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They are fighting a war and rebuilding a country.And they do both successfully:
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- When young thugs began to command $5,000 for attacking American soldiers instead of the $500 bounty they had been earning, some U.S. commanders saw it as a grim sign that the campaign against Saddam Hussein's hard-core loyalists was succeeding.Indeed, an nothing could please me more than learning repeatedly -- since, despite the tremendous efforts of the big media worldwide to conceal it and report the exact opposite, it's showing up no matter what, mostly if not only, thank to the soldiers and their families as well as the non-Idiotarian part of the blogosphere -- that Saddam's SS, the criminals he released on purpose before the war started and the waves of Al-Qaeda skuzzballs hanging on to their AK-47, yelling "Allahu Akbar" while running towards the big fellows with their Kevlars under the Stars and Stripes, get to understand pretty fast and authoritatively that no matter what Osama's mummy and the other turbaned trashes who sent them fight the Jihad in Iraq would say, the Great Satan is not exactly weak and coward and... Ooops.
"The price has risen, because (the thugs) don't come back as often now," Army Col. Robert Baker, a brigade commander, said of the people ambushing U.S. troops.
Too late, that was a headshot Muhammad.
You shouldn't believe what the turbaned trashes say or what you can read from the junk French intellectuals' expectorations about the "decline" of whatever "American empire".
Bush, the "cowboy", the "moron" once said "Bring them on". And they're coming and they get their sorry asses kicked badly by America, a supposed giant with feet of clay.
Good riddance. Yet not enough.
Wiping the Islamofascists with one hand, America and the Coalition are rebuilding the same place, at the same time with the other:
On Karrada Boulevard, workers unload from huge trucks new television sets, washing machines, air-conditioners and other consumer goods that Iraqis have been doing without. Store owners say people are starting to feel they can buy big-ticket items without fearing they will be stolen.And in the own words of Ahmed Ibrahim a top official in the Iraqi Governing Council's Ministry of the Interior:
Schools opened across much of Iraq this month, and more than 1,000 schoolhouses were renovated by contractors hired by American authorities. Not all schools were ready in time for the academic year's start. Nonetheless, a high percentage of children are back in class.
"Things are getting much better each month," (...) "Please tell the families of American soldiers who died here that they died for freedom, because we are going to have a free Iraq. It is happening."
A lot of people, starting with the French press and nomenklatura, should definitely shut their mouth on that issue, get on their knees and apologize to the big fellows with their Kevlars under the Stars and Stripes, Bush the cowboy and the people of Iraq. But of course, there will be thousands of peaceful years in Iraq before this happens.
We suffered 382 fatalities to date, of which one third were non-combat related.
At the risk of repeating myself, I heard almost daily on France-Info's broadcast: "Yet another US casualty in Iraq."
The Coalition is wiping out Saddam's SS and the Al-Qaeda skuzzballs by the hundreds.
I never heard : "Yet another hundred of SS and terrorist skuzzballs eliminated in Iraq."
The Coalition has completed 13,000 reconstruction projects, including 1,500 schools as of October the first -- and I'll assume this number includes the 330 that were rebuilt by the 101st Airborne with Saddam's money -- and "the teachers earn from 12 to 25 times their former salaries."
I never heard: "Yet another school rebuilt and reopened in Iraq."
There are 240 hospitals and more than 1200 clinics open, a pharmaceutical distribution that has gone from nothing to 700 tons in May and a current total of 12,000 tons - even though the supposedly "essential", "humane" and "brave" subsidy-eating NGOs prefered to bravely take off. 22 millions of vaccination doses where nonetheless administered to the children of Iraq.
I never heard: "Yet another hospital opened in Iraq."
A Coalition program cleared 14,000 kilometers of irrigation canals delivering water to tens of thousands of farms and resulting in more than 100,000 jobs created for men and women.
I never heard: "Yet another row of jobs created in Iraq."
That list goes on, concerning just about every aspects of the reconstruction, be it economical, social, political, strategical or cultural.
But this morning, all I heard on France-Info was: "Yet another US casualty in Iraq."
How could I possibly have anything else but disgust and disdain for people who rewrite History as it goes along, under the pretext of relating it?
That said, I praise myself on being a positive thinker (yeah, I know what you're thinking).
So despite the death of the rare people who, as a famous U.S. President put it once, really make a difference in this life, there is a gain to be pulled out from this utter bias of the big media: the Jihad waging turbaned trashes and their AK-47 wielding skuzzballs will certainly stick on that idea of a Great Satan with feet of clay that's weak, and coward and... Ooops.
Nice shot Jimbo.
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Captain Ed