the dissident frogman

20 years and 11 months ago

Tag Me, Bag Me ♠ Etiquetté C'est Pesé

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Hey, don't look at me like that. I'm just pushing further David's question on Samizdata because I'm too weak to resist Tim Haas' call (see the comments).

So there it goes: it's a wallpaper, and it's at my Propaganda Bureau.

And as the Samizdatistas would say: remember, the State is not your friend.

Article copy (alternate language)

Ne me regardez pas comme ça. Je ne fait que pousser plus loin la question de David sur Samizdata car je suis trop faible pour résister à l'incitation de Tim Haas (voyez les commentaires).

Alors voilà : c'est un fond d'écran, et c'est au Bureau de la Propagande.

Et comme les Samizdatistas vous le diraient : souvenez-vous, l'Etat n'est pas votre ami.



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the dissident frogman

I own, built and run this place. In a previous life I was not French but sadly, I died.


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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (6)

1004 - Tim Haas

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It's brutally beautiful, and the Cyrillic letterforms as devastating as they are subtle. A thousand thanks -- and let me know if there's anything uniquely American I can send over to repay your efforts.

1005 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Tim: Well, thanks. You've just repaid my efforts.
Time to take sides

1006 - Tim Haas

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Grand. But if you ever want a MoonPie to go with that Hawaiian Hazelnut coffee, you know whom to call ...

1007 - DJS

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".....anything uniquely American I can send over to repay your efforts." How about a few greenbacks? Perhaps an American Airlines one-way ticket Paris to DFW, JFK, EWR, LAX etc? That's nice, too.

1008 - Papertiger the Californian

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  • Papertiger the Californian

That is so weird. When I see people clammering to escape from their country it never fails to shock me. No complaints here on this end. Even the gripers wouldn't leave.

1009 - Nightfly

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Actually, there are a few movers and gripers - Fred Reed, for one. He shuffled off to Mexico, sick to death of the bureaucratic kudzu spreading itself over everyday affairs in the US. I must admit it, I admire that he actually had the cojones to do it, and not just stay safe and comfy and criticize from some well-paid sinecure in media. (Maureen Dowd, I'm lookin' at you here, and believe me, not because I enjoy the view.) But you're right, Papertiger - most of us prefer to stay around with our machetes and go down swinging.