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Archbishop Desmond TutuRight, I know the man is getting old and all. But still... How can one possibly come up with this (I mean, seriously) :
When does compassion, when does morality, when does caring come in?Well... The hell (he he) If I know Monsignor.
You mean compassion like in:
Torture victims in Iraq have been blindfolded, stripped of their clothes and suspended from their wrists for long hours. Electric shocks have been used on various parts of their bodies, including the genitals, ears, the tongue and fingers.(...)You mean morality like in:
Other methods of physical torture described by former victims include the use of Falaqa (beating on the soles of the feet), extinguishing of cigarettes on various parts of the body, extraction of finger nails and toenails and piercing of the hands with an electric drill. Some have been sexually abused and others have had objects, including broken bottles, forced into their anus.
For example, on 7 June 2000 Najib al-Salihi, a former army general who fled Iraq in 1995 and joined the Iraqi opposition, was sent a videotape showing the rape of a female relative. Shortly afterwards he reportedly received a telephone call from the Iraqi intelligence service, asking him whether he had received the ''gift'' and informing him that his relative was in their custody.and caring like in:
In October 2000 dozens of women suspected of prostitution were beheaded without any judicial process in Baghdad and other cities after they had been arrested and ill-treated. Men suspected of procurement were also beheaded. The killings were reportedly carried out in the presence of representatives of the Ba'ath Party and the Iraqi Women's General Union. Members of Feda'iyye Saddam, a militia created in 1994 by 'Uday Saddam Hussain, used swords to execute the victims in front of their homes. Some victims were reportedly killed in this manner for political reasons.Monsignor?
Obviously not. Your problem seems to be that:
Many, many of us are deeply saddened to see a great country such as the United States aided and abetted extraordinarily by Britain.Darn Yanks and their British puppets, right Monsignor?
How DARE they oppose peaceful countries living harmoniously under the rule of the law like for instance:
In 1994 Iraq, through a series of decrees issued by the Revolutionary Command Council (...) introduced judicial punishments (...) for at least 30 criminal offences, including theft in certain circumstances, monopolizing rationed goods, defaulting or deserting from military service and performing plastic surgery on an amputated arm or leg. The punishments consisted of the amputation of the right hand for a first offence, and of the left foot for a second offence, or the severance of one or both ears. People convicted under these decrees were also branded with an ''X'' mark on the forehead. The Iraqi Government argued that the introduction of these severe punishments were in response to the rising crime rate resulting from worsening economic conditions as a result of the UN imposed sanctions.It's obvious that performing plastic surgery on an amputated arm or leg is symptomatic of the rise of crime rate resulting from worsening economic conditions as a result of the UN imposed sanctions. This is why the Iraqi Government wants to amputate more, by law.
Consequently, I understand that Monsignor feels:
(...) shocked to see a powerful country use its power frequently, unilaterally. The United States says you do this to the world, if you don't do it we will do it - that's sad.So sad indeed.
I never thought I would see somebody who fought the last segregationist state of the industrialized world turning so drastically iniquitous and supporting a violent state and a totalitarian government against democratic nations beyond suspicion.
With all due respect Monsignor, shut your f***** mouth if you have nothing smart to say.
It's not the first time you're demonstrating how stupid and biased you are.
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