the dissident frogman

20 years and 4 months ago

What's That Smell? ♠ C'est Quoi Cette Odeur ?

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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I believe that Malcolm Muggeridge once said:
I have had my television aerials removed. It's the moral equivalent of a prostate operation.
I shot my television aerials down, shortly after 9/11, for the safe of my TV set that was directly threatened by my ire at the sight and hearing of the French media, strategic and political 'experts', unionists and entertainers on all sides, suggesting, implying or claiming that, after all, "the Americans deserved that".

Consequently, when things happen in the vicinity of the prostate, I'm afraid I can't be a great help.

So in order to know how the Coalition of the Pissy is taking the capture of Saddam "The Rat in a Spider Hole" Hussein, and more precisely, how Marianne the Queen Piss is reacting, I would advise reading Merde in France, who still has his television aerials.

Looks like it's a bad day in the urinal.

I'm almost sorry to miss their sorry faces.

Article copy (alternate language)

Je crois que Malcolm Muggeridge a dit un jour :
J'ai fait enlever mon antenne de télévision. C'est l'équivalent moral d'une opération de la prostate.
J'ai descendu mon antenne de télévision peu de temps après le 11 septembre, pour la santé de mon poste de télévision, directement menacé par mon courroux à la vue et à l'audition des media, 'experts' stratégiques et politiques, syndicalistes et saltimbanques français de tous bords suggérant, insinuant ou proclamant qu'après tout, "les américains l'avaient bien mérité".

En conséquence, lorsque des choses se produisent dans le voisinage de la prostate, j'ai bien peur de ne pouvoir être d'une grande aide.

Ainsi, afin de savoir comment la Coalition des Pisseuses prends la capture de Saddam "Le Rat dans un Trou d'Araignée" Hussein, et plus précisément comment Marianne la Reine Pisse réagit, je vous suggère d'aller lire Merde in France, qui a toujours ses antennes de télévision.

On dirait bien que c'est une triste journée dans l'urinoir.

Je suis presque déçu de manquer leurs faces déçues.



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the dissident frogman

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Comments thread (4)

1127 - Valerie, theTexas

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  • Valerie, theTexas

M. Chirac was not man enough to say it. I will. To all the countries of the Coaltion Forces, thank you for your support and sacrifice that helped to realize this day. Thank you for your efforts to bring freedom and liberty to the long terrorized people of Iraq. Thank you to the Iraqi who said "Here he is." Thank you President Bush for coming to Iraq and assuirng everyone that this job was not over until the good work is done. And this was good work indeed.

1128 - Valerie

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Diss, Don't worry about French TV. You ain't missed much. Some 'now we know he's been caught, we can talk bad about him' revisionism. A lot of 'this doesn't mean that things will be better for the Coalition' cr-p, and some very regret-laden statements from politicians insisting that Irak must be handed its sovereignty illico presto. In other words, dismay. Total and utter dismay.

1129 - Papertiger

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I wonder do any of you feel a let down? I mean we still have thousands of fanatics, but the big cheeto is done, Prince Bandar of KSA took to describing France and Germany as being full of Chutzpah for demanding post war contracts in Iraq. Chutzpah ! I didn't even know the Prince was Jewish. This just goes to show, the new world order , while not here yet, is a bunch closer. I'm going to miss Saddam in a way. Everybody needs to have a boogie man. I wonder if Euros felt this way after ww2?

1130 - Nightfly

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Tiger - naah, the Euro eiltes were fine. They had Reagan. This capture does illustrate one major, useful distinction between the Coalition of the Pissy (I love that description!) and the Allied forces: the first whines about the job to be done, and the second does it. Then the first complains about how good the second did.