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Image: Patrick Henry's "Treason" speech before the House of Burgesses by Peter F. Rothermel, 1851.
"To give a particular account of the ravages of the troops as they retreated from Concord to Charlestown, would be very difficult, if not impracticable. Let it suffice to say that a great number of the houses on the road were plundered and rendered unfit for use; several were burnt; women in childbed were driven by the soldiery naked into the streets; old men, peaceably in their houses were shot dead; and such scenes exhibited as would disgrace the annals of the most uncivilized nation.That's the Massachusetts Provincial Congress trying to set the record straight with their "Friends and Fellow-Subjects" in Britain.
These, brethren, are marks of ministerial vengeance against this colony for refusing, with her sister colonies, submission to slavery, but they have not yet detached us from our royal sovereign. We profess to be his loyal and dutiful subjects, and so hardly dealt with as we have been, are still ready with our lives and fortunes to defend his person, family, crown, and dignity. Nevertheless, to the persecution and tyranny of his cruel ministry, we will not tamely submit. Appealing to Heaven for the justice of our cause, we determine to die or be free."
Go read it all, and let it be a lesson for our modern times.
UPDATE: added the picture. Hey Reuters! Two can play this game!
Comments thread (3)
4097 - TooTall
TooTall Utah
It takes an outsider to teach me. I knew that the 19th marked "the shot heard around the world" but didn't know that it was observed as Patriots Day. Thanks DF!
4100 - Lady Cincinnatus
Lady Cincinnatus Ohio & Kentucky
Thanks DF!!!
4103 - privatei2
I'd never heard of Patriots Day before. The Jules Crittenden post was a fascinating read, particularly the different versions everyone had of the same event. So who did fire first? I favor Paul Revere's version myself.