drop the "Buddhist monks going amok with machetes" option. These guys are too easy to trail with their orange robes, anyway.
Time to take sides

800 - klaatu

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Thank God nothing like this ever happens in the USA.

801 - LaFéeC

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Hey ! On peut inviter Mickael Moore maintenant !! Il a de quoi faire un super film ! :) Bises