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Big time international policy analyst Laurent Murawiec has a Small Dictionary of Middle-East Stereotypes on Metula News Agency.Alphabetical order oblige, the first entry reads:
AFP (the French semi-official news agency): A press agency in charge of the Palestinian Authority's external propaganda. (See also Reuters).Yeah, in training just like anywhere else, bounding is so important. I just knew I picked the right outfit for the lesson.
The rest of Murawiec's Dictionary is in the same vein. You might want to keep that for future reference.
Comments thread (4)
2419 - DaToad
DaToad Glendale, AZ, USA
Not only is Laurent Murawiec's dictionary worth keeping, his other essays are well worth reading as well.
2426 - Revchuck
J'ai lu les deux versions - la version française était meilleure. 8-)
2435 - 2hotel9
2hotel9 Western Pennsylvania
It is always nice to have the proper terms and definitions close at hand. Thanks for the link!
2442 - Killgore Trout
Killgore Trout
You should register over at LGF. We'd love to have you.