the dissident frogman

21 years and 5 months ago

Don't be paranoid ♠ Ne soyons pas paranoïaques

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Article copy

Look, the dissident frogman is an awful paranoid agitator who notes troubling flag and other national symbols omissions inside and around WWII Museums as if there was something to fear, pertaining to those matters in a French society ever respectful for the sacrifice of those who freed her, for the centuries to come.

There is, in fact, nothing to fear for the memory of the fallen Allied soldiers buried in the homey French soil they gave their lives to liberate. Nothing at all.

After the British WWI cemetery and memorial in Etaples last April, 12 tombstones were kicked and broken in the British War Cemetery at the Quesnel (Somme) between July 22 and 29, 45 tombstones were smashed in the Commonwealth War Cemetery in Saint-Aubert (North of France) and the guestbook stolen during the night between July 27 and 28 and 15 were desecrated in the British cemetery of Aix-Noulette (Pas-de-Calais) last Wednesday.

But it's just coincidental, there's nothing to fear at all for the memory of the Allied soldiers because they are highly honored and respected around here and the dissident frogman is a paranoid agitator.

Consequently, the dissident frogman will keep his mouth close and his mind shut, on that issue.

But he will keep honoring the memory of Joe and Tommy, no matter what.

And watching any slightest shred of attempts against it, like a paranoid.

Article copy (alternate language)

Ecoutez, le dissident frogman n'est qu'un agitateur paranoïaque qui remarque de troublantes omissions de drapeaux et autres symboles nationaux dans et autour de musées consacrés à la Seconde Guerre Mondiale comme si l'on devait craindre quelque chose, concernant ces questions, au sein d'une société française respectueuse du sacrifice de ceux qui l'ont libérée, et ce pour les siècles à venir.

Il n'y a, en fait, rien à craindre pour la mémoire des soldats Alliés tombés et reposant dans l'accueillant sol français, que leur mort a contribué à libérer. Rien à craindre du tout.

Après le mémorial et cimetière britannique de la Première Guerre Mondiale d'Etaples en avril, 12 stèles ont été brisées à coups de pieds dans le cimetière britannique du Quesnel (Somme) entre le 22 et le 29 juillet, 45 pierres tombales ont été brisées au cimetière du Commonwealth de Saint-Aubert (Nord) et le registre des visiteurs volé pendant la nuit du 27 au 28 juillet et 15 ont été vandalisées au cimetière britannique d'Aix-Noulette (Pas-de-Calais) mercredi dernier.

Mais ce ne sont là que coïncidences, il n'y a rien à craindre du tout pour la mémoire des soldats Alliés car ils sont particulièrement respectés et honorés dans le coin et le dissident frogman n'est qu'un agitateur paranoïde.

En conséquence, le dissident frogman gardera sa bouche et son esprit clôt sur cette question.

Mais continuera d'honorer la mémoire de Joe et Tommy quoi qu'il en soit.

Et être à l'affût de toute trace d'atteinte contre elle, comme un paranoïaque.



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the dissident frogman

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (7)

522 - Demosthenes

Comment author avatar aren't deluded or irrational. We need more people like you.

523 - Fred

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Non , nous ne sommes pas paranos mais quand les ricains , britaniques et autres netionalites demanderont au GVt Français la restitution des corps a la demande des familles , la fini la parano -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No , we don't are paranoids , but when the ricains and british and others nationalities , request their soldiers the problem is resolved.....

524 - Carine

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Last March, a week or so after the beginning of the war in Iraq, I went to the Suresnes American military cemetery. I had the unpleasant "surprise", when I opened the guestbook to write a few words, to read, in French, this: "Thank you... but for what???" The person who wrote this, only a few days before I came, not only felt the need to go into the cemetery, he also went into the Chapel whose doors are closed (though not locked), just to write this in the guestbook? What is this supposed to mean? I'd like to believe I misunderstood this "message" and I was being paranoid too.

525 - James

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Great site, you aren't paranoid.

526 - gnarf

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merci a gnarf, le dissident en Pologne, pour cet article sur les cimetieres profanes, meme s'il l'a colle en commentaire hors-sujet comme une andouille au lieu d'utiliser le bouton jaune.

527 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

gnarf: Voilà! C'est ça! Je me disais bien que je l'avais lu quelque part... Il faut toujours pousser le bouton jaune. Le rouge, non. Mais le jaune, toujours. Le bleu, ça va aussi. Mais pas le rouge.
Time to take sides

528 - lucyont

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Just found this site and was disturbed to see the report that tombstones in Quesnel had been destroyed. My mother's cousin is buried there. A gunner in the Canadian Machine Gun Corps, he gave his life 08 Aug 1918. How very sad he and the other Allied brave soldiers cannot rest in peace. How ironic tomorrow, November 11th, is Canada's Remembrance Day. Shame on those who would desecrate these boys' graves, graves that are far from their homes and loved ones.