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Definitely not Britain's finest hour, courtesy of the House Lefties:UK parliament approves EU treatyBritain was once the thorn in the side of every European autocrat, from Napoleon to Hitler, and a shining beacon for many a freedom craving European (on both sides of the Iron Curtain, when there was still such a thing). It seems that with the Irish, the node of resistance to continental authoritarianism moved further West, while the UK finally fell into the hands of Central Command, 1 Death Star Av., Brussels, Belgium1
The UK has effectively ratified the EU's reform treaty - despite the decision by Irish voters to reject it.
There's is a sad irony in watching the spectacle of the European "Union" renouncing and trampling upon its purported democratic values in order to keep itself afloat, but that's pretty much all the fun there is. Only one of those naive fools who keep hoping in something good out of this bureaucratic fabrication might be depressed by this carnival of rogues and rascals—but anybody endowed with a healthy dose of cynicism knows that with the EU, only the worse can be expected.
Still, the shame this time is on this 21st century British Parliament, for ultimately surrendering to the French and Germans.
I shall spit in their general direction, and curse them as only a French can curse2.
Comments thread (2)
3560 - Mike H.
Mike H. Spokane, Wa
3561 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
The Irish have always been the real spine of Great Britain. When the Royals and commons were ready to surrender it has been the Irish, and Welshmen, who kicked them in their fat asses and made them stand their ground. And so it shall be yet again!