the dissident frogman

20 years and 9 months ago

Frogmanization ♠ Frogmanisation

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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I am still in London, insanely busy creating wealth and therefore demonstrating how Marx was wrong.

Although the current outrage over certain events in a certain Iraqi prison is setting me to ballistic mode a bit more every day (and I mean of course the genuine outrage - I have no concern at all for the barkers who would like us to believe that they care for the Iraqis jailed by the Coalition in 2004 while we still remember how little they did for those who were by Saddam up until 2003), I know I don't have enough time to dedicate to that issue right now with all the attention it deserve. However, I'll get to it eventually, particularly since it relates to Joe (the charges against Tommy, to the extend of my knowledge, seems to be nothing more than a setup. But it actually makes little difference, even if it's not).

On the other hand, gossip and casual issues require less time, and I'm therefore pleased to invite you to dive in London again as I'm telling you about my camera and the process of frogmanization, that I would describe as sexy but not sexual, despite my blathering about babes and capital A.

Article copy (alternate language)

Je suis toujours à Londres, occupé comme un dingue à créer des richesses et démontrer en conséquence combien Marx avait tort.

Bien que l'outrage actuel autour de certains évènements dans une certaine prison irakienne ne me place en mode balistique un peu plus chaque jour (et je pense bien entendu à celui qui est sincère - Je n'ai aucune considération pour tous les aboyeurs qui voudraient nous faire croire qu'ils se soucient des irakiens emprisonnés par la Coalition en 2004 alors que nous nous souvenons encore combien ils se foutaient de ceux qui l'étaient par Saddam jusqu'en 2003), je sais n'avoir pas suffisamment de temps à dédier à ce sujet pour l'instant, avec tout l'attention qu'il mérite. Cependant j'y viendrais finalement, particulièrement puisqu'il est lié à Joe (les accusations contre Tommy, pour autant que je sache, semblent n'être guère plus que calomnieuses. Mais cela ne ferait malgré tout que peu de différence, même si elles ne l'étaient point).

D'un autre côté, les racontars et les sujets relax demandent moins de temps, je suis donc fort aise de vous inviter à plonger dans Londres une fois de plus où je vous parle de mon appareil photo et du procédé de frogmanization, que je décrirais comme sexy mais pas sexuel, en dépit de mes bêtises au sujet de meufs et de A majuscule.



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the dissident frogman

I own, built and run this place. In a previous life I was not French but sadly, I died.


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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (2)

1394 - Maryse

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Dear DF, I first want to thank you for your blog. Discovering it about a year ago changed my life; having had the privilege of living in the United States for three years between 1989 and 1992, I share every bit of your love for this great country and I did feel homesick and isolated here in France. Today I want to express my sympathy and my gratefulness for the American armed forces. I claim to know the American spirit pretty well and I find those allegations of torture difficult to believe. I will mot deny that there may have been a few cases of misconduct but to call them "torture"? The whole thing seems so un-American... On the other hand, we must not forget who the accusers are: leftist organizations and prisoners who themselves are terrorists and former torturers. So who are we going to believe? I know there are alleged pictures, but everybody knows they are so easy to forge. And we must not forget the barbary and the atrocities the soldiers of the coalition have witnessed since their arrival in Irak; we can only imagine what they have endured and it is no wonder some may have overreacted. Anyway, I have no doubt that, if I were to be "mistreated" in a prison, I would much rather be in an American one than in an Iraqui one under Saddam...

1395 - Mike

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Been reading this blog for awhile, tho this is my first post. As far as the treatment of the prisoners goes, on the one hand I'm outraged at the treatment, but on the other you have to consider the fact that these are prisoners in every sense of the word. Considering the fact that the ratio of guards to prisoners is insanely in favor of the prisoners, it's hard to fault the guards for trying to maintain control at all costs. How this is exactly accomplished is up to some debate. I'm not in favor of the sexual degradation that has occurred, but the use of force is probably something that is necessary. Reading the story of how two prison guards were supposed to oversee some 500+ prisoners is really rather frightening. There's only so many bullets you can fire, rubber or otherwise, before the situation totally gets out of hand. There are many detractors of the soldiers, but imagine for a moment that you were in their shoes: what would you do? And I totally agree with the point that these same "outraged" people totally ignore the fact that Saddam's regime was absolutely brutal in regards to both their prisoners and their so-called citizens. Just my two cents.