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I'm glad to see that my Axis of Weasels wallpapers received an amused welcome, with the active help of fine blogs and bloggers such as the Greatest Jeneration (hello Jennie!), Sofia Sideshow, TFS Reluctant or the OmbudsGod.And of course with the indefectible support of the American side of the multilateral Axis of Old Europe's Ass Kickerzzzz, AKA the Merde In France/Dissident Frogman Alliance against EuroSimpletons.
I henceforth decide to add a permanent link to the Axis of Weasels wallpapers right under the PingSkin Strategy campaign button, on the right of the page.
Speaking about the PigSkin Strategy, I just saw that The Primary Main Objective... already joined the fight.
What are you waiting for?
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