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James, who introduces himself as a dissident frogman from French Louisiana wrote to the other dissident frogman (yep, that would be me):Dear Dissident Frogman:Thanks a lot James. I guess you're right on point when you write "anti-American campaign" since, as usual with Greenhit-or-miss, the climatological swindles - such as the Kyoto treaty fraud - are just used as an ethical screen to push forward the same old deceptions, as we can read on the link you provided:
You may be amused to learn that a French court banned Reporters Without Borders from using the picture of Che Guevara in a campaign to denounce human rights abuses and the lack of press freedom in Cuba:
On the other hand, another French court is allowing Greenpeace to use ExxonMobil subsidiary Esso's image in an anti-American campaign to boycott the oil company accused of being the "number one enemy of the world's climate"
Sincerely, James C., dissident frogman from French Louisiana
News in the right column, for instance:
24/02/2003 Greenpeace obstructs ESSO in Great-Britain and denounce the Bush-Esso alliance in favor of war.(...)And also the central column, bottom of the page:
25/01/2003 George (i.e. W. Bush) and the oil barons on the path of war.
Esso is also the oil company that put the greatest efforts to maintain the United States dependecy on oil. It's to assuage the american economy's thirst for oil and satisfy the oil lobby that George Bush lead an unilateral and immoral war in Iraq.(Emphasis by Greenpiss)
Same old story, same old tricks, same old wear down rhetoric. The little greenmen don't lack any idea in their little inflatable boats: they only need a few ones to hammer out relentlessly, hoping that nobody will notice too loudly that their apocalyptic predictions over decades (remember the "climatic cool off caused by the use of nuclear energy" hardly 30 years ago?) end up being nothing but smoke and mirrors concealing a constant attack against progress.
I guess that makes them, intrinsically, a bunch of vociferating reactionaries.
Anyway, the interesting thing here is the Leftist friendly double standards of the French justice. Not exactly surprising but interesting.
Or, as James put it, amusing.
When the Law varies according to the political considerations of those who apply it, it ceases to exist and leaves its place to arbitrary.
The first step to resist and oppose an arbitrary judicial system and its decisions is civil disobedience.
Therefore, I guess that as far as Che Guevara the mass murderer and his image are concerned, I'm going to disobey.
And the same goes for Marx the deceiver.
Guess what? This comes right on point.
Make a beeline for the dissident frogman's Propaganda Bureau and learn why.
Comments thread (22)
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Chris Edwards
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the dissident frogman France
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507 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France
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509 - the dissident frogman
the dissident frogman France