the dissident frogman

20 years and 8 months ago

Time Travel ♠ Voyage Temporel

the dissident frogman

Necrothreading much?

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Quote of the evening:
" France is living in Britain's medieval age. »

(Dr M.P. discussing with the dissident frogman at the Oxford and Cambridge Club, during the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Baroness Thatcher's election as Prime Minister.)
Yeah, I'm a bit of a poseur here but surely, you need to know the context, right?

And you have to admit it's an excellent summary of the situation.


A few pictures of the evening. As usual, a larger version is one click away from the thumbnail.

The Adam Smith Institute, who masterfully hosted the event, has more picture, and so has Samizdata.

Lots of people were there to pay homage to Baroness Thatcher.

Lord Parkinson, Trade minister in Margaret Thatcher's first government, to whom I had the pleasure to be introduced.
Now that gave me the somewhat unique opportunity to hear one of the very few statesmen who argue for a smaller state, point at civil servants as the main force opposing it, and telling me that with first hand knowledge of the problem - and what's even more important: while being one of the very few who did succeed in defeating them.

Last time I looked, there were more than 6 millions of civil servants in France. That's 27% of the active population - no matter how I feel about tagging them as "active" - that is actually consuming wealth instead of creating it, and locking the system from top to bottom in order to keep feeding on it.

Putting that monster down while staying in the democratic course of action like Thatcher's government did, seems less likely everyday.

Article copy (alternate language)

Citation de la soirée :
" La France vit au Moyen Age de l'Angleterre. »

(Dr M.P. discutant avec le dissident frogman au Club d'Oxford et Cambridge, durant la célébration du 25ème anniversaire de l'élection de la Baronne Thatcher au poste de Premier Ministre.)
Ouais, je suis un peu poseur là mais vous devez être informé du contexte, pas vrai?

Et force est d'admettre que c'est un excellent résumé de la situation.


Quelques photos de la soirée. Comme toujours, une version plus grande n'est qu'à un click de la miniature.

L'Adam Smith Institute, qui a magistralement organisé l'évènement a plus de photos, et il en va de même pour Samizdata.

Later in the evening, the density of the population declined. Sort of.

The British are allegedly famous - among other things - for their, err, surprising taste in the color of their ties, including but not limited to, bright pink.
Well, I'm not British, so any color will do as far as it's black (okay, I'll tolerate dark grey for a change)



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the dissident frogman

I own, built and run this place. In a previous life I was not French but sadly, I died.


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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

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The Wise knows that Cities are but demonic Soul-tearing pits that shall not be entered.

Comments thread (8)

1386 - erwan

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what were his arguments exactly, was he on about the CAP or something else?

1387 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Erwan, That was more a quip than a point being made, really. But the ongoing conversation was about his first hand experience on how a certain well known French state run company is doing business as if the last thing it was looking for was to have clients, and make it easy and straightforward for them to... pay their bill. Which does ring a bell as far as I'm concerned. I mean, tons of bells in fact.
Time to take sides

1388 - Nico

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Avez vous croisé beaucoup d'autres citoyens Français à cette réunion qui semblait fort sympathique ? Have you met others French citizens at this event ? Sorry for the short translation, I have not enough vocabulary to translate everything :p

1389 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Nico, Aucun qu'il m'ait été donné de rencontrer. Cela dit, c'était sur invitation uniquement, et du ressort de l'Adam Smith Institute: je n'ai tout simplement aucune idée concernant la question de savoir si, outre moi même, des français figurent sur leurs listes. C'est très possible cependant, si l'on considère que la communauté de français qui ont fui les Pillards de la République est prétendument assez importante sur Londres ('prétendument' car je ne sais cela que par ouï dire). None that I'm aware of. But then it was by invitation only, so it goes back to the Adam Smith Institute: I just don't know if besides me there are French citizens in their guest lists. It's very possible though, considering that the French community that escaped the Raiders of the Lost Republic is allegedly fairly important in London ('allegedly' because I haven't been around the said community to tell)
Time to take sides

1390 - Valerie, Texas

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Except for the charming pary-hat, very fine plumage you are displaying for this gala event. Do I detect one or two murderous glances being cast the frogman's way? Hey, fellas, open competition is what it is all about. Or didn't they pay heed to the Iron Lady?

1391 - Mitch

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Frogman, you're holding out on us. Perry de Havilland showed us quite convincingly that the most exquisite babes are now on the libertarian/right side. Are you going to try to convince us that you left them alone, you reprobate? Strictly business, eh?

1392 - the dissident frogman

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  • the dissident frogman France

Valerie, Are you telling me you don't think a copper hat is appropriate to honor the Iron Lady? We ain't made of wood ya know, we man of Steel, ah! No murderous stance or bitter aggressiveness no. Fair play is what Britain is about I imagine, and envious duplicity is to be found exactly on the other side of the Channel. Mitch, I'm not holding out on you. I'm just being as territorial as any reasonably, err, testosteroned male in presence of a) lots of appealing females, b) other competitors and c) a fair amount of chance to beat the said competition and pile up dates and phone numbers. Okay, from your point of view, I understand it may look the same, but I'm not going to give away my carefully crafted seducing techniques, even when they include, as Valerie noted, copper helmets and designer suits. Perry may well take risks, I'm keeping my tricks.
Time to take sides

1393 - Nightfly

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MDF: Sweet chapeau. I keep expecting a picture of Robert DeNiro popping in to yell at you. But it does go with the tie.