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The Honor! The Honor!French capital honours Dalai Lama
The Dalai Lama has been made an honorary citizen of Paris, (...)
Ah yes, just like cop killer Mumia Abu Jamal long before him.
However, seeing that he's only the Dalai Lama, he doesn't get a street named after him until he starts shooting down at least one (1) American, like France's genuine freedom fighter role model, the Mumia.
Oh well. That's Paris Champaign Socialists for you: it's one thing to posture about Human Rights, and quite another to be serious about it.
Comments thread (3)
3426 - Frozen Tex
Frozen Tex Yellowknife, NT, Canada
Perhaps his Holiness should be insulted, to be included in such exalted company.
3428 - Spiny Norman
Spiny Norman California
If you're around, if you haven't managed to get in, registration at LGF is open.
3436 - Fabio P.Barbieri
Fabio P.Barbieri
Closer to home, Paris still has one or two Red Brigades murderers who received "political asylum" from the terrible dictatorial government of neighbouring Italy. Apparently a few French judges and politicians have not received the memo about regime change on April 25, 1945. And I first came to a complete understanding of what a vicious little piece of scum JP Sartre really was when he made a public complaint about the "violence" of the Italian police arresting Red Brigades murderers who had been shedding blood for a decade.