the dissident frogman

20 years and 7 months ago

Watch the Dogs ♠ Attention Aux Chiens

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Still hard at work maintaining the French in the illusion that the American people is being 'brainwashed' by its press (under the direct control of the Evil Dictatorial Bush Administration®), the French malformation information channel LCI is reporting today - with a big scary red title in bold fonts - that : "A star journalist berates the American media"

Enters the miserable rant of CNN's Christiane Amanpour, boisterously proclaiming that she, and the rest of the media - particularly CNN - has been intimidated and muzzled by the Bush Administration and Fox News.

Or, for some, 'self-muzzled', a pretty convenient accusation if there was any, since that makes you the victim and main witness at the same time.

As a preliminary remark, I'm glad to see that the poor intimidated, muzzled and self-muzzled Christiane is obviously not anymore.

That's a relief really, considering that although there are indeed some occasions when muzzling a woman is a real source of entertainment, of which most are generally reserved to specific circles involving consenting adults in kinky albeit a bit ridiculous leather and latex outfits, this, if it happened to be anything else than a product of Chrissie Doll's angry Left inspired phantasms, would definitely not be one of them.

A muzzled press is not a matter of entertainment, whatever the outfit.

But let's not get carried away at the evocation of a muzzled Christiane Amanpour in latex garter belt and leather corset and let's go back to LCI and her kinky conception of information.

Having astutely postured Chrissie Doll as a fierce lone voice of dissent, braving the Big American Media Machine, in as little as the 7 words of the scary sibylline title, the unsigned LCI article goes on, striking Muzzled Chrissie's strong blows at the perfidious Bush Administration and its Fox News "foot soldiers", one after another.

We therefore learn that "the press was muzzled" and "the press self-muzzled", that she and CNN were "intimidated by the administration" and "its foot soldiers at Fox News" amidst a global "climate of fear" and "self-censorship".

All right. Enough already.

We've heard this kind of 'muzzled press' nonsense ad nauseam. There's definitely nothing new on Chrissie Doll's side, particularly since she seems to forget that some of us followed the developments of the Iraqi crisis on a daily basis.

And remember them with an excellent acuity.

If the Bush Administration muzzled the American press, I would certainly appreciate Chrissie to keep her leather corset two minutes and explain how come we heard those who opposed the liberation of Iraq so shamefully loudly or even how come the Vietnam War flavored quagmires and other ghost looting of museums were propagated so widely that even the President of the French Republic ridiculed himself echoing it in a falsely indignant fashion (we're still waiting for an apology Jack).

Not mentioning the sudden invisibility granted to thousands of Iraqis who welcomed the Marines with cheeriness, and keep doing so.

If the Bush Administration muzzled the American press, I guess we would have heard that there was not a single casualty on the Coalition's side, not a single terror attack and that Saddam was found entertaining himself, wearing a spiked leather penial ring, with a well known muzzled CNN correspondent in latex garter belt on a pile of unconcealed chemical warheads in a Baghdad Café.

Or something along that line.

Yet we didn't, so all I can see here, is the member of one of the big name of "information" for whom the outcome of the Iraqi battle, with all the dirt and skeletons in the closet it exposed, has been particularly embarrassing (the other being the BBC. The French press doesn't count, as she can relate anything without anybody questionning her integrity, and therefore won't restrain), trying very awkwardly to regain an appearance of respectability by projecting upon her political opponents her very own malfeasances - such a specialty on the Left.

I have no doubt that the American public, all 'brainwashed' it may be by a 'muzzled press in the hands of the Hawks', will not concede the Muzzled Chrissie and the Censored CNN more credit than they deserve.

And there are signsalready that I have indeed little to worryabout.

Between the advent of the anti-Idiotarian blogs and the brilliant Pentagon move on the embedded journalists' issue, things, as well as times, have changed and I'm afraid Chrissie has to face the fact that, latex garter belt or not, she's not going to entertain us with the old leftist canards.

Those dogs don't hunt.

All is left and entertaining on the first degree, is the delightful swing back of the pendulum by Irena Briganti, Fox News spokeswoman:
Given the choice, it's better to be viewed as a foot soldier for Bush than a spokeswoman for al-Qaeda.
Given the choice, I agree.

That said it would be excessively naive of us to expect the pendulum to swing all the way back to the French LCI.

The scary big red titled article conveniently forgets that part of the story.

But considering that LCI - and as far as I know, the French press as a whole - also consistently forgot to report that CNN's President, Eason Jordan confessed CNN knew about the atrocities of Saddam's regime since the mid-1990s but choose to... Self-muzzle in order to keep the Baghdad office open, there's nothing really surprising here.

Meanwhile, the French public is comforted in the idea that the media obey the U.S. Administration, willingly in the case of Fox or under the pressure for the 'courageous dissidents' such as Christiane Amanpour.

From LCI's point of view, as well as for the rest of the kennel, this is the usual business based on a mental process they share with Chrissie Doll: by spreading Chrissie's ludicrous assertions - no matter the absence of ascertainable facts and the flagrant contradiction with their loud covering of the world events - they're making sure their own audience will not notice how submissive, obedient and mean the French press is.

Indeed, how could they face the fact that, apart from a handful of columnists who weren't exactly journalists themselves (two politicians, three philosophers and a movie director), there were absolutely no dissenting voice or press organism, either printed or broadcasted within the French mainstream media?

Those shiny happy people boarded the ChIraqi train as soon as possible and complacently replaced facts with fiction and reality with its denial.

Apart from their ghastly enjoyment of the Coalition's casualties, especially the American ones, of course.

Anybody cares to tell me who exactly is brainwashed besides the majority of French that can't read or listen anything else but French?

The most eerie part is that unlike Chris in Fear at the Censored CNN, I have no reason to believe that the ChIraq Administration had to lift even a single finger to get to that result.

Their dogs are so well trained that they don't need the stick to make them bark with the right voice anymore.

Article copy (alternate language)

Toujours très dévouée à maintenir les français dans l'illusion que le peuple américain à le 'cerveau lavé' par sa presse (sous le contrôle direct de la Maléfique Dictature de l'Administration Bush®), la chaîne de malformation d'information LCI rapporte aujourd'hui - avec un gros titre en rouge et gras qui fait peur - que : "Une journaliste vedette tance les médias américains"

Entrée de la misérable fulmination de Christiane Amanpour de CNN proclamant bruyamment qu'elle et le reste des media - particulièrement CNN - ont été intimidés et muselés par l'Administration Bush et Fox News.

Ou même, pour certains, auto-muselés, une accusation fort pratique s'il en est, puisqu'elle fait de vous simultanément la victime et le principal témoin.

En remarque préliminaire, je suis heureux de constater que la pauvre intimidée, muselée et auto muselée Christiane ne l'est manifestement plus.

C'est un réel soulagement, considérant que bien qu'il se puisse trouver quelques occasions dans lesquelles le musellement d'une femme constitue une réelle source de divertissement, lesquelles étant généralement réservées à des cercles bien spécifiques impliquant des adultes consentants vêtus de pervers bien qu'un peu ridicules ensembles de cuir et de latex, ceci, pour autant qu'il s'agisse d'autre chose que du produit des fantasmes inspirés par la gauche haineuse de la Poupée Chrissie, ne le serait incontestablement pas.

Une presse muselée n'est pas un motif de divertissement, quel que soit le costume.

Mais ne nous laissons pas distraire par l'évocation d'une Christiane Amanpour muselée en porte-jarretelles de latex et corset de cuir et revenons à LCI et à sa conception perverse de l'information.

Ayant astucieusement dépeint la Poupée Chrissie comme une farouche et solitaire voix de contestation bravant la Machine des Gros Media Américains, en rien moins que les 7 mots de l'effrayant et sibyllin intitulé, l'article non signé de LCI se poursuit, assénant les coups furieux de Chrissie la Muselée envers la Perfide Administration Bush et sa "piétaille" de Fox News, les uns à la suite des autres.

L'on apprends donc que : "la presse était muselée" et "s'est auto muselée", qu'elle-même et CNN ont été "intimidées par l'administration" et "ses fantassins de Fox News" au milieu d'un "climat de peur" et "d'autocensure".

Bien. Ça suffira.

Nous avons entendu ces inepties de 'presse muselée' ad nauseam. Il n'y a rien de nouveau du côté de Poupée Chrissie, particulièrement du fait qu'elle semble oublier que certains parmi nous ont suivi au quotidien les développements de la crise irakienne.

Et s'en souviennent avec une excellente acuité.

Si la presse américaine a été muselée par l'Administration Bush, j'aimerai donc que Chrissie garde son corset de cuir deux minutes et m'explique comment les opposants à la libération de l'Irak ont pu se faire entendre si honteusement fort ou même comment les enlisements à saveur Vietnam War-ienne et les pillages fantômes de musées ont pu être propagé si largement que même le Président de la République Française s'est ridiculisé en s'en faisant l'écho faussement indigné (on attends toujours des excuses Jacques).

Sans même mentionner la soudaine invisibilité dont ont bénéficié les milliers d'Irakiens accueillant les Marines dans la joie, ainsi que ceux qui continuent de le faire.

Si la presse américaine a été muselée par l'Administration Bush, j'imagine que nous aurions entendu qu'il n'y avait aucune perte du côté de la Coalition, pas une seule attaque terroriste et que Saddam avait été trouvé portant un anneau pénien en cuir clouté et en train de se distraire en compagnie d'une célèbre correspondante muselée de CNN en porte-jarretelles de latex sur un tas d'ogives chimiques non dissimulées dans un Bagdad Café.

Ou un truc dans ce goût là.

Ça n'est cependant pas arrivé et tout ce que je vois ici, c'est le membre d'un des grand noms de "l'information" pour qui l'issue de la bataille d'Irak, avec toute la saleté et les squelettes dans les placards soudain exposés, a été particulièrement embarrassante (l'autre étant la BBC. La presse française ne compte pas, étant donné qu'elle peut raconter n'importe quoi sans que personne ne questionne son intégrité, et ne s'en prive pas) essayant maladroitement de regagner une apparence de respectabilité en projetant ses propres malversations sur ses opposants politiques - une spécialité de la gauche.

Je ne doute pas cependant que le public américain, tout 'cerveau lavé' par une 'presse muselée aux mains des Faucons' qu'il puisse avoir, n'accordera pas à Chrissie la Muselée et CNN la Censurée plus de crédit qu'elles ne méritent.

Et il y a déjà des • signes indiquant que je n'ai pas à m'inquiéterde ça.

Entre l'avènement des blogs anti-Stupidistes et l'intelligente décision du Pentagone sur la question des journalistes intégrés aux troupes, les choses, ainsi que les temps, ont changé et j'ai bien peur que Chrissie ne doive affronter le fait que, porte-jarretelles en latex ou pas, elle ne va pas nous distraire avec de vieux canards gauchistes.

Ces chiens là ne chassent pas.

Tout ce qui reste de distrayant au premier degré, c'est le délicieux retour de balancier par Irena Briganti, la porte-parole de Fox News :
Si l'on à le choix, il vaut mieux être vu comme le fantassin de Bush que comme la porte-parole d'Al-Qaeda.
Si l'on à le choix, j'y souscris.

Cela dit, il serait extrêmement naïf de notre part de s'attendre à voir le balancier retourner jusqu'à LCI.

L'article au gros titre rouge effrayant oublie en effet commodément cette partie de l'histoire.

Mais considérant que LCI - et, pour autant que je sache le reste de la presse française dans son ensemble - a aussi commodément oublié de rapporter la confession du président de CNN, Eason Jordan, lorsqu'il à avoué que CNN connaissait les atrocités du régime de Saddam depuis le milieu des années 1990 mais avait choisi de... S'auto museler pour garder le bureau de Bagdad ouvert, il n'y a rien là de surprenant.

Pendant ce temps, le public français est conforté dans l'idée que les media obéissent à l'administration U.S., volontairement dans le cas de Fox News et sous la pression dans le cas de 'courageux dissidents' tels que Christiane Amanpour.

Du point de vue de LCI, ainsi que pour le reste du chenil, ce n'est que le business habituel, basé sur un processus mental qu'ils partagent avec la Poupée Chrissie : en répandant ses risibles assertions - sans se soucier de l'absence de faits vérifiables et de la contradiction flagrante avec leur couverture bruyante des évènements - ils s'assurent que leur propre audience ne remarque pas à quel point la presse française est elle même soumise, obéissante et mal intentionnée.

En effet, comment pourraient ils affronter le fait qu'à l'exception de quelques éditorialistes qui n'étaient pas exactement journalistes eux-mêmes (deux politiciens, trois philosophes et un réalisateur), il n'y eut aucun organe de presse ou voix contestataire, imprimée ou télédiffusée au sein des media institutionnels français ?

Ce joli monde à pris place dans le train ChIrakien dès que possible et a complaisamment remplacé les faits avec la fiction et la réalité avec son déni.

A l'exception d'une jouissance morbide devant les pertes de la Coalition, particulièrement celles des américains, bien entendu.

Quelqu'un souhaite me dire qui, exactement, a le cerveau lavé, outre la majorité de français qui ne peut ni lire ni entendre autre chose que du français ?

Le plus inquiétant dans tout cela, c'est que contrairement à Chris dans la Peur chez la Censurée CNN, je n'ai aucune raison de penser que l'Administration ChIrak ait eu à lever le petit doigt pour atteindre ce résultat.

Leurs chiens sont si bien dressés qu'ils n'ont plus besoin du bâton pour les faire aboyer de la bonne voix.



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Comments thread (10)

718 - Val

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HA HA HA! Hee, hee, hee.....oh, my. My ribs hurt from laughing so hard. Must now go forth to purchase vast quantities of non-french wine so as to drown out the image of Christine Amanpoop in latex anything. Yiii! Her pathetic statements are like the last gasps of a drowing person. CNN has lost all validity and it knows it. That she/they are stoopng to this tactic just reveals how desperate they are. DF, you are the best in the West!

719 - ForNow

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One wonders whether Amanpour was hoping to bury the memory of what Eason Jordan said about CNN in "The awful news CNN had to keep to itself " in the International Herald Tribune April 12, 2003 The New York Times, or what Frank Foer said in "Air War - How Saddam Manipulates the U.S. Media" originally in The New Republic Oct. 28, 2002. And just as Amanpour is trying to block out CNN's record (&arhaps its continued kowtowing to other dictators like Castro), along come tthe really damning observations made by John F. Burns of The New York Times, who filed so many excellent stories from Iraq, in an interview "John Burns: 'There Is Corruption in Our Business'" in Editor &ublisher Sept. 15, 2003. From Burns's remarks: =================== Yeah, it was an absolutely disgraceful performance. CNN's Eason Jordan's op-ed piece in New York Times missed that point completely. The point is not whether we protect the people who work for us by not disclosing the terrible things they tell us. Of course we do. But the people who work for us are only one thousandth of one percent of the people of Iraq. So why not tell the story of the other people of Iraq? It doesn't preclude you from telling about terror. Of murder on a mass scale just because you won't talk about how your driver's brother was murdered. =================== Another excerpt: =================== There is corruption in our business. We need to get back to basics. This war should be studied and talked about. In the run up to this war, to my mind, there was a gross abdication of responsibility. You have to be ready to listen to whispers.

720 - ForNow

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Sorry, messed up on one of the URLs "The awful news CNN had to keep to itself " by Eason Jordan, The International Herald Tribune, April 12, 2003, also in The New York Times

721 - Tom

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Yes, Amanpour's "muzzled" claim is ridiculous, even outrageous, especially in light of Eason Jordan's mea culpa. And yet I did find this overlooked paragraph in John Burns's now famous piece: "So we had moved to the Palestine Hotel, but the TV networks were still filing from the information ministry because they were not allowed to file from anywhere else. Which is why CNN got expelled. They refused to go on filing from there; they used a videophone to file their stories on the first heavy night of bombing on March 21. They were caught with a videophone and they were expelled by dawn." What network did you guys watch during the war, anyway? I watched mostly CNN, having determined it to be much more reliable than the BBC, MSNBC and TV5 (of Francosphere--France and what few vassals it still has left). Fox isn't available here in Thailand, but it wouldn't have made a difference -- we're talking "reliability" here. Okay, okay, we all know CNN isn't perfectly reliable, either, even before Jordan. (The network to this day still frequently airs "reports" direct from Iranian, Vietnamese and Chinese propaganda bureaus in its "World Report" program.) But hasn't CNN become too easy a target for all blames by all factions on earth? And into whose hand is this playing. The America-bashers would love nothing more than to establish CNN as "biased". Do they care that CNN's Iraq bureau was actually biassed against America? Hell, no. Here's what they think: CNN is biased; CNN is American, therefore Americans are biased, brainwashed, sinister, stupid, manipulative, manipulated... just inviting the terrorists, really. That said, here's a note fore Amanpour: While there is naturally a pressure for CNN to be pro-American from its US peers and viewers, that's more than offset by the raucous and, as in Iraq, violent "world opinion" on the other side. If Amanpour doesn't know that, perhaps it's because she indentifies herself with the wrongheaded latter.

722 - lionel

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Peut etre une coincidence, mais depuis quelques semaines maintenant, FOXNews n'est plus disponible sur TPS. FOXNews a peut etre simplement changer de satelite de diffusion. Mais il se peut aussi que TPS ai decider de ne plus diffuser cet chaine via son terminal, et si c'est le cas, je me demande bien pourquoi ? Censure ?

723 - ForNow

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Some interesting points. Still, I think the America-bashers wouldn't cast accusations of a CNN anti-American bias as accusations of a CNN pro-American bias. On the other hand, I'm in Queens, New York, so maybe I overestimate the intellectual honesty of America-bashers in Europe. Still, I think they'd instead express astonishment that CNN gets accused of being insufficiently pro-American, they'd take it as a sign of the "extremism" of the Americans who make those accusations. (How excessively relative these things seem, until one considers "centers of gravity" like freedom &ecurity.) It's also true that CNN's behavior, as you point out, has not been without merit, though the merit came late. Though I use high-speed cable access to the 'Net, I don't bother getting cable TV. So I watched the broadcast channels, which often (though certainly not 24/7) broadcast the Fox, CBS, NBC, &BC feed. The famous day (late at night here in NYC) of Andrew Gilligan's mistaken denial that there was any evidence that the Americans had reached Baghdad's center or even entered the city, I was watching BBC &kyNews over the Internet. I ended up watching SkyNews for its periodic feeds from FoxNews, as I noticed that the BBC seemed unable to find the Americans whom I saw on Fox via SkyNews. (An account of BBC's reporting is in "Bizarro Broadcasting Company" by Denis Boyles, Duck Season, April 7, 2003 &ow at

724 - Randal Robinson

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  • Randal Robinson

DF, thanks for linking to my Top 10 Ways Fox News Intimidated CNN. You da frog. I've already begun making dinner plans for our upcoming war with France and you're invited. Bring the dessert. Randal Robinson

725 - kawaclope

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Cher Dissident Vous êtes le meilleur ! Vous faites définitivement parties des gagnants. Waw, comme j'aimerais que vous soyiez mon ami, je pourrais fièrement vous exhiber en disant "regardez comme il est bien mon pote". "Au royaume des aveugles, les borgnes sont rois", disait l'autre "Aux Etats-Unis, Bush est président", moi je dis (Ca va, j'ai bien respecté toutes les conditions d'expression ? Boa, j'suis con , la censure, de nos jours, ça n'existe plus ...hein !)

726 - JFM

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Cher kawaclope Et en France, Chirac est président. Que les cris du bébé irakien a qui le régime que TU AS SOUTENU a arraché un oeil pour faire parler son père ne t'empêchent ni de dormir, ni de remplir ton réservoir chez Total-Fina.

727 - JFM

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Ni de te frotter les mains quand tes actions TOTAL montent.