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(Probable) Source: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's personal memos by himself: the (probably) Official Blog.
One item in this morning's email had the opposite effect however, and actually managed to be lightly entertaining. Check this out:
* Iran unveils plan for women's car *
Iran announces plans for a car designed specially for women, with features aimed at appealing to females.
Full story:

Nice choice of words, indeed, for a spineless article on Iranian women's plight—apparently, the harshest words the Beeb can muster are, quote,
the official Iranian concept of equality is very different from that understood by Western feminists.—made even funnier by the AFP photo they picked up to illustrate the thing: a veiled woman at the wheel.
Funny heh? Yet I won't be outdone or outspoken, and will henceforth suggest another Iran-related top story which I hope the BBC will include in tomorrow's daily email. Check this out:
* Hang out in Tehran: Iranian Tourism Ministry publishes the 2008 Best Gay Bars Guide *I am so in the mood for fun that I shall expect nothing less than your best (Islamic) women driving jokes in the comments, thank you very much.
Comments thread (9)
3795 - Zhur
Two Iranians are talking about woman drivers.
One says to the other "So, if two women come to a 4 way stop at the same time, who has the right of way?"
The other says "Silly goose, you know women don't have any rights!"
Baaa da boom boom, tish!
3798 - TooTall
TooTall Utah
The best I can do is something along the line of Iranian women drivers being "veiled threats".
3800 - JackBoot
If Allah had wanted women to drive, he would have given them brains!
3801 - bonmotdot
bonmotdot Deep in the Heart of Texas
Iran has announced plans for a new car designed specially for women....okay, I'm looking at what they think women want....
Its features will include automatic transmission (because we all know women can't drive stick), parking and navigation aids (because we need to ask for directions) and a jack for changing tyres without getting grease on your chador. (ahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa)
Iran's biggest car producer, Iran Khodro, says it will come in a range of feminine colours and interior designs. (Again, color is the first thing I look for in a car. Really! I'm just a girl!)
So... where's the joke?
Oh. I'm supposed to provide it.
q. How many Iranian women does it take to change a tire (oops... tyre)?
a. Why do women always want to change things? Can't they accept them just as they are?
3803 - unknown jane
unknown jane
Best I could come up with is "and there's enough room in the trunk for a dozen goats" -- which is way lame. In fact it's more lame than the one my husband came home with -- "So a baby fur seal walked into a club"...bada bing!
3813 - sig94
Haven't seen one of these in years. A vintage 1147 Burkamobile with optional tyre wenches.
3814 - John in Michigan, USA
John in Michigan, USA
Policeman: 'When I saw you coming round that bend I thought, "Forty-five at least".'
Woman motorist: 'WTF?! Yesterday you told me to wear a chador so men wouldn't guess my age!'
3815 - John in Michigan, USA
John in Michigan, USA
Q: Why did President I'm-a-dinner-chicken cross the road?
A: Because in Iran, 60% of the drivers don't exist!
3818 - Mike H.
Mike H. Spokane, Wa
Can we send Loretta Bobbit over on a state visit? Just to meet Ahmadinejad (Archie).