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Among the many benefits of Anglo-Saxon "warmongering" in general — and of American "hegemonic military power" in particular — that the French most conveniently and frequently forget, is the fact that for a solid half-century now (in sharp contrast with the one before that), French officials of all branches of the government (particularly the Foreign Affairs one) were able to meet with "ze Germans" without necessarily having to forfeit half of the Motherland to our Teutonic neighbor's Fatherland.Last in line to benefit from this situation, paid in blood, sweat and cash by the "Anglo-Americans" they so much despise, is our neat and new Foreign Affairs minister, Bernard Kouchner, fearlessly interviewed here by the thereafter
Notice first a rather stunning display of naïveté on Hans Bitterman's part:
SPIEGEL: "(…) yet officials in Berlin complain that their friends in Paris are claiming every diplomatic success as their own."Silly Boche: what else is new? Every success is French, every failure is the European Union's(1). Where the hell have you been for the last 60 years?
SPIEGEL: "Sarkozy baffles the Germans with statements like: "If France doesn't assume the leadership role, who will?"Well, what can you expect? You lost the war Hans.
Admittedly, France didn't win it either, but it's no reason to get cocky — or do-you-want-we-shall-call the Yanks again for a new Schmeisser-spanking session?
But enough Blockheads-Bashing, let's get down to the nitty-gritty. On Iranian nukejobs and the Sound of Sanctions:
SPIEGEL: "If this doesn't work there could be war. You said it yourself."Indeed he did, but just you wait, you impetuous Kartoffel:
Kouchner: Wait a minute.(2) What I said was: "War would be the worst possible thing." And that's what I am determined to prevent, through unremitting negotiation.(3)Oh so nice. The Kraut's relief is palpable here, and for a reason: this sounds much like the song one could hear from Paris in the days before the Great Leap Towards Sarkozy. Remember when Jacques Chirac and his powdered monkey, the vile de Villepin, were leading the Saddam Task Force Europe, and then Foreign Affairs villain would serenade his domestic audience like so:
SPIEGEL: It's nice that you set it straight.
War is always the worst solution. (...) We're ruling out no option, but obviously want to take as far as possible any peaceful course of action which works before - should we reach an impasse - considering other options.That was de Villepin on Iraq 2003, this is Kouchner on Iran 2007. Somebody with much time to lose please try to spot a difference in either the style or the substance; because I am feeling a bit dizzy.
Must be all that déjà vu.
Comments thread (16)
2861 - Jose Angel
Jose Angel Monterrey, Mexico
2862 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
My thoughts exactly, well said!
I believe this is your first comment here, and I sure hope it won't be the last.
2866 - sweetdaisies
What's up with the Army gear? Your freak'in me out man.
Are you an intellectual or just another rebel?
2867 - Papa Ray
Papa Ray West Texas
Thanks for pointing out that interesting exchange. Let me point out that I have not a clue as how the EU works. But, somebody needs to lead, right? Or is it only ones appointed to certain positions in the EU that can lead? Then if you do have a leader, what kind of power does he have? Can he order Germany to supply a few thousand men, helicopters, jets, etc. and then ask the Dutch or who ever to do the same?
I guess I just want to know what use the EU would be. What is it's relationship to NATO? For example. Can NATO make them do anything (forget the question, the won't send NATO what they asked for the Afghan battle.)
Or is the EU just for trade, tourism and such. Such as screwing America at every chance it gets?
Along the line you brought up. I had a good friend of my Dad tell me that if he had known how Europe would turn out, he might have not tried so hard to join the Army to fight Hitler.
He did say he would have joined the Marines to fight the Japs instead.
Papa Ray
2868 - Papa Ray
Papa Ray West Texas
I don't understand what exactly a "leader" in the EU could do without any real powers? I thought the EU was only formed to screw the rest of the world (particually the U.S.) Hell, NATO can't even get it's members to support the war in Iraq or the Afghan.
Oh well, I think I answered my own question.
Papa Ray
2869 - Jose Angel
Jose Angel Monterrey, Mexico
2870 - Grimmy
Grimmy Where I'm at.
Modern intellekshuls. The folk that show up at a gun fight with nothing in their arsenal but an essay they plagiarized for their philosophy 101 final exam.
2871 - Proof
Proof Stockton, Callifornia, USA
"War is always the worst solution."
That depends on what precipitates it!
2872 - Mike H.
Mike H. Spokane, Wa
How does that go? Either lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way. And if you can't do any of the foregoing then cheer from the sidelines.
2873 - Banjo
I knew I was right in urging people to restrain their enthusiasm for the "new" French. Eerie how much they seem like the "old" French after just a couple of months.