the dissident frogman

17 years and 6 months ago

French Minister, and truther's fellow traveller

For French Minister Christine Boutin, "it is possible" that 9/11 was an inside job. Bush's job, of course.

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Here's doing for France what Memri does for the arabo-muslim world: translating and adding subtitles so you can better understand the enemy's mindset.

If you're reading this through the RSS feed, be advised that the video clip will most likely not show — I have not setup enclosures for now.

I'll work around putting this up on YouTube and such later.

One remark: I've translated those Conspiracy Frogs as literally as semantically possible, which explains some odd formulations. As a matter of fact, both the "Truther" and the Minister have a rather horrendous command of their mother tongue in this interview — proving that in France, one can be uneducated and stupid, and yet still make it on top of the media and political ladders. It's the Egalité stupid!

The rest is summarily explained at the end of the clip, but feel free to raise questions in the comments.



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (11)

2178 - joy

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And this woman is in an administration that's supposedly friendly to us? Good grief!

Thanks for the heads up on this one. Nice to see what they're really saying.

2179 - Iwo Gina

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  • Iwo Gina Maryland

I see the American mainstream media does not corner the market on left-leaning news "journalists". Too bad the respondents on either side of the Pond don't have the guts to say what they really think instead of what they believe people want to hear.

But - it is a comfort to know that even the French have a tough time with thier own language... I won't feel so bad now when I get those "dirty looks" for my attempts (the last time I was in Paris, no one would speak to me in either English or French... I finally resorted to German and got a response at last - albeit an impolite one!)

Iwo Gina

2180 - floridasuzie

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  • floridasuzie Florida

I think it's halrious that she believes whatever web sites she's referring to has so many hits, it gives them merit LOL! Poor old dweeb. For some reason there is a large percentage of suckers who enjoy believing in delusional conspiracy theories and of course Bush is the devil incarnate for them so they always have him in charge of their latest paranoi. I would imagine lots of child pornography sites also get lots of hits but that doesn't give them any merit.

2181 - Mitch Townsend

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  • Mitch Townsend Wakefield, Massachusetts, USA

It is possible that angels will fly out of my ass. Christine is invited to watch this event. Closely.

2183 - floridasuzie

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  • floridasuzie Florida

DF and All,

Are you familiar with Neo-Neocon's blog? I've been reading her the past 2 or 3 years, about the same amount of time I've been reading Froggy. I think you 2 have a lot in common, what she wrote today was very good if anyone's interested. She and the people who post regularly on her blog are very much like you and your regular posters here on this blog - true intellectuals, so I pretty much hush and listen, every once in awhile I throw in a "Bwahaha! What he/she said!" ;)


2184 - Iwo Gina

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  • Iwo Gina Maryland

Suzie: Many thanks for the reference to neo-neocon's blog site. I found it fascinating and will be a regular reader from now on. I'm also going to purchase the book she's recommended (The Survival of Culture by Hilton Kramer and Roger Kimball) - I need all the help I can get to understand why so many victims are apologizing to their offenders. This attitude just completely baffles me and I want to have some written reassurance that I am part of the sane minority.


Iwo Gina

2187 - floridasuzie

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  • floridasuzie Florida

Iwo Gina,

I'm glad you like Neo, she's not as entertaining as our Gentleman Froggy but she's a fine lady :) Oh yeah, re: But - it is a comfort to know that even the French have a tough time with thier own language… I won't feel so bad now when I get those "dirty looks" for my attempts (the last time I was in Paris, no one would speak to me in either English orFrench… I finally resorted to German and got a response at last - albeit an impolite one!)

Before your next trip to Paris, contact me, I have a few Southern euphemisms I can share with you. The rude Parisians might not understand them but I think they'd get the gist ;)

2188 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Ladies, may I suggest what I hope is an even better idea? Next time you're in Paris, drop me an email.

It will be my pleasure to escort you, and I regard as one of life's small bonuses the opportunity to be rude with Parisians, in their native tongue of course (no matter how badly they speak it).

Remember, anywhere you travel, there's nothing like having a local guide...

Time to take sides

2192 - floridasuzie

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  • floridasuzie Florida

Thanks DF, I'll certainly take you up on the kind offer if I ever go to Paris. Same offer this way if you ever come to Florida. I'll even steer you away from the shark beaches - something native Floridians only do for tourists we really like ;)

2194 - Purple Raider

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Is this the best of the French politicians?

If so, there is absolutely no hope.