the dissident frogman

20 years and 8 months ago

State Terror Capitalists ♠ Capitalistes Terroristes d'Etat

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Article copy

Maybe you thought you were a bit harsh and unfair with the French lately. Maybe you thought that, after all, it was more than time to forget about the squabble and "fall in love again."

Think again:
...France was not just Baathist Iraq's largest contributor of funds; French banks have financed other odious regimes. They are the No. 1 lenders to Iran and Cuba and past and present U.S. foes such as Somalia, Sudan and Vietnam.
By Mike Gonzales in the WSJ, and not knowingly understated by Stephen Pollard (don't miss the comments, there are some interesting points by Stephen's readers)

The French idiots will be happy at the simple idea that their government, its state and private owned banks are lending millions of dollars to America's foes.

The last square of decent and thoughtful French will feel nauseous at the idea that their hard earned money is distributed to the worse dictatorships on the face of this Earth, including to those that devoted themselves to our own downfall, in order to oppose the greatest democracy.

One could call that treachery of our alleged values a "suicide by proxy", but the suicide being involuntary (at least for the aforementioned last square) I would rather name it a premeditated murder of the French nation and its people by the French ruling and financial elite.

Among the last square, those with a particularly tough stomach will also have the time to notice, with a disillusioned smile, before they rush to the toilet, that the loan looks furiously like a gift.

Unless one seriously believes that Cuba or North Korea is a solvent patron.

Consequently, the ultimate thought before throwing up is that this ever harder to earn money will keep flowing to support more murdering states, as far as they're declared enemies of the West.

I promise a hell of a party the day I'll finally get rid of my French passport and nationality. Should be fun. Be there.

In the meantime, I hope there are enough people in the camp of freedom to understand that in this war, the most significant part of France chose the opposite side.

Article copy (alternate language)

Peut être avez vous pensé que vous y étiez allé un peu fort avec les français dernièrement. Peut être avez vous pensé qu'après tout, il était plus que temps d'oublier la querelle et de "s'aimer à nouveau."

Pensez-y encore :
...La France n'était pas seulement le plus gros contributeur de fond de l'Irak Baathiste; les banques françaises ont financé d'autres régimes odieux. Elles sont les prêteurs n° 1 de l'Iran, de Cuba et des ennemis passés et présents des USA, tels que Somalie, Soudan et Vietnam.
Par Mike Gonzales dans le Wall Street Journal, et non sous-entendu de bonne foi par Stephen Pollard (ne manquez pas les commentaires, les lecteurs de Stephen marquent quelques points intéressants)

Les idiots français se réjouiront à la seule idée que leur gouvernement et leurs banques d'état et privées prêtent des millions de dollars aux ennemis de l'Amérique.

Le dernier carré de français décents et réfléchis se sentira nauséeux à la seule idée que leur argent durement gagné est distribué aux pires dictatures sur la face de cette terre, y compris à celles qui se sont vouées à notre propre perte, dans le but de s'opposer à la plus grande démocratie.

On pourrait appeler cette trahison de nos prétendues valeurs un "suicide par procuration", mais le suicide étant involontaire (tout au moins pour le dernier carré susmentionné) j'aurai plutôt tendance à y voir un meurtre prémédité de la nation française et de son peuple par les élites dirigeantes et financières françaises.

Parmi le dernier carré, ceux dotés d'un estomac particulièrement solide auront encore le temps, avant de foncer aux toilettes, de noter avec un sourire désabusé, que le prêt ressemble furieusement à un don.

A moins de croire sérieusement que Cuba et la Corée du Nord sont des clients solvables.

En conséquence, la dernière pensé avant de vomir est que cet argent de plus en plus durement gagné va continuer d'affluer en soutien de plus en plus d'Etats assassins, pour autant qu'ils soient ennemis déclarés de l'Occident.

Je promets une bringue d'enfer le jour ou je serai finalement débarrassé du passeport et de la nationalité française. Cela devrait être amusant. Soyez-y.

En attendant, j'espère qu'il se trouve suffisamment de monde dans le camp de la liberté pour comprendre que dans cette guerre, la partie la plus significative de la France a choisi le côté opposé.



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the dissident frogman

I own, built and run this place. In a previous life I was not French but sadly, I died.


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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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Comments thread (28)

1051 - DSmith

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Oh, we understand. I don't think any American who lived through this will ever trust France again. Even a little. There is nothing but contempt here now for France. France is seen as impotent, incompetent, immoral, and irrelevant.

1052 - Papertiger

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Did we forget to wipe? What is left to do but flush? Perhaps we could submit a UN referendum forbiding French banks from doing business with Kim Ill for their own good!

1053 - Gabriel Syme

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I will be there, I will. ;-)

1054 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

I trust you will. But will you be there to celebrate the event with emotion and dignity, or to roll dead drunk under the table, saturated with Chablis (or possibly one of those acceptable - sorry, I mean elegant - Australian Chardonnay) ?
Time to take sides

1055 - Dishman

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In the US, we often have signs at public contruction projects (like highway improvements) saying "Your tax dollars at work". I think you might have some fun with "French tax dollars at work".

1056 - Boogs

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Celebrating with emotion and rolling dead drunk under the table, are they so different? :)

1057 - Valerie, the other

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  • Valerie, the other

Would not miss that party for anything! Keep us posted on when and where. Let's be sure to have a BBQ grill so we can burn the old passport.

1058 - lola

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Désolée d'être désagréable avec mon dissident favori! Les français "décents" comme vous dites, sont légion! Ils sont tout simplement pris en otage, désespérément, irrémédiablement? On a l'impression que vous oubliez sans cesse que ce gouvernement, comme les précédents depuis 20 ans d'ailleurs, est porté au pouvoir par la majorité des votes, non la majorité des citoyens. Que doit-on choisir quand on n'a pas le choix?

1059 - unclegalahad

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lola, We - the decent French :-) - should admit that we are not given any choice in the elections (that is, we have no other option than pick among different varieties of socialism) because an overwhelming majority of citizens do not ask for anything else. Moreover, in the first round of the latest presidential elections, 1 out of 15 candidates could be described as a "classic" liberal : that's not too many, for sure, but we could try something else, actually... if only we would. 3,91% of us did it.

1060 - Valerie

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Diss, It's Thanksgiving today, so thanks for all the dissidence. As for your party, make it soon. And count on me. I'll bring the chips and the dip. :)