the dissident frogman

20 years and 9 months ago

Terminological Ballot ♠ Scrutin Terminologique

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Sorry for the scarce posting lately but what started as simple summer work to eventually achieve some long overdue interior design in the dissident frogman's RLD¹ is now showing worrisome similarities with cathedrals or pyramids building.

I love the smell of plaster in the morning.

And the advantage of plaster over strawberry little scarlet extra jam is that, at some point, you have to wait for it to dry out. That means you have a good excuse to leave the work site and go check your email.

Kolya Wolf wrote me pointing at an interesting proposition to replace the word "idiotarian", when this otherwise excellent but broadly generic appellation coined by Charles Johnson is not exactly fit to a given situation.

Setting the World to Rights has all the details and is even running a poll.

Come to think of it, I confirm that the French translation suggested by the World is correct and adequate.

Villepiniste, villepinisme. Yep, it works.

¹ : Real Life Dacha

Article copy (alternate language)

Désolé pour la rareté des posts ces derniers temps mais ce qui a commencé comme de simples travaux d'été afin d'en terminer avec un design intérieur longtemps retardé dans la DVV¹ du dissident frogman présente désormais de troublantes similitudes avec la construction de cathédrales ou de pyramides.

J'aime l'odeur du plâtre au petit matin.

Et l'avantage du plâtre sur la confiture de fraise des bois c'est qu'à un certain moment, il faut attendre que ça sèche. Ce qui signifie que vous avez une bonne excuse pour quitter le chantier et aller relever votre email.

Kolya Wolf m'a écrit et attire mon attention sur une intéressante proposition pour remplacer le terme "idiotarian", lorsque cet excellente mais largement générique appellation concoctée par Charles Johnson ne se révèle pas totalement adaptée à une situation donnée.

Setting the World to Rights a tous les détails et organise également un scrutin.

Maintenant que j'y pense, je confirme que la traduction française suggérée par the World est correcte et adéquate.

Villepiniste, villepinisme. Ouais, ça fonctionne.

¹ : Dacha de la Vraie Vie



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the dissident frogman

I own, built and run this place. In a previous life I was not French but sadly, I died.


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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (6)

460 - DJS

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So, I assume you're back in France? While you were away in London you posted some cryptic remarks about perhaps not returning. If you are in France do you have definite plans to move? It sounded like you were quite smitten with the place. Also, what about those "projects" you mentioned? Will you be getting a paycheck or are they spare-time fun things to do?

461 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

DJS: Yep, I'm back. Although I'm considering myself blessed with a wonderful audience, I also know that there are some scum lurking in the cyberdarkness surrounding the dacha, with to much time and nothing else to do than watching my every step, waiting for a moment of inattention so they can trip me with their foot. Interestingly, some of them "“ mostly uninspired, and therefore uninspiring, French bloggers and other forums wankers (no, I'm not linking to them, sorry) - gave themselves out when they jumped on the "passionate" aftermath of the missing flag post. I'm tempted to compare this situation with the embassy of Israel in London: the large blocks of concrete, the patrols and the constant monitoring create what's called "active defense". "Active" since it forces potential terrorists to employ more important resources and heavier procedure to strike, thus making them more visible and easier to detect. And eventually neutralize. The missing flag post played the same role as the concrete blocks, which gave me some target to add in the black book. If needed, I know what and where to aim and shoot at. Anyway my point is that since their life is so empty that they have nothing else to do than invest in a hate-hate relation with me, I'm not exactly willing to discuss (too) personal topics publicly - such as the direction I'm willing to follow in the next years - but to answer your question in a bit less cryptic way: 1) Yes, although I can name all my ancestors in France, with 100% accuracy up to the early 17th century, it's enough: the idea is now for me to get the hell out of here. No excessive rush (this is not Cuba or North Korea) but any suggestions or ideas are welcome. 2) The discussed projects are based on miscellaneous opportunities to try to generate enough commercial activity in the Anglosphere as an independent contractor for a design consultant who goes by the name "the dissident frogman". And if enough is enough, we'll see how a frogman can fly. I guess I'm not being too confusedly cryptic here, considering the public nature of this page, right?
Time to take sides

462 - DJS

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No doubt, son. No doubt. There are varied and sundry creeps and thugs out there so I know that you can't be too specific about your plans and whereabouts. As for your future, I think you'll have to end up somewhere in the Anglosphere. There are other countries out there where you could earn a living and be relatively safe and secure. However, for the most amount of opportunities, individual liberties etc, it's gotta be Anglo/Saxon-land. Being an American, I'm of course partial to the U.S. BUT, the best option for you (and I suspect you've already come to the same conclusion) might be London- or anywhere else in Great Britian. The beauty of it is that you would be deep in the heart of the Anglosphere, far from French perfidy yet geographically close to your ancestral home. Look at it this way. You're what-34 or 35? You've lived in France for (I assume) you're entire life. If it was that bad-that horrible- you would have moved out a long time ago. Don't get me wrong. I bash France with the best of them. But there has to be some good things about it. Rod Dreher wrote a column last March in NationalReviewOnline- [url=][/url] about some of the good things about France while condemning the bad as well. If you haven't read it already check it out. Also, I bet you have family in France. If you go to, let's say, Australia, it would be a big pain in the ass (an expensive one, too) to get back to Vichy to see your folks and friends. However, if you're living in the East End, it's only a chunnel away. In other words, you're close enough to hop back easily when you want to get in touch with the frog part of you but far enough away to avoid it for as long as you wish. I would love for you to come here. Not only would you be better off but the U.S. would be better off as well to have someone with your talents and mindset here. But practically speaking, Great Britian sounds like the best choice. Then again, if they adopt the Euro they (and you) will be fucked so you might have no choice but to come here after all. If so, I'll meet you at the docks.

463 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

If it was that bad-that horrible- you would have moved out a long time ago. It's a bit more complicated - but I'm not going to discuss that in the comments. Anyway, the point is that now the time has come. I'll meet you at the docks. On his famous trip, the Mayflower sailed from France to Britain, with a boatload of wine and then to America. I'll bring the bottle, be at the docks.
Time to take sides

464 - DJS

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I'll be waiting. This could be your theme song (and video)- [url=][/url]

465 - Valerie

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Diss: France's loss, the English-speaking world's gain. :)