the dissident frogman

21 years and one Month ago

The Roots of Evil, part I ♠ Les Racines du Mal, chapitre I

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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To further edify my most esteemed American and worldwide audience and also to clear up the misunderstandings of the French who, like me, always felt like there was something wrong in what they were taught at school even though they couldn't really dot the i's, I'd like to offer the following passage of the Vincent Teacher's book published by Bordas, as quoted by Jean-François Revel in his book "The Useless Knowledge" (Chapter XI "The treachery of the teachers" - Ed. Grasset).

Be advised that the teacher's book is nothing less than the manual destined to guide the teachers, civil servants of the Ministry of Education, in their duty.
"We'll demonstrate that there are two camps in the world:
- One is imperialist and antidemocratic (USA)
- The other is anti-imperialist and democratic (USSR),

and we'll precise their goals:
- World domination by crushing the anti-imperialist camp (USA)
- Struggle against imperialism and fascism, reinforcement of democracy (USSR)."
Don't feel like disgorging yet?

Okay, grab a doggy bag, a toilet bowl or your stepmother's sleeping bag 'cause I'm going to tell you when this book was published.





Go get a glass of water, wipe up your mouth. Sorry for the annoyance.

This is a literal translation. The author really put USA and USSR between parentheses. Probably to make sure that no teacher slips up, fairly innocently or by straight duplicity I guess. You know how those enemies of the People are.

It helps to understand a lot about the situation nowadays right?

All right. For every action, there's a reaction.


- Friendly advice to Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and the (unfortunately) numerous Eastern Europe countries who learned the hard way how tragically and excessively wrong this French teacher's manual is: stay away from the European Union at all cost and choose the imperialist anti-democratic camp.
It's all right. Britain already does.

- Grim plea to the United States: test the MoaB over France. And pave it. The British need more parking.

- Firm injunction to the Chinese, North Korean, Vietnamese, etc. political "educators": destroy all your Vincent Teacher's book (Bordas ed.) within a week. Else... face the MoaBlix.

- Warm consolation and a pat on my back: it feels so good to learn that I wasn't that paranoid finally. But of course, now I'm wondering if I was paranoid enough which somehow invalidates the first statement. That's the trouble with paranoia.

Now all I need is a smoke grenade, a gas mask and a helicopter. (Cheers to Bill Watterson).

And possibly a Green Card. Heh.

Article copy (alternate language)

Pour l'édification de mon estimée audience américaine et mondiale ainsi que pour lever les doutes des français qui, comme moi, ont toujours eu l'impression que la roche cachait plus qu'une anguille sans vraiment pouvoir mettre les points sur les i, j'aime à offrir le passage suivant, extrait du Livre du Maître (Vincent, publié par les Editions Bordas), tel que cité par Jean-François Revel dans son livre "La Connaissance Inutile" (Chapitre XI "La Trahison des Profs" - Ed. Grasset).

Soyez avisés que le Livre du Maître n'est rien moins que le manuel destiné à guider l'enseignant, fonctionnaire de l'Edulcoration Nationale, dans l'exercice de sa fonction.

"On montrera qu'il existe dans le monde deux camps :
- l'un impérialiste et antidémocratique (USA)
- l'autre anti-impérialiste et démocratique (URSS),

en précisant leurs buts :
- domination mondiale par l'écrasement du camp anti-impérialiste (USA)
- lutte contre l'impérialisme et le fascisme, renforcement de la démocratie (URSS)."
Pas envie de vomir pour l'instant ?

Ok, munissez vous d'un doggy bag, d'une cuvette ou du sac de couchage de belle-maman car je vais maintenant vous révéler la date de publication de ce livre.

Prêt ?




Prenez un verre et essuyez vous la bouche. Désolé pour le désagrément.

L'auteur a réellement inscrit USA et URSS entre parenthèses. Probablement pour s'assurer qu'aucun prof ne fasse d'erreur, par pure innocence ou coupable duplicité j'imagine. On sait bien comment ils sont tous ces ennemis du Peuple.

Cela aide à comprendre pas mal de choses concernant la situation actuelle, pas vrai ?

Bien. Toute action entraîne une réaction.

Réaction :

- Conseil amical à la Pologne, Bulgarie, Roumanie, Hongrie et tous les (malheureusement) nombreux pays d'Europe de l'Est qui ont appris à la dure combien ce manuel du maître français est tragiquement et outrageusement faux : restez à l'écart de l'Europe à tout prix et choisissez le camp impérialiste antidémocratique.
C'est bon. La Grande Bretagne le fait déjà.

- Prière désespérée aux Etats Unis : testez la MoaB sur la France. Et bitumez le tout. Les Anglais ont besoin de places de parking.

- Ferme injonction aux "éducateurs" politiques chinois, Nord Coréens, Vietnamiens, etc. : détruisez tous vos exemplaires du Livre du Maître (Editions Bordas) sous une semaine. Sinon... Vous serez confronté à MoaBlix.

- Chaleureuse consolation et une tape sur mon épaule : ça fait du bien d'apprendre que je n'étais pas si paranoïaque que ça. Mais je me demande maintenant si il est possible que je ne l'ai pas été suffisamment ce qui à tendance à annuler la constatation de départ. C'est ça l'ennui avec la paranoïa.

Tout ce dont j'ai besoin désormais, c'est une grenade fumigène, un masque à gaz et un hélicoptère. (Un ban pour Bill Watterson).

Et probablement une Green Card. He.



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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Comments thread (3)

22 - Regina

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Deliberate misinformation and miseducation takes place on both sides of the Pond, I'm afraid - I was always taught in school what a great and good friend France was to the US throughout our short 200+ year existance. It wasn't until I was out of school and allowed to learn and observe for myself what was the reality - that France has been "on our side" when it was profitable or necessary, but certainly never out of any feelings of sympathy, empathy, fraternity, or whathaveyou. The difference is, when the lie shows a positive side to a negative, you tend to believe it unless it is proven otherwise (As it was with me when I went one year to Paris, and no one would speak to me because they "couldn't" speak English - - - until I switched to German, which I speak fluently...then they offered to speak English because they weren't as well versed in German. My lesson in reality.) Hopefully, if the lie is a negative view of a positive, the listener will tend not to believe it unless proven to be so... I really enjoy your blog. Please continue to fight the good fight! Gina

23 - Dom de Villainpain

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  • Dom de Villainpain

As much as i would never join any club that would accept me , when studying in Paris as a Jew, the first thing you have to do is denounce Sharon and Israel . This is not to be accepted by the loony left wingers, but to avoid being slugged. Your comments were written in the 80s and all i can say is plus ca change plus c'est la meme chose. Les semances du mal sont dans les universitees. plus tard ils plantent leur racines dans les medias. And we are the sans culottes, unsanctioned to express our opinions since they do not originate from their approved sources. Its called Free speech. Dominique Vidal

24 - mario

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Tbe sad thing is, the education system in the USA is the same. Some how or other, the Communists ended up in all the world's newspapers, museum currators and educators. How did we allow this to happen? Even Nazis fled to islands after the fall of Hitler. Why didn't the commies do the same thing after the fall of the Communism?