the dissident frogman

17 years and 3 months ago

Cutting the crap with a 7" blade KA-BAR

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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From someone with much more expertise and credibility than I will ever have, comes this:
There is no more supporting the troops without supporting their mission. If you oppose the war, you oppose the troops period. If you are actively undermining their efforts by running your mouth in the US Congress, then you absolutely do not support the troops.
Enough said, but much more to read: way to go Uncle Jimbo.



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (9)

2185 - Valerie, Texas

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Target! Repeat!

Army gunner talk for when the target has been hit. Uncle Jimbo is spot on.

(Warning, reading Blackfive can become as addicting as reading Dissident Frogman.)

2189 - Mike H.

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  • Mike H. Spokane, Wa

You know there is a school of thought that says that people with names like, Benedict Arnold, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Murtha are traitors and should be dealt with accordingly. If I remember my history books properly there was something about a yardarm or something called the gallows. That was before Vietnam of course. Having said that, I'm glad that every one is more refined than myself. I'll have to go off and suffer the ignominy.

2190 - Grimmy

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  • Grimmy Where I'm at.

We're only at the beginning of a "sea change" in opinion and attitude regarding those who make a practice of treason, betrayal and enemy sympathy/defeatism.

This sea change is years overdue and absolutly necessary for our survival. No society/culture can survive an existential threat from outside while allowing for unfettered and unrestrained betrayal from the inside.

This has nothing to do with "differences of opinion" and everything to do with betrayal.

Where does the light go, when the light goes out?

2191 - Iwo Gina

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  • Iwo Gina Maryland

Grimmy: You mean there's hope that the minority of the sane will increase in size? I had a personal conquest in that I finally got the message through yesterday to a co-worker as to why I don't go along with the rest of the sheep that believe Jimmy Carter is a saint whose shyte don't stink. I did this through presentation of the ex-prez's record of "achievements" and how that got us to where we are today. And also through citing certain passages of Saint Jimmy's book (choke) to show what a bigot he truly is... the man's own printed words are hard for him to deny or defend! My co-worker was a bit shocked, to say the least - after all, he is Habitat for Humanity... a Nobel Peace Prize winner... a God-fearing man! I swear, it was like the scales had fallen from his eyes. But my God, was he resistant! He just didn't want to know! I kept at him only because he kept brow-beating me about my political beliefs and my not-so-flattering opinion of St. Jimmy (well, hell - what should I expect? I live in a blue state). But, hey - I finally got one of them to understand that no-one is really what the meadia presents, and before one person condemns another person's opinion, it would be better to ask "why" first - it could be an eye-opener (or at least broaden one's narrow little mind just a peu de peu (how's my accent, DF? ;) ). I am now hopeful and encouraged by this one little victory - I'm not out to "convert the masses", just to spread the word to people to get ALL the facts, for God's sake, before you go blindly with the flow of popular opinion, and think for your own damn self! I'm going to reward myself now with a strong cup of java and a donut! Iwo the Barbarian

Iwo Gina

2193 - Mike H.

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  • Mike H. Spokane, Wa

Iwo, since Grimmy is well qualified to speak for himself I'll just throw my two cents in and run.

The answer: Yup.

The observation: Congratulations on a hard fought victory.

Evergreen out (left coast signing off)

2196 - Grimmy

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  • Grimmy Where I'm at.


The "sea change" I'm referred to is a change away from tolerating those weak, stupid or evil enough to play the betrayer games.

All who choose to adhere to the enemy are also the enemy. That has, always and forever, been the rule. Those who think it's fun or trendy are just as much enemy as those who do it for the purpose of destroying their own.

One enemy, one remedy.

Where does the light go, when the light goes out?

2199 - Iwo Gina

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  • Iwo Gina Maryland

Grimmy: Your reply was very sobering. And, I wish to apologize to one and all for my seemingly shameless act of self-promotion. It was not intended as such. I cited it only for illustrative purposes.

I can appreciate your stand, but I don't necessarily agree with it completely. Of course, with the evil in this world there can be no tolerance. Absolutely none. However, I personally believe you can achieve more by trying to enlighten those that you call "weak" or "stupid". Once you are able to get through to them, they begin to see that there may be more than one side to an argument, maybe more than one person's opinion has validity, maybe there is more than one solution to a problem; they begin to think for themselves rather than go along with the "party line". Someone converted or reasoned away from a rigid mind-set is like a person re-born - they question everything, as is their right and responsibility to do.

Iwo Gina

2202 - Grimmy

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  • Grimmy Where I'm at.

Pay particular attention to section - 2388. Activities affecting armed forces during war. Much of our msm has aggressively worked to mislead, misinform, dysinform, and actively propagandize against their own countrymen in this war. Many in the media feel it to be their duty to "...educate American citizens against this war". That quote is from the editor in chief of the journalism industry's trade magazine.

Who do you think the current DNC leadership is pandering to? Do you believe them to be operating in a vacuum? There is a large portion of our own society that has been brought up from birth to hate the US and everything it stands for. There is no accusation that can be made against Americans and especially American soldiers that these folk will not immediately assume to be gospel truth.

We've already seen US Marines imprisoned simply on the constructed propaganda of a known insurgent and a journalist for Time that flogged the insurgent's video propaganda around until he got enough noise and forced a criminal investigation. The case is Haditha. To the betrayers, it's already, and will forever be, "Mi Lia 2".

Look at how the Abu Ghraib issue was blown completely out of proportion and used to smear all US servicemen by our own media which fed an amazing propaganda coup to the enemy.

The fact is, this has gone on for sufficient time that there are no real innocents on the betrayer's side anymore. Every adult has a duty that is not optional during a time of war. No one is expected to agree to every decision or not be concerned over real problems, there is the duty to give their own side the benefit of the doubt and to at least make attempt to filter through the enemy propaganda. This is even more valid in this new information age when an advanced society can be beaten down and defeated, simply by spinning stories and lies to feed their population in order to turn them against themselves.

on FNC, Greta van Susterene was interviewing the first journalist to get a live, face to face, with OBL after 9/11. It was a phone interview with the journalist in his home nation of Pakistan. The last statement he made as Greta was cutting him off to set up for a commercial break was:

"Osama said to me that he is counting on the American people to rise up and defeat their own government for him, like they did for the communists in Vietnam."

For those who've played that game, there's still time to get their shit straight. Once the rage breaks, though. Too bad, so sad, it's gonna suck to be them. Either the government will stand tfu and start enforcing the laws or enraged mobs will.

Where does the light go, when the light goes out?

2204 - Iwo Gina

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  • Iwo Gina Maryland

Grimmy: After giving careful thought to your points and review of the material you provided via the link, I find that I must admit you are correct. We are indeed at war, and the tolerance level should be zero.

Iwo Gina